
The revenge of a vampire prince

Praise_Olumide · 奇幻
3 Chs


Destroying the meters distance from the mysterious man's house to a cafe that looked secluded, the duo went into the cafe with absolute confidence and fright-less emotion; they spotted a talk dark figure that is emitting an aura of an emperor. Sporting the dark figure, the mysterious man became all serious because he knew the man had noticed their arrival and his aura was so intimidating to the extent that the atmosphere of the whole cafe became somewhat heavy.

In the twinkle of an eye, the mysterious man's aura also change but instead of Michael to feel scared, he had a feeling of deja by which took him into a daze trying to remember where and why he felt that way. The intimidating ma said indifferently noticing that had come a little closer "Lucas. And this must be the Michael". And just as if his name was screamed in his ear with a horn speaker Michael was forced to be snapped out of his daze.

With ultimate respect Lucas replied "Yes; Alfa". The intimidating man that was referred to as an Alfa answered with a grunt while nodding his head. But out of curiosity Michael asked "Have we met?" but the intimidating man replied emotionlessly

"What do you think". But Michael said letting out a deep frustrating sigh "I don't know. I don't seem to remember".

"Yes ,that's because you lost your memory. But for your information we haven't met". Coming in between them Lucas said all professional "Alfa, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary except his speedy recovery".

"Hmm, okay then. We will be taking him for some test to find out any other attributes out of the ordinary" the Alfa said while nodding his head.

Out of curiosity, Michael said "What is wrong with me that I need some test to find out things out of the ordinary?".

Due to the fact that the Alfa can not be bothered answering him, Lucas said

"You are not a normal person".

"Am I am animal or werewolf just like him". Michael said. Michael somehow knew about the existence of werewolf but just don't know how. Keeping quiet for a while the Alfa said indifferently

"You are not a werewolf and am sure about that". But out of the blues Lucas said

"Do you noticed anything out of the ordinary since you regained consciousness??". Falling into deep thoughts Michael said

"Except from the way people stare at me,I can also hear things afar off very clearly and hear things close very loudly".

Both the Alfa and the Lucas fell into deep thoughts for sometime making the whole cafe dead silence and after sometime the Alfa said

"You are either a vampire, werecat or a demon". The response of the Alfa made Michael dumbfounded. Trying to analyze the situation Lucas said

"A vampire 75%, a werecat 65% and a demon ..."

Without allowing Lucas finish the Alfa said

"He is a vampire"

The Alfa is so cold I hope they get along well

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