
The Revenge Of The Fallen

The old castle loomed darkly against the crimson sunset, its ancient stones whispering tales of glory and defeat, of power and ruin. It stood sentinel over a sprawling valley, shrouded in an aura of menace and mystery. The castle had been abandoned for centuries, its glory days long past, but tonight it would be the stage for an ancient tale of revenge and redemption.Deep within the castle's crumbling halls, a figure moved silently. His name was Lucian, and he was a man haunted by the past. He had been wronged, betrayed by those he once called friends, and now he had returned to exact his revenge. He wore a cloak of midnight black that flowed around him like a shadow, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly fire.As Lucian moved through the castle, he could hear the distant echoes of the past—the laughter of banquets, the clash of swords, the cries of the dying. But tonight, the castle was silent, save for the soft whisper of Lucian's footsteps. He had spent years planning his return, and now the time had come.

Danish_Ahmad_Khan · 奇幻
46 Chs

Dividing the Forces

The night had passed in a blur of preparations and whispered conversations. Dawn broke over Aldoria with a crisp, golden light, casting long shadows over the palace grounds. The morning air buzzed with anticipation as the leaders gathered once more in the war room. The impending arrival of Leo's forces was the primary topic of discussion, their numbers adding a formidable boost to Aldoria's strength.

As the first light of day spread across the sky, the gates of Aldoria creaked open, and the sound of marching feet filled the air. The citizens of Aldoria peered out from their homes and shops, eyes wide with curiosity and unease. A sea of soldiers, twenty lakh strong, moved with disciplined precision through the city streets. Whispers rippled through the crowd.

"Who are these soldiers? Are we under attack?"

"I've never seen such a massive force. What's happening?"

"They don't bear any banners. Could they be mercenaries?"

Fear and confusion mingled in the hearts of the civilians. They watched in stunned silence as the soldiers passed, noting the lack of resistance from Aldoria's own guards. The citizens' unease grew, their imaginations running wild with thoughts of invasion and war. Yet, as the soldiers moved deeper into the city without incident, a tentative calm began to take hold.

In the war room, Lucian and his companions awaited Leo's soldiers arrival. At the early morning, the young ruler of Luminara entered, his presence commanding attention. His expression was resolute, the weight of his father's legacy heavy on his shoulders. With him was a detailed roster of the soldiers who had journeyed to Aldoria.

"Leo," Lucian greeted him, clasping his friend's arm. "It's good to see you this early in the morning. How was the journey of your soldiers?"

"Long but necessary," Leo replied, his eyes scanning the room, assessing the mood of the gathered leaders. "We have much to discuss."

Lucian nodded, and the group settled around the large table, maps and plans spread before them. The room was filled with an air of urgency, each leader keenly aware of the critical decisions ahead.

"We have a total of thirty-eight lakh soldiers," Lucian began, his voice steady and commanding. "Among them, five lakh archers, eight lakh swordsmen, six lakh spearmen, five lakh magicians, eight lakh cavalry units, two lakh elephant units, and four lakh assassins. From these, Leo's twenty lakh soldiers will be divided to best utilize our combined strengths."

Elara stepped forward, her eyes thoughtful as she considered the distribution. "We need to match our troops with our abilities to maximize our effectiveness."

Aria, her assassin's eyes sharp with focus, nodded. "Agreed. We need to be strategic about this."

Lucian outlined the initial plan. "From our total force, twelve lakh soldiers will remain hidden as reinforcements. That leaves us with twenty-six lakh to divide between us."

Leo interjected, his voice clear. "We'll need to ensure each unit is balanced. The archers, swordsmen, spearmen, magicians, cavalry, elephant units, and assassins must be distributed in a way that complements our powers."

Lucian took a deep breath, preparing to delegate. "I'll lead the main force with the summoning powers and time manipulation at my disposal. I'll take a mix of units: one lakh archers, two lakh swordsmen, one lakh spearmen, one lakh magicians, two lakh cavalry units, fifty thousand elephants, and one lakh assassins."

Elara's eyes met his, filled with determination. "I'll take one lakh archers, one lakh swordsmen, fifty thousand spearmen, one lakh magicians, and one lakh cavalry units. With my Wisdom Mind and ice powers, I can cover a lot of ground."

Aria stepped forward next. "As an assassin with lightning and healing abilities, I'll need agile and precise units. I'll take one lakh archers, one lakh swordsmen, fifty thousand spearmen, one lakh assassins, and one lakh cavalry units."

Leo nodded, taking his turn. "I'll handle the teleportation and air manipulation. I'll need versatile troops. Give me one lakh archers, one lakh swordsmen, one lakh spearmen, one lakh magicians, and one lakh cavalry units."

Sera, her eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and charm, spoke next. "I'll take one lakh swordsmen, fifty thousand spearmen, fifty thousand magicians, and one lakh cavalry units. My abilities to absorb opponents' powers and charm them will be crucial."

Marcus, with his calm and steady presence, added his voice. "I'll take fifty thousand archers, one lakh swordsmen, one lakh spearmen, fifty thousand magicians, and fifty thousand cavalry units. My control over earth and water will provide us with strong defensive and offensive capabilities."

Seria, her charm and magical prowess evident, followed. "I'll take fifty thousand archers, one lakh swordsmen, fifty thousand spearmen, one lakh magicians, and fifty thousand cavalry units. My ability to manipulate wills will be an asset."

Dorian, the master of invisibility, was next. "I'll take fifty thousand archers, fifty thousand swordsmen, fifty thousand spearmen, fifty thousand magicians, and fifty thousand assassins. My invisibility power will be vital for surprise attacks."

Finally, Lyra spoke, her voice steady. "I'll take fifty thousand archers, fifty thousand swordsmen, fifty thousand spearmen, fifty thousand magicians, and fifty thousand cavalry units. My powers of fire and turtle shell will provide both offense and defense."

With the units assigned, the room fell silent, each leader contemplating the battles ahead. The task of preparing for war was daunting, but the unity and resolve among them were unshakable.

Outside, the city was still abuzz with speculation. The sight of so many soldiers had left the civilians reeling, their whispered conversations filled with fear and curiosity. Yet, as the day progressed without incident, a tentative calm began to settle. The people of Aldoria remained unaware of the true nature of the soldiers' presence, their minds filled with wild theories and speculation.

As the meeting in the war room drew to a close, Lucian stood, his eyes sweeping over his trusted companions. "We have our plan. Tomorrow, we will finalize our preparations. For now, rest and prepare yourselves. The battle ahead will be fierce, but with our combined strength, we will prevail."

The leaders nodded, each retreating to their private chambers to gather their thoughts and prepare for the trials to come. The whispers of the civilians, the anticipation of the soldiers, and the weight of their mission filled the air, creating a palpable tension.

As Lucian retired to his room, his mind was a whirlwind of strategies and concerns. The future was uncertain, the path ahead fraught with danger. But one thing was clear: the time for vengeance was near, and they would stop at nothing to reclaim their honor and restore peace to Aldoria.

The night settled over the city, a blanket of calm before the storm. In the quiet of their rooms, each leader reflected on the battles to come, their hearts filled with resolve. The dawn would bring new challenges, but together, they were ready to face whatever fate had in store.