
Ayame Redux

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!


At the end of the day, there was really only one correct option here. And the fact that it also meant more Ramen, was just a side benefit, really! Ayame had been the first person to welcome him back to Konoha, and the first Konoha girl that he'd… well, fucked. Maybe his love for her had something to do with Ramen, so sue him, but also… she and her father had been there for him when no one else had for so many years when he was a kid.

Naruto would have called Ayame a big sister, once upon a time. Now though, after what had happened between them? The civilian woman had quite literally taken on him and his clones in a gangbang! Yeah… yeah, it just wasn't right to leave her out of things any longer. He couldn't justify it, not to himself at least.

And so, the next morning, Naruto made his way down to Ichiraku Ramen. Both Ayame and her father were manning the Ramen Shop this time. Unlike the previous time through, when Ayame had become excited at the sight of him, this time the moment she lays eyes on him, the brunette stiffens up and does a one-eighty, disappearing into the back of the shop after throwing some excuse her father's way.

That didn't bode well… eh, he'd rocked Ayame's world, but now that he thought about it, he'd never gone back to check on her the next day like he'd planned, had he? It wasn't like he'd promised to meet up with her again or anything, but in a way, that was worse, wasn't it? He'd left her in quite the lurch, now that he thought about it.

As Naruto comes to a stop at the Ramen Shop's front counter, he can't help but be a little red in the face, embarrassed in himself for his behavior. Jiraiya probably would have made excuses for him if he were here, saying that it just couldn't be helped or something like that. But… as much as Naruto loved his Sensei, he had long accepted that the Perverted Toad Sage had flaws, and he'd resolved to be better than Jiraiya, in all of the areas where the older shinobi was lacking.

"Naruto! I'd heard you were back in town, but for some reason I hadn't seen any trace of you until now! What, you don't like Ramen anymore?"

Teuchi Ichiraku has a big grin on his face, even as Naruto slides into a seat. Letting out a bit of a laugh, the blond rubs a hand through the back of his hair.

"A-Aha, I've just… uh, been busy. I stopped by when I first got back in, but you were out… it was just Ayame here…"

Blinking at that, the aging civilian furrows his brow, glancing back at the door that his daughter had disappeared through with a slight frown.

"Oh? She didn't mention that, how strange… well, can I get you your usual?"

Licking his lips, Naruto nods… before hesitating and wincing.

"Just the one bowl though, thanks."

That causes Teuchi's eyes to open wide in surprise, and the Ramen Cook grunts.

"My, you really are grown up, aren't you Naruto? Crazy what a few years can do to you…"

Naruto just nods quietly, and before he knows it, the bowl of ramen is whipped up and in front of him. He downs it without hesitation, eating quickly and enjoying the way it burns down his throat, in the same way that Tsunade for instance had enjoyed the burn of the sake from the restaurant the other night.

Once he's done, he slams his bowl down, much to Teuchi's amusement as the man raises an eyebrow questioningly and chuckles.

"Sure, you don't want more?"

"I… I'm sure. Actually, need to talk to you about something."


It hits Naruto then, that this is his first time… asking for permission, basically. Or rather, not even permission unless it was considered permission after the fact. But… well, asking for Teuchi's blessing in this felt right. Wasn't like Naruto could necessarily do the same for anyone else, now could he? Except no, that wasn't entirely true.

While he did have several women marrying him that didn't actually have living fathers for him to ask the blessing of, for a variety of reasons, there were a few who still had a father in their life. Maybe it was different because he knew Teuchi? Naruto wasn't sure, but he could worry about such introspection later. Right now, well…

"The Hokage has tasked me with seeing to the rebuilding of the Uzumaki Clan, Teuchi. She's gifted me my very own clan compound, and I'm essentially tasked with… well, with making a new generation of Uzumaki. To that end, I've asked quite a few women to be my wives…"

Teuchi's eyes remain wide, as the Ramen Cook soaks this in, looking at Naruto in bewilderment. But it's not the sort of bewilderment that Naruto might have expected from the civilian, and it quickly becomes apparent that Teuchi isn't entirely out of touch with Ninja Culture and Ninja Life. The man does run a popular Ramen Shop in the middle of Konoha, so it makes sense.

No, rather, Teuchi's bewilderment steps from why Naruto is telling him all of this. He clearly isn't connecting the dots, given how he eventually just shakes his head and chuckles.

"Well now, I suppose some congratulations are in order, Naruto! You're a lucky young man, from the sound of things, heh!"

Right, there was no way that beating around the bush was going to get Naruto anywhere here. He had to be blunt and upfront about it.

"I want to extend an offer of marriage to your daughter, Teuchi."

That causes the aging man to go still. Blinking owlishly, Teuchi Ichiraku stares at Naruto in silence for a long moment, before reaching up and wiggling a finger in one of his ears.

"Come again now?"

Well, at least it's not immediate anger or disgust or disdain, like Naruto figured he would get from most fathers in the village if he broached this subject. Still, he's in too deep to pull out now, isn't he?

"I like your daughter an awful lot, sir. And I want to do right by her. She and I, um… had relations, the other day, when I got back into town. And… I realize I shouldn't have just left things at that. And I realize I really like Ayame and want her to be happy. So, I'm here, to make things right."

… Maybe this is too much information. No father wants to be told that you fucked his daughter, Naruto is pretty sure. Teuchi certainly looks unsure of what to do or say and seems somewhat faint. He can only hope the man isn't going to have a heart attack or stroke, because this is… well, it's a lot, Naruto is only belatedly realizing after the fact.

Still, after a few moments of silent, Teuchi seems to recover. He's not smiling, but he's also not glaring so Naruto counts that as a win, even as the Ramen Cook slowly shakes his head.

"I… would never presume to tell my daughter what she can and cannot do, Naruto. Such a decision would of course be hers…"

That's an out if Naruto has ever heard one. Before Teuchi can say anything else, the blond shinobi hops the ramen bar and heads into the back of the shop.

"Right then, I'll just go ask her directly! Thank you, sir!"

Teuchi doesn't try to stop him, doesn't so much as say another word, and so Naruto slips on back, hoping that the old man will be fine while he finds Ayame and puts things to right. It wasn't his intention to upset the older girl. It was never his plan, to just hit it and quit it, as his Sensei would unfortunately put it. Naruto wanted more than that, from all of the women who had ended up in his life. And that included Ayame.

Walking through the back of the Ramen Shop, Naruto is rehearsing his apologies and explanations, right up until he hears a familiar feminine whimpering and moaning. Blinking, Naruto picks up the pace a little bit… and turns the corner to see Ayame bent over a crate, fingering herself as she gasps and moans HIS name.

"Naruto… fuck, you big dicked asshole…"

For a moment, just a moment, he is incredibly tempted to just take his dick out, walk up, and slide right into her… but no, he manages to control that impulse, quietly clearing his throat. Ayame freezes up and looks back over her shoulder at him with wide, panic-filled eyes… that relax somewhat when she sees that it's him. She was probably more terrified that it would be her father.

With a panting breath, Ayame pulls her slick wet fingers free of her cunt and turns around, leaning back against the crate to face him in her disheveled state, face bright red and flushed with visible horniness.

"H-Hey, Naruto. What do you want?"

Wincing, Naruto lifts his hands, trying for placating.

"I wanted to apologize for leaving you like I did… and then not coming back until now. I've been rather busy and…"

"Yeah. Heard you got called upon to remake your clan by the Hokage herself. That you've even got a compound. Sounds nice."

Naruto blinks at Ayame's words, spoken in an icy, hurt, clipped tone, wash over him.

"You… you heard about that?"

Her father hadn't, but then, her father was an older man, and Ayame was a young civilian woman. Naruto supposed he shouldn't really be surprised that one had their finger more on the pulse of the going ons in the village than the other. Ayame just shrugs and nods, even as she works her jaw, clearly still upset. Well, if bluntness worked with her dad… maybe it would work with her too?"

"I came to ask you to marry me, Ayame. I want… I want you to be one of my wives."

THAT surprises her. Ayame's eyes widen, and for a moment she looks excited and even hopeful. Then, she shutters her expression, trying to go back to looking as nonchalant, calm, cool, and collected as she can. Of course, she's only a civilian, and he's a trained ninja. More than that, he was trained by Jiraiya, who on top of being the Perverted Toad Sage, was Konoha's Spymaster. Naruto had learned how to read people over the years. Ayame might as well have been an open book to him.

"A-And… how many other wives would I expect to share you with, hm?"

Letting out a sheepish laugh, Naruto rubs his hand through the back of his hair and shrugs.

"Aha, well… quite a few. There's already several, and there will probably be more too, as time goes on. Um… the Hokage, is going to be one of them?"

That new bombshell doesn't just surprise Ayame, it leaves her with her mouth agape in shocked silence. It takes even longer for her to collect herself this time, and she's not even trying to hide her emotional state anymore. Instead, clutching at her dress, the civilian woman looks to the side, eyes clouded, and lips marred with a frown.

"Then… why do you need me? What possible purpose could someone like me serve, in a marriage full of kunoichi?"

Somehow, Naruto didn't think 'Ramen' was an acceptable answer for Ayame at this moment. He knew better than to say that, even if a part of him DID hope that Ayame would bring her father's recipes with her, if she ended up joining his clan. It WAS a worthy contribution in his eyes, at least.

At the moment though, he steps forward, until he's right in front of Ayame. His hands go to her arms, running down them until he can take her own limp hands in his own.

"Ayame… it's really not about that. I don't want you to be my wife because of any use you can offer me. I want you to be my wife because I value you for who you are, not what you might bring to the table. And if you're worried about there not being enough of me to go around… don't be. You, more than most, know that there's MORE than enough of me to go around."

The reference to the way their first sexual encounter had turned into a foursome sends an embarrassed jolt through Ayame, who blushes even harder than before. But she also meets his eyes, and smiles, and the next thing Naruto knows, she's kissing him.

As she wraps her arms around his neck and uses him as an anchor point to leap up and wrap her legs around his waist, Naruto brings his hands down to Ayame's ass, catching her and then lifting her up onto the crate, where she can spread her dangling legs apart and they can keep making out. As their tongues swap spit, Naruto's hands wander all over the place, and after a beat, so do Ayame.

While he's groping her tits, or playing with her pussy, Ayame is reaching around and freeing his cock from its confines, stroking it with both hands as the two of them moan into one another's mouths, continuing to kiss quite insistently.

Were they really going to do this? Fuck back here, this time right under Ayame's father's nose? It seemed somewhat disrespectful, but the other option was to wait until they got back to the clan compound. Naruto wasn't sure-

"I'm sure my daughter of all people knows better than to make a mess in the back that she can't clean up! Especially one that might compromise or contaminate our supplies!"

Teuchi's voice rings out through the small Ramen Shop, causing both Naruto and Ayame to freeze in place. It would seem they'd already been caught. Which… fair, it was a small shop and while Ayame had been fairly quiet when Naruto had first come back here, they hadn't actually been all that quiet while talking. Certainly, not quiet enough to avoid Teuchi's detection, apparently.

Pulling apart, Naruto can see that Ayame is as embarrassed and ashamed as he feels… but also a little excited? Helping her down off of the crate and fixing up his clothing while she smooths down her dress, they glance at each other, before making their way out the back of the shop, into the streets.

Alright so they're not fucking in the back of her dad's shop again, that's fine. But they still had to decide whether they were going to wait until they were all the way back in the clan compound or not. Maybe it was a bit more dangerous, to do it in public, but there was something exciting to that… an excitement that Naruto could tell Ayame shared.

Whatever he chose, he knew she would follow his lead.


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