
Chapter 26: Undead formation

The Roamer

Chapter 26: Undead formation

"Now that I've formed my second layer, It's time I get a move on." Aeolus said, and began to float. However, his uncle reached out towards him.

"Wait, where are you going?!" he said, confused at what Aeolus was going to do now. He always left and came without warnings, so he barely had any time to actually interact with him. Thankfully, he actually caught him before he flew off this time, so that's something.

"I'm going to get at least two more undead comrades, to prepare for the breakout of your wife." Aeolus said calmly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. However, the uncle was having an emotional breakdown. Sure, he wanted to break his wife out of such a life. On the other hand, he didn't want to risk the life of Aeolus, who in the end, was still just a kid.

"Don't worry about it uncle, I'll be fine. It's your wife that you should be more worried about." Aeolus said, while flashing a smile in the direction of the uncle. On the other hand, he was not nearly as calm in his mind. He knew one of the comrades he wanted to get for the undead elites, but didn't know the other.

'First, I'll go get the one who sent me to hell.' Aeolus said in his mind, while showing a supreme grin on his face. There was an old slave who also had the same origins as him, and it was about time he paid him a visit to pay him back for everything he did. First, he sent him flying back to the town, and he also sent him to hell. Although, he was a bit thankful for the hell part.

"According to my string, he's to the east. I'll be heading out now uncle, take care." Aeolus said, while soaring into the sky. He then began to fly in the direction of the string, while acknowledging all the advantages of the slave he was about to make an undead comrade.

He definitely had some strange affinity or attack to be able to release an attack sending a person to hell. With that thought in mind, Aeolus knew that the other slave escapee was special, and that he would be a valuable asset to his small, elite army in the future. He had a goal in his mind, one where each and every single comrade in his army was able to take down a city themselves.

'Sooner or later, this dream will become a reality once I reach the very top.' Aeolus said in his mind, but worry immediately clouded his mind. He remembered something from when he developed his second layer, and was extremely worried about the goddess. Humanity clearly wouldn't be his final challenge, and from the way she worded things, there would be some sort of war with the gods later on for him. That is, if he survived until then.

"I'll live until then, no matter what." Aeolus said to himself, instilling conviction into the deepest part of his body. He was dedicated to becoming the strongest, all while saving the villagers that he shared memories with.

After thinking about all of that, he had finally reached the location where the string was located. He saw a big city, and was still impressed by its size. It was his first city he had seen, so of course he would be impressed. Along with that, it was the location where he began his journey to hell.

'I'll need to pay a visit to hell again, I bet there's more to it then what I saw.' Aeolus thought in his mind, while walking through the city gates. He remembered he had fought on top of a floating platform, so he took to the sky. As expected, there was a floating platform up here, with the same old slave escapee just sleeping there.

"Seems like it's his home as well, as if he's some sort of guardian." Aeolus said, while remembering all the bad things that this slave escapee has done to him. Some rage bubbled up within him, but surprisingly, he felt as if he was more grateful for this person then hateful.

'Of course I would have emotions like that, it was all because of him that I had become so powerful with string.' Aeolus said within his mind, and flew towards the floating platform. He landed, and walked toward the sleeping slave. He had hidden his aura, so a mere fourth layer would definitely not be able to identify him.

"Hmm, you've formed your sixth layer?" Aeolus said, while inspecting the power of the former slave. Indeed, he definitely seemed much stronger than before. Aeolus was pleased with that, as it wouldn't take as long to get him to the his level now.

Aeolus stabbed his head with his hand, and pulled it out. He was thoroughly dead, with his eyes wide open.

'Poor guy, woke up while he was dying.' Aeolus said, pitying the poor slave. He then began the process of bringing him back from endless death, and after a couple of minutes, it was successful. The body stood up, and kneeled in front of Aeolus.

"Master, what do you wish of me?" the body said, while Aeolus was beginning to giggle to himself. He sure can do some crazy things with this affinity of death. He then absorbed the body into the dark mist within his soul, and soared towards another, very specific location.

--- sequence 2 ----

He was heading to the old ghost town that he had visited two years ago, before he went to Hell. He wanted to capture the owner of the very manor bringing devastation to the people within the town. Anger began to bubble up in Aeolus, but he was being extremely calm about the situation, so he wasn't that angry.

