
Сhapter 29

Time moved inexorably forward, blurring into an endless series of the same type of days filled with training and classes at the academy. At some point, I even stopped feeling the passage of time, focusing on time only due to the need to attend the academy, the lessons in which were somewhat different from day to day. Otherwise, my schedule became too uniform and stable, which is why my days were not much different from each other… And even though sometimes I thought that this was not very good, but I did not see a way out of this situation.

Even arranging a weekend for myself, I could not escape from the cycle of events that had already dragged me out. There was really not much entertainment in this world, and in my case they could be said not to exist at all. I just couldn't occupy my free time with anything, which is why I tried to focus as much as possible on my own training and training… Because of this, it turned out that my whole life is a shinobi academy, training, and solving everyday issues.

It's kind of gray, but it didn't bother me much. I got used to it corny, and my own success in training and in classes at the academy distracted me quite a lot from the dullness of my everyday life… Yes, I really grew quite quickly in skills, and not only in them. My body was also gradually maturing, and proper, plentiful nutrition, constant physical exertion and training with the chakra only accelerated this process.

So, once visiting Hinata in my last class, I was surprised to notice that I was already at least half a head taller than most of my classmates. There were, of course, some individuals taller than me, but I was still somewhat surprised by the fact that Shikomaru somehow became shorter than me... I remember a few years ago I was one of the smallest children in the class. A pleasant surprise, I can't say anything, although I still did not focus on it.

High growth is, of course, good, but such trifles really didn't bother me much right now. I was much more interested in my own skills, abilities and strength. They are valued in this world much more than some kind of appearance, Hiruzen is a direct proof of that… And to be honest, this situation pleases me, especially since I was becoming more confident in my skills every day. The lifestyle I had chosen and the basic advantages of the carcass I had inherited were bearing fruit.

My skills in Taijutsu grew at a very good pace, I mastered the Shinobi academic program very quickly, control over my own chakra and its quantity also improved. I became stronger and better in all the fields I chose, mastering most of the skills necessary to pass the exams for the fifth and sixth courses on the fly. Of course, it was still quite difficult for me to cope with the combat training course, but the longer I followed the path of shinobi, the easier it was for me to master all sorts of skills and tricks necessary to show on the exam…

Maybe everything was in my really good physical shape, or in improving control over the chakra, but many things were really easier for me now. So, I learned to get out of the fetters almost in one workout, immediately realizing exactly how it is possible and necessary to wriggle out in order to regain at least some mobility… I'm not talking about something more banal and trivial at all…

To be honest, at such moments I felt like some kind of professional swimmer that I came to do gymnastics… I seemed to be mastering skills that were completely unusual for me, but due to good physical shape and general preparedness, I was given all this much better than other children. And Iruka-sensei, again, turned out to be a very good teacher, competently bringing the necessary material to me, and, if necessary, showing everything by example…

Therefore, I was not even particularly surprised, having passed all the necessary exams for admission immediately to the seventh year of the academy. Yes, it wasn't that easy, but... in the last half of the year it was somehow more difficult for me. This time I have already somehow adapted to what is happening, and my skills were enough now with a margin. The fact that in the fifth and sixth years they really spent a lot of time working with the chakra made my life much easier. I already had most of the skills needed to pass the exams, which is why it was easy enough for me to prepare for these exams.

So yes, even then it was possible to say that my plan for early graduation from the academy could be considered successful. In any case, I would have finished my last year of study somehow, especially since I already had most of the skills for this… However, after the exams themselves, I still had a little problem… Iruka-sensei was simply and banal, suddenly realizing his own success as a teacher. And I didn't even blame him for such behavior, yet to conduct a clannless orphan, I was such despite my origin, through three courses of the academy in a year is really a success.

The success that Iruka deserved in full, having really put a lot of effort into such a result. I, like no one else, understood that without the help of a teacher, I would definitely not have achieved such a result… That's just because of the celebration of Iruka, which lasted almost all the holidays, I was suddenly left without a teacher, forced to train alone. Which was not so effective at all... and a little boring. I somehow got used to the company of a young man, which by his mere presence made my workouts more interesting. Without him, it was really quite boring for me to train…

And what is especially sad, even after the start of the new school year, when Iruka finished his celebration, the previous pace of training never recovered. No, Sensei was still training with me almost every day, but the training time itself decreased. And now we were mainly engaged in only Taijutsu. Iruka began to teach me something beyond this much less often… Which, in general, is understandable - I have already passed most of the Shinobi Academy program, and what remains will be explained to me in the academy itself, but it's still somewhat insulting.

I wouldn't mind if Iruka continued to teach me, even if it would have already gone beyond the academic program… But this is me, to be honest, a little too greedy, demanding too much from a man. He already devoted a lot of time to me, helping me improve my own skills in Tai ... and his concern has not gone away, rather, on the contrary, it has become more tangible. Iruka has mastered the most basic techniques of the Irenins, now helping me with recovery after training… But no more than that.

Iruka was in no hurry to teach me more complex manipulations with the chakra, some new techniques that went beyond the academic program. At the same time, I asked him directly about this, to which I received an equally direct answer – the teacher did not want to teach me something beyond the program. Sensei sincerely believed that all this would be handled by my future teacher, whose team I would join as a full-fledged genin… Iruka himself simply did not consider himself qualified enough to transfer such knowledge. Which even sounded a little strange, but it was not in my situation to arise.

Iruka has already done a lot for me, even if not without selfish motives, but my gratitude is unlikely to be able to drown out just one unpleasant moment. So, in the end, I still lagged behind the man with my requests, focusing on what is already available to me now – body training and chakra control developments… Well, I also practiced basic techniques. Still, no matter how you turn it, but the techniques in my understanding were real magic, which is why even simple illusory clones did not even think to bother me. Hange was generally quite a useful technique, helping me to shop wherever I wanted without any problems. To hang a low and hunched old man on yourself is not such a problem ... the main thing is not to accidentally run into someone. And then Hange is a fragile thing, maybe it will dissipate…