
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · 武侠
31 Chs

Love At First Sight

"So, Anthony," Jack had said as he was walking in with the younger one. "Why are you stealing?" Anthony just shook his head. "Why exactly would I waste my time and tell you?" He said. " I mean... It's not your business. Just back off and let me leave." Jack had just smiled. "I like you." He said. "You're...Something..." Anthony had blushed but he didn't want anyone to see. "And you think I do?" He had asked while he rolled his eyes. Jack had come to a step closer. Don't you wanna go out sometime?" He had asked with a deep voice as he licked his lips looking submissive. Anthony, with his bad attitude, had kicked his private part! Jack had dropped down! "Sorry but I don't like guys that are full of themselves." Anthony had said while he was laughing at how hard Jack had fallen. "No offense. It wouldn't hurt anyway considering how you are a man with no feelings." He added while he was walking away. Jack had slowly gotten up with pain. "Wait!" He shouted. "At least tell me something about yourself. It has to be full-on paragraphs before you leave. You know I won't let you." He said while he was holding his crotch. Anthony looked annoyed. So annoyed the extent that he growled and turned back. "Fine." He said. "Follow me." Jack had said with agony and pain in his lower part.

The two had gone up the stairs and Jack had sat by the balcony while the younger one had just stood by the rail. "So, give me your full description." Jack had said. Anthony had looked down. "I'm stealing cause my mom isn't ok." He said. "She has some heart disease and the only thing that keeps her alive is some stupid pills and I don't have the fucking money to just... Keep her alive..." He began crying. Jack's memories of him and his mother then came in like a hurricane! He shed a tear as he saw the younger one crying. "Wanna know a secret?" Jack had asked. Anthony slowly looked at Jack with red eyes. He had then nodded. "I lost my mom due to the same heart disease." Anthony looked shocked. "I'm...Sorry to hear that." He said. "Maybe I shouldn't have kicked you." Jack had laughed off the pain in his heart. "It's ok." He said. "You didn't know. Besides I like this feisty vibe." Anthony rolled back his eyes with a smirk. "And we're back to the indecent creepy vibe. Got it." The two had laughed. "But seriously though." Jack had added. "You're living the same life I've lived 7 years ago. I never thought I would lose her until a week ago. I buried her by my special place." Anthony looked confused. "You mean your heart?" He asked. "No you street fighter!" He said. The younger one had laughed at the joke but had still looked confused. "Then what the fuck are you talking about?" He asked while he was laughing. "I'll show you." Jack had said.

They had left the warehouse. Before they had left, Jack had told Max that he'll be boss for some time.


"Here we are!" Jack had said. Anthony was sleeping the whole time. When we woke up, He was immediately alarmed! He took out his gun as he was saying, "Hey Leave me alone!!!" Jack had looked alarmed too. "Anthony, It's just me, buddy." He looked relieved and he dropped the gun. "This is the second time I tell you to drop it." He said. Anthony had laughed. "Well, I've gone through so mu-" He looked outside and found the most perfect green grass with beautiful trees and cute flowers. "Oh my fucking god!" He shouted. "It's beautiful!!!" He quickly got out of the car while Jack was smirking. The younger one had plopped himself on the grass and felt the small little droplets that were on the grass. Jack had gotten out and sat by the bench that was next to his mother's grave. Anthony had got up. "So, this is her?" He asked with a sad tone. "Yep." Jack had said. "Marcy Medrazzo was her name. She was such a queen to my heart. She's the one that made me feel like I'm a man with feelings." Anthony had sat next to Jack and he hugged him. "Don't make this weird." He said. "I'm only sad for you. I don't want this to happen to my mom." Jack's eyes lit up. "Maybe we should see her." Anthony's eyes lit up as well. "Maybe we should. Get back in that car of yours, a man with feelings!" Jack had kissed his mother goodbye before he ran with the younger one. Jack switched on the ignition and quickly drove off.

As Anthony was giving Jack directions, he couldn't imagine the thought of losing his mother. He needed money to keep his mother alive. He needed a plan. He thought to himself, "Maybe if I date this guy for a few months, I'll have enough pills to keep mom alive. I just hope this works considering how he already likes me. It should be easy." He had then touched Jack's hand while it was on the gear. Jack had then looked at him and said, "That's new for a guy I met not so long ago." Anthony had just smirked. "Almost everything changes. My feeling might have changed too." Jack had pulled over. "Are you trying to like me so that I could get your mom some pills to keep her alive?" Anthony nodded and looked down. "Look, I just really don't want to see my mom six feet under, ok? I'm trying anything for my mom to at least stay alive. I mean I can't just lose her like that..." He began crying again. Jack hugged him and said, "There's no need to play with my feelings. I was and still am going to pay for your mom's operations and pills. I don't want you to go through what I went through. I promise you. She'll be fine." They had let go of each other and the journey had continued.

To be honest, I'm so lost with this story but you know.... I'm getting somwhere :)

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