'I'm just going to take everything out of the manor, all life will be decimated.' Aeolus said calmly in his mind, as if this was common sense. In reality, he was taking a dark turn in life, and he wasn't realizing it. Before, he would probably just tell them to stop doing it, while sparing their lives. These days, he never even considered peace, and would immediately begin ripping heads off.

After flying for about half an hour, he finally left the desert and was back to the green, lush lands. He looked left and right, and saw towering mountains, while seeing towns far, far off. Aeolus smiled to himself, because this land is where he originated from, or so he thought.

He saw the town that he was heading for, and frowned. Everytime he came back, it really did get worse. At this point in time, there weren't even buildings anymore, but just rubble. He saw so many bodies on the ground, that he didn't know whether to laugh out of insanity or go cry in a pit. Rage began bubbling up in him, even though he had soothed it before.

He saw the lit up manor, and could see many shadows within the windows. It was currently night time, and it was lit up like a candle in the middle of a dark room. Meanwhile, everything outside of the manor was rotting and dying, like the people lying on the ground who weren't breathing.

Before going into the manor, Aeolus grieved for all the dead people, and even buried some. Along with that, he also found some bodies that had breathing going in them, so he immediately restored life in them. Essentially, he was tidying up the town.

After about ten minutes of doing so, he finally decided that this manor needed to be eliminated. He soared above the manor, and began setting up a string arena so big that he ran out of string. He summoned his first undead, and took its string as well. Only after using nearly all of it, did he finally form the string arena. It was humongous, it was almost surrounding the whole town.

"Anybody who tries to run out of the manor will immediately be executed." Aeolus said within his mind, while calling out his new undead that he had just got. It was currently at the third layer since it lost half of its power, and it didn't remember any attacks or techniques.

The most use he could make out of it was to give it a weapon, and let it continuously use soul attacks. Thankfully, it was already dead, so there would be no defects to doing such a thing. He sent it in first, as a distraction for the people in the manor. As expected, he heard some attacks being launched in there. Unfortunately for the living, the soldier he sent in was undead, so unless they completely destroyed its body, it would regenerate.

A little after that, he began to see people running out of the manor, and their faces turning dark with horror. He began to giggle a little, as it seemed like his string arena really did scare them. The string immediately shot out, and every person who stepped out died immediately.

After a bit, he realized that the soldier he had sent into the manor was back in the mid-layer. Aeolus, realizing that his soldier had been beaten, wasn't that surprised, and was in fact waiting for it. Besides, it was only at the third layer, who expected it to survive for long? He brought the soldier back out, and descended towards the manor with the two undead.

He landed in front of it, and blasted away the doors. He saw the grand stairs, lobby, and everything else within. He also saw that there were four bodies on the ground, while smirking to himself.

'My new undead comrade did good huh?' Aeolus said in his mind, while vibrating his emotions towards the undead.

"I am forever loyal to you, master." the undead said, without kneeling at this time. Even the undead, who didn't have much of a brain left, still understood that this was a serious situation, and didn't dare to put their guard down.

"It seems we have uninvited guests at the manor." Some man wearing golden robes descended the stairs, and Aeolus knew the final battle for this town was here. He began breathing heavily, because he remembered the power this man had vibrated. However, excitement was also flowing throughout his body, because he knew that this man would be brought down.

"It's about time the people of this town experience freedom." Aeolus said, while sending in both his undead. However, they were both immediately smited, though it was to be expected. Of course they wouldn't survive long, they didn't even have weapons! However, his first undead, surprisingly, didn't completely lose out, and landed some sort of curse on the master.

However, the master of the manor easily brushed it off, literally. He brushed it off his arm, and laid it on the undead. Just like that, its head exploded, and it came back into Aeolus' body. Aeolus immediately retracted all the string that was being used for the massive arena, as he definitely would not survive this battle without a weapon.

"Come at me when you're ready, former slave." the master said, with what Aeolus could swear was a sadistic smile. However, what Aeolus didn't realize was that he also had this smile on his face, and it was beaming even more so then the masters. Both were excited for the battle, as they realized that they might experience a fights that needs them to break the limiters on their body.

"I'm ready to die today!" Aeolus roared, and ran in, inciting the final battle for this town.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

I just realized, that for some reason, webnovel is always a day ahead. For example, even though its may 17, I have to schedule this chapter for may 18 to release today. No wonder my chapter releasing schedule has been messed up :/

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts