
The Rise Of The Star Swallowers: A Chronicle

The year is 2065. Earth, once a vibrant blue marble, now bore the scars of a relentless war. Gigantic, mutated beasts, remnants of an alien experiment gone wrong, stalked the ravaged landscape. These monstrous creations, dubbed "Void Eaters," possessed an insatiable hunger, devouring entire cities in their wake. In this desperate struggle for survival, humanity had undergone a drastic transformation.

Sasidhar · 科幻
31 Chs

Chapter 30: Echoes of the Past - A Daring Plan

Days turned into weeks, the celebratory mood slowly replaced by the sober reality of the situation. The Guild, ever pragmatic, focused on repairing their fleet and bolstering their defenses. Luo Feng and Lan, however, remained restless. The restricted access to the Star Alchemist data core gnawed at them, a vital piece missing from the puzzle.

One evening, Captain Darius, the gruff but surprisingly open-minded Guild officer who had initially vouched for them, approached them with a hesitant expression.

"I hear whispers," he said, his voice low. "Whispers about a hidden research facility, a place where the Guild keeps its most classified projects."

Luo Feng's heart pounded with anticipation. Could this be their chance to access the complete data core, away from the prying eyes of the Council?

"What do you know about this facility?" Lan asked, her voice steady.

Darius scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Legends mostly. Talk of a remote space station, heavily guarded, where Guild scientists delve into forbidden knowledge."

"Forbidden knowledge?" Luo Feng raised an eyebrow. "Like the complete Star Alchemist data core?"

A flicker of surprise crossed Darius' face. "Perhaps. But accessing that facility… it's near impossible. High security clearance, biometric scans, the whole shebang."

Undeterred, Luo Feng exchanged a determined glance with Lan. They needed a plan, a daring one that pushed the boundaries but offered a chance to unlock the secrets they desperately sought.

"We have an idea," Lan said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Over the next few days, a carefully constructed plan took shape. It involved utilizing their newfound fame as heroes, a dash of distraction, and a healthy dose of improvisation. They would need to use their piloting skills, their knowledge of the Guild protocols, and perhaps a sprinkle of borrowed equipment "acquired" during their heroics.

The night of the operation arrived, cloaked in the inky blackness of space. Luo Feng and Lan, disguised in borrowed Guild uniforms (courtesy of a "misplaced" laundry delivery), infiltrated the heavily guarded docking bay of the flagship.

Their target – a nondescript shuttle rumored to be used for "special deliveries" to the research facility. Hotwiring the shuttle's controls was a nerve-wracking experience, but with a surge of adrenaline and a silent prayer, the engines sputtered to life.

Docking procedures were a blur of stolen codes and feigned authority. Finally, with a heart-stopping lurch, the shuttle detached from the flagship and hurtled towards the coordinates provided by Captain Darius.

The journey was tense, filled with the constant fear of detection. But Lady Luck seemed to be on their side. They reached the unassuming space station, a stark contrast to the gleaming warships of the Guild fleet.

The real challenge awaited them – infiltrating the facility itself. Using a combination of piloting skills and a well-placed EMP grenade (another "borrowed" item), they created a diversion, plunging a section of the station into temporary darkness.

In the ensuing chaos, Luo Feng and Lan, hearts pounding in their chests, slipped through a maintenance hatch, a gateway into the unknown. The sterile corridors of the research facility echoed with the soft hum of machinery, a stark contrast to the bustling activity of the Guild flagship.

Their objective – the data core storage vault. Bypassing security protocols was a puzzle of its own, a complex web of biometric scanners and retinal recognition systems. But with a combination of ingenuity and a good dose of luck (Lan managed to "borrow" a discarded security guard's ID card), they gained access.

Inside the vault, a single glowing orb pulsed with an otherworldly light – the complete Star Alchemist data core. Relief washed over them, mingled with a healthy dose of trepidation. The knowledge they sought was within their grasp, but could they handle the secrets it held?

As Luo Feng and Lan reached for the data core, a deep, resonating voice echoed through the chamber. A voice that seemed to emanate from the very fabric of reality.

"Welcome, seekers of knowledge. Are you prepared to face the consequences of your actions?"

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