
The Return of Mysterious Ms Jones

"look at who is back home? where did this bad luck come from?" Madam Snotch asked "mommy are you still asking about this? hahaa she is trying to look pitiful for brother" the sister -in-law said. "let me tell you? you have to know where you are standing, this is my house and I can do whatever thing I want to do with you. you married my son because you knew from the start he is a wealthy man from a wealthy family, but let me tell you you choose the wrong family" she said "Mom, sister what have I done today to make you judge me like this? haven't I been a good daughter to you?" Becky asked. "I don't want you here? we don't need you...! done enough? what have you done if not bringing bad luck we are wealthy we don't welcome opportunist here...! pack your things and go, my son has a girlfriend and a wife who is fit enough to be his bride and go in any occasions with him" she said "mom, you said pack? what did she even came here with if not for that torn sandals, she will come out of this place with nothing " the sister said "okay let me take my staffs only" she said ******** have been married into this family for years yet this is what I get? all the new deals they won, were because I allowed them to, let me see how this rich family will survive without me. but first I have to divorce him forever. ********* will the Snotch regret ever being mean to Becky? will the husband Xavier Snotch regret not paying attention to her and seeing her as a burden and bad luck?..... ~~~~~~, let's wait and see, welcome to my new story.....

AphineAmondi_1 · 奇幻言情
6 Chs


"Mrs Snotch, this matter is serious why did you come alone, look at you you are loosing weight" the doctor said.

"Doctor just tell me everything is going to be okay..! just tell me that am going to be okay...! please" This were Becky's words to the doctor.

"I can't deceive you and make you believe that everything is going to be okay Mrs Snotch, if they find out I will loose my job and everything.

I don't think you should hide this from your husband... and another thing your condition is getting worse by the day, you shouldn't be working yourself out rest at least " the doctor said.

"husband you say? do I even have a husband? does he even cares for me ? will he even feel pain if I tell him am dying?

Doctor if you are married cherish that love and family, when your husband loves you, love him back,

for now I will be going home keep this a secret between us, if this gets out you will loose everything just as you have said" Becky said to the doctor.

"okay Mrs Snotch I will keep to my words " she said, but for some reasons she felt that this woman is no simple woman or weak as she appears to be.

" Interesting, the Snotch, I surely pity you, you can't see how a beautiful gem you have in your family " the doctor said.

a few minutes later, Becky walked out of the car and walked towards a very big door.

just as she was going to open the door she was stopped.

"and where do you think you are going? where have you come From? look at you do you think you can just drive this expensive cars everyday ? do you even know how they came to be or you think we picked them since you were also picked up?" Madam Snotch asked.

she is the matriarch of the family, she came from a wealthy family and married into wealth, but worked hard for everything that she has right now.

whatever thing she says goes and no one can, go against her words .

"look at you Becky I told you that this family doesn't need opportunist like you but you wouldn't listen now let me ask you.

how did you come to know my brother? let me tell you you will not like it here" she said

Becky was tired all she ever wanted was, peaceful life and stay next to someone she loved, though she knew he never liked her before.

"let me tell you gold digger I want you to go upstairs and pack your things, I don't want to see you ever in this family, we can't keep someone like you who does not how water comes or even to drive a fly away.

my son has a woman he is going to marry and loves, stop wasting your time here" the old woman said

"mom, sister, what have I ever done to you, that makes you to hate me this much? Haven't I been a good daughter- in- law?

have never disrespected you in any way? have always submitted to your demands, I know my husband doesn't love me, but have never complained....." before she could finish she was cut short.

"aren't you suppose to be doing this things? why are you complaining now? did anyone of us here forced you to do them?

you always stay back at home, what do you always want to do just relaxing and sleeping? let me worn you, I don't want to listen to this rubbish go and pack up your staffs" the matriarch said.

"mom, what is she even going to pack she came here with those old sandals and rugs and my brother your son, clothed her she should be greatful.

apart from that she came here with, that old rugged bag, I think she should only carry her luggage if she is going.

of which that is not appropriate she should divorce my brother so that she can't come back in future." the sister said

"mmmh, yes my daughter I had long prepared the divorce agreement long time ago your brother had signed his part and so she is going to sign her part." the matriarch said.

"what...! did you just say?" she asked maybe her hearing was not good or has been damaged.

"hahaaa, sister-in-law, sister-in-law... ! my brother divorced you before the second week of your marriage....

all this 7 years and 10 months you have been staying within this premises illegally , now that you know are you not going to sign the divorce papers?" she asked.

"I married your brother for 8 good years, and all this years have been staying here with you all, you knew that he divorced me from the beginning yet you didn't tell me?

you all watched me fool myself and you laughed in silence and in secret I served you all like a maid and treated you all like my master yet this is what I get from you?

okay I will agree to the divorce, I will sign the papers but let me call him first after I hear from him I will sign without any problems and I will not take a single penny from you" she said.

"okay , remember your words she said....."

she took her phone and dialed his number "my husband " she has never called this line and she is sure enough that he doesn't have her number.

after a few seconds he picked up his phone and saw

*wife calling*

he panicked this was the first time in eight years of their marriage his wife is calling him.

he was in a meeting, the board members never saw him smile but today he smiled.

and received the phone

"Hello...." he said

"Hello, husband how are you" she sounded tired.

"am fine and you? " he asked.

"am fine husband " she said

"why did you call today?" he asked.

"I received some divorce papers from 7 years ago, did you sign them?" she asked and she was careful with her words.

"Yes I signed the papers years ago..." before he could finish explaining himself, the phone call was ended.

on the other side.

Becky understood everything and signed the papers without thinking twice, and from that moment her love for him ended.

she rushed upstairs and picked her bag and made a call.

she opened her laptop that was dusty and has never been used in the last 6 years and typed a serious of codes.

the monitor went blank and black but later lit up.

"Cover my tracks am heading to the airport, report to my private pilot that I will be there in 45 minutes,

tell Zero to pick me up in 6 minutes.

call the headquarters that am coming back home,

call doctor Helly to be at the private airport I need medical attention immediately " she said and closed the laptop and exit the room.

she walked to the kitchen area and hugged the maids they never looked down on her and said

"thank you all for respecting me and for being there for me all this years, I have a gift for you" she said and pulled out a card.

"this is my card, I will give it to you, it has a total of 70,000,000USD divide it amongst yourselves it is pin less, and I wish you all the best in everything you will do with the money

BE WISE" she said to them and left.

"let's see how you will survive I hope you won't appear in our family's gate begging for something " she said.

but she didn't reply, she walked out slowly but later picked up her footsteps after checking her wrist watch.

she has 3 minutes left, so she has to walk faster.

not from a distance a black limo was packed, she walked towards that direction and got into the car, without wasting of time they drove to the airport.

everything was ready and everyone was waiting for her.

The designers and stylist from the Jones were all excited to see their mistress again after so many years,

how thrilling, but when they saw how weak and tired she was they first took her to the private airport hotel and cleaned her with treated water bath.

Not even a single person could speak, everything was done in silence and for the first time she breathed freely and realized the heavy breath that has been stuck within her for years.

"there is no better place than home, home is the better place" she said.

the maids stopped and looked at her but continued with whatever things they were doing.

She was dressed elegantly and the makeup fit her right, apart from her being skinny she was breath taking.

now this is the mistress they knew, now she is the boss they all knew, but something changed in her.

she was not immature and reckless now she is mature and before doing anything she thinks for example putting on a shoe, she took her time to do so?

back then she could shout at any single minute but today she let them do their duties.