
Four Simultaneous Attacks 2


Explosions sounded in the middle of the Silva family's northern camp.

In that place, one could see long-range attacks flying back and forth constantly, destroying tents and even injuring people nearby.

At the same time, three people were fighting at high intensity in the center of this temporary camp. Two of them were suppressing the last one, using everything they had in an eye-popping battle.


"Die on my feet!" Finally, after deflecting the latest attack from his two enemies, that level 54 Spiritual King tried to attack the level 53 enemy with everything he had.

As he did so, he leaped into the air, spinning twice, until he followed with one of his feet raised, as if it were a fin of a large fish, heading towards his enemy's head.

However, as this man prepared to blow his target's head off, his opponents were not standing still, waiting for him!