
The Rise of Dark Pokemon

With an indifferent expression Aoki said “If the sun can't reach me, let the darkness wrap me!" With a different perspective lets look at the whole world of Pokemons again.

samrat_bose · 游戏
239 Chs


After a while on the deck, Aoki returned to the boat.

The scenery outside is good, the sea breeze blows down, the whole person can't stand it, at least the mouth will dry.

Going back indoors, I took a bottle of free mineral water and opened it for a few mouthfuls before I successfully relieved some of my dry mouth.

When Aoki was drinking water, a boy with gold-rimmed glasses, looking like Sven, was about 17 or 18 years old and walked up.

Gently push a little gold frame glasses on the bridge of the nose, said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Takuya, Imamura Takuya, is also a Trainer, are you interested in a Pokemon battle?"

Hearing him, Aoki glimpsed and reborn for so long, the first person to come up to ask Pokemon.

Seeing each other's appearance is obviously not a civilian, then at least a member of a small family.

It is still rare for family members to fight against civilians.

To know that Pokemon World, the family concept is still very heavy, especially some emerging families, very invisible to the civilian Trainer, but also forget that themselves began to grow from the civilian Trainer.

If it is those very old and powerful families, it is especially high-cultivation, even if it is treated with the civilian Trainer, there will be no such special contempt.

After all, Mo bulls are poor.

Aoki glanced at him, and the light from the corner of his eye crossed him. He saw two young people in tuxedo standing not far behind him. They put their heads together and pointed at Aoki and the glasses youth in front of him. Look at the appearance of the play.

"Sorry, there is no interest at the moment." Aoki drank another mineral water again, and after a faint sentence, he passed him straight back.

He is not here to accompany the little child to play with his family.

Aoki's words directly put him in the same place.

As a family member, fighting a civilian Trainer, in his opinion is already a very face-to-face thing, if the Normal civilian Trainer should not immediately nodded the waist to agree?

Isn't this the practice that civilian trainers should have?

As Aoki walked through the two people who were preparing to sneer at the show, they also saw the stiff expression on their faces.

The corner of the mouth is slightly raised, but it is a few dudes. I really thought that I had a few Pokemons. If I just lost a little resource, I felt that I was very difficult to deal with?

"Wait a minute, play a Pokemon battle with me, whether you win or lose, you will be a good one." Takuya, who was reacted by Aoki's refusal, immediately ran up and pulled Aoki's clothes, loudly said, before Sven. The pattern disappears instantly.

Because of his big tricks, he attracted the attention of others, and gradually people came around.

Aoki slammed the man's hand from his own clothes and turned to look at him with a proud face, indifferently said, "Okay, I won, I want a Flamethrower TM."

The direct opening is the Flamethrower TM, which is worth a few hundred thousand. The crowds around are also scared to hear Aoki.

You know, even if people on SS Anne are more or less a little bit of money, but something worth hundreds of thousands is not available to anyone.

Aoki's daylight robbery will suddenly shake the front of the village, and he is a little bit of money, but it is not a lot of money.

However, at this time, he could not refuse at all. After all, the good thing was raised by himself. The other party only said the requirements for the benefits.

Originally, he just wanted to show his two companions about his recent purchase of Pokemon. The meaning of showing off is relatively large. Just look for a civilian Trainer and show them to them after winning.

I didn't expect it to be rejected by Aoki from the beginning. Isn't he the face of the family Trainer gone? It is estimated that the two bastards will be laughed at for a few weeks, and they were rejected by a civilian Trainer.

So he ran up the first time, stopped Aoki, and promised Aoki that there are a lot of rewards for winning or losing. In his opinion, it's a big deal to spend tens of thousands of Union coins, even if the civilian Trainer's urine is inevitable. It will be to be wild with joy, but Aoki does not play cards at all.

Zhang mouth comes to Flamethrower TM.

This TM does not, but he listened to his father mentioned, at least **hundred thousand Union coins, and there is no price.

After all is a more difficult to burn, the value is of course higher.

Now that the people around him are getting more and more, he already has some if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, and he wants to agree, but he can't get the Metal of Flamethrower, even if it is not enough money.

There were more and more people who saw soft whispers around them, and he was overwhelmed by the fact that he wanted to show his limelight.

Suddenly, he thought of a coup, you don't want Flamethrower TM? I will let you pay the price you can't afford, so that he will always give up automatically, and then he will be free.

"Then if I win, I want your Slowpoke." Before he looked at Aoki's dress roughly, not at all was particularly concerned about Slowpoke around Aoki.

Slowpoke that's all, this dull Pokemon, he disdains, this Trainer using Slowpoke, can be strong.

Just looking closer now, he found that the color of this Slowpoke is different from the Slowpoke he usually sees.

In an instant, there are many possibilities in the brain, and finally settled on one, different color Pokemon? Also called Shiny Pokémon.

He couldn't imagine that a civilian Trainer could actually own Shiny Pokémon.

At this time, the special meaning of the rejection, and the price of a bite of Aoki lost is Slowpoke.

If, if you can really grab this Slowpoke, then no one in your friends will compare with yourself. In the future, you will be Shiny Pokémon.

As for the Slowpoke, which was originally dull in his mind, he was already thrown into the topmost clouds.

If you can have a Shiny Pokémon, even if it is a display.

The people around him also put their eyes on the side of Aoki's Slowpoke.

"This is just Shiny Slowpoke?"

"This… seems to be really Shiny Slowpoke, and this boy's luck is too good."

"Unfortunately, did you not see the family, are you eyeing this Pokemon?"

"The color of Shiny Slowpoke is similar to the color of other Slowpokes. If it is not reminded, I have not seen it."

"What is Slowpoke?"


The whispering voice around him reached Aoki's ear, causing his brow to wrinkle.

The color of Slowpoke is pink, but because of the more nutritious food, the blood of the red blood vessels under the skin is brighter. It is not easy to be recognized without careful reading, but it is reminded by this village Takuya that many people are eyeing. Slowpoke.

Nowadays, not only is this village in front of it, but many people who have come around have exposed the expression of greed.


If you look at the coffin, you can't figure out the difference. Is there a monthly ticket reward?