
The Royal Queen

Marlene was a forensic doctor who lost her life in an explosion but was transmigrated into a different world with a different timeline where she became Yang Yiting. Here she met a powerful warrior prince who set her on the path of becoming a great empress.

Blazing_Sun · 奇幻言情
314 Chs

Great Days Ahead

Lu Zhu heard what Yang Ruo said, and heard the comments of the people around her, her face flushed with anger, and she glared at Yang Ruo.

Yang Yiting just smiled indifferently, and said loudly. "Fortunately, I'm not you, so I won't do this. I am not at fault for being disfigured, or having problems with men. Why should I be wronged for the mistakes made by others? What about yourself? Isn't it the people who made mistakes that should repent?"

She looked at Yang Ruo with piercing eyes. 

Facing the sharp eyes, Yang Ruo felt a little flustered, as if the secret she had carefully hidden had been discovered by her sister. She remembered Yang Yiting, who had been so timid in front of her before, would be begging her for mercy. But now, she looked different. Why?

She took a few steps forward in anger, raising her hand, she tried to fan her face. This was her usual action to intimidate the former Yang Yiting. Every time Yang Yiting saw her raised her hand, she either lowered her head to beg for mercy or shed tears to appear pitiful. But now Yang Yiting was no longer what she used to be.

Yang Ruo's slap in the face at every turn was really undesirable! Yang Yiting thought to herself. She grabbed the hand raised by Yang Ruo, her eyes turned cold, and she said slowly. "Sister, with your current physical condition, I think it's better for you not to stress yourself. You should stay quietly at home."

Upon hearing this, Yang Ruo's face changed slightly, did she know that she was pregnant?

"What's the matter?" At this moment, a male voice came, and he walked into a man in a purple brocade robe, with a long body and a handsome face.

It was Wang Yun, the son of Wang Rong, the sister of the emperor. 

Wang Yun stared at Yang Yiting gloomily, grabbed Yang Ruo's hand, and asked aloud. "Are you alright?"

When Yang Ruo saw who the person was, she pitifully yelled. "Wang Yun, you are here. Save me!" 

After all, she wanted to break free of Yang Yiting's control, but couldn't do so. Hence, she said to Wang Yun anxiously.

Wang Yun frowned and said to Yang Yiting. "Miss Yang, what are you doing? As the eldest sister, how can you let your action with your sister go this far?"

Yang Yiting smiled, and whispered in Yang Ruo's ear. "If you want to marry into the royal family smoothly, I suggest you settle down quietly before your marriage."

After speaking, she let go of Yang Ruo's wrist. She smiled at Wang Yun, and said. "Nothing to worry about. Ruo was just being troublesome. And I, the older sister, was giving her some advice so that she'll understand things better. Sister, don't you think so?"

Yang Ruo glared at Yang Yiting unwillingly, walked to Wang Yun's side, pulled his sleeves and said, "My dear, let's go."

If she was unmarried but became pregnant, her reputation would be ruined. Well, let alone marrying into the royal family, maybe she really would spend her lifetime in the monastery. Therefore, she had to accept this embarrassment today. But sooner or later, she would get back at her stupid sister. Yang Ruo thought viciously in her heart.

Wang Yun was stunned by Yang Yiting's smile, and when he recovered, Yang Ruo was already dragging him away.

Opposite Yang Yiting inside a restaurant, two men were seating by the windows in the upstairs, watching the scenery below. They had the same abundant elegance of handsomeness and extraordinaire.

The man in the white shirt raised nice eyebrows, took a sip from the tea cup in his hand, and said jokingly, "A-Yuan, is this your so-called stupid, timid and incompetent future wife? I don't see all these in her. The rumors about her are becoming less and less credible."

The man on the other side called "A-Yuan" was not sitting on a chair, but a wheelchair. He was dressed in a black garment, which made his face pale and cold. Although sitting in a wheelchair, the aura on his body was a bit more aggressive than the white-clothed man opposite him.

He opened his lips lightly, and said coldly. "Well, it seems that the strength of Woyun Villa is not as good as before. If Yun Zhuang is alive today, he will surely die seeing the condition of the Woyun mansion."

The man in white was Yun Yi, the current owner of the mysterious Woyun Villa in Mystic Alley.

As he listened to the man opposite, his face changed slightly and he shouted to him. "Meng Yuan, ...how pathetic are you? Your mouth is getting more and more poisonous. You wait and see. I'll go and tell your future wife everything about you. All your secrets. Then, you'll see the strength of my Woyun Villa."

"You better leave her alone." The man in black robe, named Meng Yuan, gave Yun Yi a warning look of "Don't worry about meddling in my affairs" and whispered, "Chang Dong."

A gust of wind blew, and in the blink of an eye, a boy of average built was standing expressionless behind Meng Yuan, silent like a shadow.

"Let's go." 

As soon as Meng Yuan's voice sounded, Chang Dong pushed his wheelchair away, and didn't even look at Yun Yi who was drinking tea together with his master just now.

Yun Yi was no stranger to the way he got along with this master and servant. He touched his chin, looked at the back of Meng Yuan's departure, and looked at Yang Yiting, who was walking away slowly downstairs, and smiled deeply.

The future wife of Meng Yuan seemed not to be a simple lady. It seemed the days ahead would definitely not be as dull and boring as they were now.

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