
The Rise of Liang: A Xianxia Journey

Liang is a thirteen-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a powerful cultivator and leaving behind his mundane life in a small village. When a group of mysterious black-robed men arrive to recruit new disciples for their sect, Liang sees this as his chance to follow his destiny. Despite protests from his family, Liang sets off on a journey of training and discovery, where he learns to control his qi, harness the elements, and wield a sword. However, with great power comes great danger, and Liang soon finds himself facing rival sects and ancient demons. Will Liang's determination and talent be enough to make him the greatest cultivator of his time?

saif_dine · 奇幻
20 Chs

The Road to Recovery

Liang awoke to the dim light of a small, cramped room. His head throbbed with pain, and his body felt weak and numb. He struggled to sit up, but his muscles refused to obey him.

As he lay there, he began to piece together what had happened. He had been stabbed with a poisoned blade in the forbidden library, and left for dead. But who had done it? And why?

Liang knew that he needed to get answers, but he was too weak to move. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, using his knowledge of qi to try and expel the poison from his body.

Days turned into weeks, and Liang slowly regained his strength. He explored the small room where he had been left to recover, searching for any clues or signs of his attacker.

Finally, he discovered a hidden compartment in the wall, containing a small, ornate box. Inside the box, he found a letter addressed to him in a familiar hand.

It was from Mei, the young woman who had told him about the forbidden library. In the letter, she revealed that she had been part of a secret faction within the sect, dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the elders' hidden agenda.

Mei had discovered that the elders were using forbidden techniques to siphon power from the disciples, in order to fuel their own dark ambitions. She had tried to warn Liang, but had been caught by the elders and forced to flee.

Liang's heart raced with a mixture of fear and excitement. He knew that he had to expose the elders' treachery, and put an end to their evil plans. But he also knew that he couldn't do it alone.

He began to plan his next move, reaching out to other disciples who shared his suspicions and his desire for justice. Together, they formed a small but dedicated group, determined to uncover the truth and restore honor to the sect.

Their journey would not be easy. They faced danger and opposition at every turn, as they delved deeper into the secrets of the sect and uncovered the elders' true intentions.

But Liang was no longer the same naive boy who had first arrived at the sect. He had grown stronger, more skilled, and more determined than ever before. And he knew that he had the power to make a difference, no matter what obstacles lay in his path.