

“We shall get married.” Aztec said to her with a firm tone. Rhea held his eyes ignoring the feeling to glance at his lips. “And what if I don’t want to.” She said. He smirked and came foward. Her heart raced faster with his presence but she stood her ground. “Then you shall be blamed for whatever happens to the pack.” He said and then he added. “Also, you can not say No to your Alpha.” Rhea looked in to his eyes and she knew that he meant every word of what he said. A pack in time of darkness needs the union of two unlikely people. An arrogant and strong Alpha and a pure, brave and beautiful Human. With different personalities but attraction to each other and a will to avenge the ones they lost to the dark war, they strive to take away the dark times of the twin packs.

Eden_Writes · 奇幻言情
64 Chs

The ceremony 1


I was getting dressed for the ceremony when someone barged in my room.

"Why the hell are you taking so long?" Steele said as he jumped on the huge bed.

I groaned angrilly.

"Can you behave more like your age for once, for goodness sake ?" I said as I ignored him and continued brushing my hair in front of the window.

"How could I? I have a grandpa as a best friend and if I acted mature for even a second then I would be sure to turn in to a grandpa like you." He said

I sighed and did not give him a reply as I went to go and put on a shirt.

"You are acting more moody than I would expect. I mean come on, this is the first party we have been to in a very long time. It's been serious for some time now and I thought you would be happy to get to loosen up." Steele said.

"This is a ceremony not some party." I said to him narrowing my eyes.