
Chapter 40: Approaching demise of Pangaea

The Roamer

Chapter 40: Approaching demise of Pangaea

After climbing up the mountain on which the castle was located, Aeolus saw it in front of him. A huge castle, probably half the size of the city, just lying there. It seemed empty on the outside, but if you looked through the windows, there were people drinking, sleeping, and guards.

'So this is the source of all corruption?' Aeolus thought to himself, looking at the origins of it all. This was where the history of Pangaea began, with the construction of this castle.

"It'll also be the location of the finale for Pangaea." Aeolus said, courage flowing from his voice into the air. He sensed out his undead, and ten of them had came back to him from dropping in battle. However, the majority of them were still alive and fighting, so Aeolus was still good.

"Let's end this." Aeolus said, and began weaving all the string he had on him. He laid a string arena outside of the castle, set down many traps to his liking, and more. Basically, he created the ideal fighting environment for himself. The string arena was starting to take the shape of a tornado more and more every time he looked at it, which pleased him.

'Dasline is out for now since she fought Carnel, and will probably not regenerate for at least another thirty minutes…' Aeolus said in his mind, trying to think up the perfect plan. In the original plan, Dasline would handle both Carnel and the army with her disguises and illusion, but now that she wasn't in a functioning state right now, he had to think up something else.

'It seems like I have no choice but to use my undead as cannon fodder…' Aeolus decided, and took out all the undead he had on him.

"All of you, raid that castle. Scout it for me." Aeolus muttered, and all of them moved into action. It was likely that they would all fail and be killed, but at the very least, he might get a brief understanding of the opponents power, and the insides of the castle. As expected, Aeolus could hear a bunch of screaming from within after a minute.

Right after that, all of his undead within the castle died, he could sense it. Aeolus began paling, because he could feel an extreme aura oozing out of the castle. Whoever was inside, he was not his opponent.

"It's a whole other thing when I have my undead with me, but they're all gone. For this battle, I'll have to just rely on myself." Aeolus said to himself, trying to instill courage into his body and soul. However, his legs kept shaking no matter how much he tried encouraging himself.

He could bring back all of his undead fighting the armies of different cities, but then the commanders and armies of those cities were likely to come here to protect the royal family, making the situation even worse for Aeolus. For that reason, he had to somehow find a way to survive by himself.


The gate at the front of the castle opened with a simple shove from some man who seemed to be in his thirties, but it still sounded so extreme. Just the fact that he could make that sound just by shoving a gate showed how strong he was. However, Aeolus refused to back down, he couldn't now that he had came so far.

"Right now, it's all or nothing!" Aeolus roared, and rushed at the man in his thirties. However, it was all for naught. With a flick of his hand, all the string Aeolus had set up turned into nothing, and most of the string arena was destroyed. The man extended his hand out towards Aeolus, and pulled him in using some sort of force.

"Brat, you're not leaving here alive." Said the man in his thirties, and Aeolus realized what was on his head. It was something gold and shiny, something that at least one person in every royal family possessed.

'The king?!' Aeolus realized, while shocked at the truth. In all of the other cities of Pangaea, it was the commander who was the strongest, not the actual person in charge. Aeolus had assumed the same thing for the capital of Pangaea, and thought that Toronto would be his final challenge.

However, this city was definitely not like the others of Pangaea.

The king was holding Aeolus by his neck, and smashed him into the ground. Aeolus immediately coughed up some blood, while the king simply seemed lost in anger. Aeolus realized that he might have killed someone close to the king, and regretted making such a rash decision.

'Him being in an angry state like this doesn't help me in the least.' Aeolus thought to himself, and tried maneuvering around the king's arm. However, the king looked Aeolus dead in the eyes, and Aeolus couldn't move anymore.

"Though Pangaea isn't much to other landmasses, no matter which landmass you're on, a king is not to be underestimated." the king said, and Aeolus realized his mistake. He automatically assumed that a weak landmass was the equivalent of having weak people, but this definitely wasn't the case. From all of the commanders, to the people fighting in the underground arenas, the armies, and now, the royal family, everybody was strong.

'This plan was doomed to fail from the beginning…' Aeolus thought to himself, and began closing his eyes. He didn't want to deal with this anymore, and he accepted his loss for a bit there. However, his eyes immediately opened up once again.

"If even I, one who has experienced slavery just like the people of this land, doesn't stand up and fight, then who will?!" Aeolus said, and shocked the king just a little. This slight moment went into Aeolus' eyes, and he realized that the guard of the king had went down for the slightest moment.


Aeolus used this moment, and pierced the king's arm which was holding Aeolus. The king yelled in frustrated pain, while Aeolus dropped down from his grasp. Aeolus didn't bother getting back up, and crawled through the king's legs. However, he realized something at this time.

'All my undead stalling the other cities… many of them are falling!' Aeolus thought to himself, and realized that time was running out. If he didn't finish this now, he would have to waste even more time on Pangaea. Somehow, someway, he had to bring down this king in the next few minutes.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Aeolus turned around to look at the king. The king had to die soon, or things would get too complicated later on to kill the king. He ran straight at the king, or so the king thought.

'Thanks very much, Dasline!' Aeolus thanked within his mind, knowing that Dasline had just pulled off something humongous for him. Even though she was still in his mid-layer, she created an illusion which made it look as if he was rushing at the king, when in reality, he was in the sky.

'I have to use this opportunity to get in a fatal attack!' Aeolus thought to himself, willing his body to move even faster, for the wind to take him to his destination faster. He had the string in his hand, and began setting it up, his ultimate attack. After a second had passed, the string arena was fully set up.

"Die" Aeolus said, not even having the power to scream. All the events that had happened in Pangaea to Aeolus were tiring, and he wanted to finish this up already. However, things didn't turn out as easily as he thought it would.


Even though the illusion was still there, the king somehow sensed the incoming string arena. He sent himself flying into the sky, while Aeolus was exasperated at the sight. Still, he gave chase, as he realized only Kline and a couple of others were still up and stalling.

"Cease, you damned brat!" the king bellowed, and some sort of air waves came out of his hand. Aeolus tried to dodge them, but one of them nicked his shoulder, and bleeding began. However, it wasn't much to Aeolus, who had survived much, much worse. He used up all of Dasline's power, and appeared behind the king while setting up the illusion that Aeolus was falling.

This time, thanks to Aeolus not setting up something as mighty as string arena, the king didn't notice. Aeolus simply shot out a single string, but this string was enough to end it all.

"Gahhhhh!"the king screamed, clearly in pain. Aeolus had tied up the king first, and then pierced him with another, right in the location where a man should never be pierced. The king was throwing an extreme fit, one that Aeolus was not sure he would survive. However, he knew it was time to go.

'I'm sorry… master…' Aeolus hear Kline within his mid-layer, and realized that all of his undead were back. Now that there was nobody stalling for him, he had to get out of here. Aeolus began fleeing, but a face he didn't expect to see popped out.

"Why hello there, Aeolus!" the young prince of the nation said, and Aeolus felt an ugly look slowly climbing up his face. For it was the man who had frightened him at the tournament who stood before him, the one that sent Aeolus a weird message, the one that caused much confusion to Aeolus himself.

It was Lexor, with the same devilish grin he always held on him.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

If we can hit 5,000 views by the time the novel reaches 50 chapters on royalroad.com, maybe we can expect a reward of extra chapters from me? >.>

(Not necessary, please don't feel pressured)

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts