
the Return of dragons king

In a world where the strong rule the weak, Chu Jin, the second prince of the Chu Empire, is born with supernatural powers and a legendary blessing. But a tragedy occurred, and his power was sealed and his Meridians were destroyed by the Heavenly Demon King Dai Qing after he killed his mother and caused damage to his father. What will he do after hearing the story from his father?

HGamerP · 玄幻
24 Chs

21 Book Connecting Two Worlds / Genocide

They went to the academy library

"must be here"

20 minutes later

"I found him looking"

The Book of Elements, second edition

On the outer cover were the names of three powers

space destruction time

"I've seen this book before."

Then he pulled out a similar book from his ring

The Book of Elements, first edition

"They are identical

but how "

"I found the first copy in my clan's library

And I've been looking for the second for a long time

But I didn't think she was here

This book is a treasure of my clan.

But no one could open it."

"Have you tried pouring blood?"

Then he poured a little of his blood on the book

Opening the lock seal

" but how "

"Only my clan members can open it."

"I want to ask you, are there any of your ancestors or parents, one with the name Chu and another with the name Dai?"

"Yes, they are my parents

My father's family name is Chu

And my mother's family name is Dai

But they told me they didn't want to use their last names anymore so they changed their names

I do not know why "

"I know why they changed names

Both are outcasts from my world."

And Jin explained to her all the secrets around the worlds

And why no one can leave this world

People and objects can be moved into this world

But people can't be moved from this world

So that's what my dad was talking about

the upper world, but you can't go back"

" no

But with the power of space I can fix the passageway

So I'm looking for a way to study it."

"Huh, look at this my future wife is sitting with a stranger."

A stranger with four bodyguards with him

He was at the fifth spirit level

"It has nothing to do with you, and also who said I was your future wife, you did not help me in anything, but he saved my life and pledged to protect me."

" Did not matter

But how can a weak person like him help you?"

"You seem not to see well, Ninth Prince." Jin

" You know me "

"Yes, I know you, and how can I not know such a despicable person as you?"

"You bastard"

he tried to attack him

But Jin cut off his hand

The guards tried to intervene, but they were beheaded

"Please don't kill me"

"Who told you to put your hand on it, Ninth Prince?"

Don't think I don't know you, you are the reason for her suffering and now you claim that she is your wife

If you dare hurt her, I will wipe out the kingdom of Wu completely.

And I warned you

Get lost "

The prince was afraid of Chujin's killer pressure

and ran away

" I will not forgive you "

"I'm sorry I got you into my troubles

Now the Wu Kingdom won't let you escape

Even the academy won't help you."

"Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've dealt with people like him, and I told you I'd protect you

I've faced a monster army of three million on my own before

Wu's army is a dessert to me

From now on, I will start by teaching you some seals that will help you, which do not need internal qi to activate, but rather absorb qi from nature to activate.

But before that, how about I invite you to lunch?"

" Good "

Before they left, he bought the book from the library after paying a million low crystals

And they went to lunch together

After finishing, jin started teaching her some seals

But he didn't forget to train to raise his strength

For six months nothing new happened. Most of his time he taught Chun Aire the seals, and in the rest of his time he trained

he Reached the seventh emperor stage

After a month, the Ninth Prince returned with a few soldiers and his third brother, who was considered the genius of the academy

His strength is at immortal stage 1

Jin was walking with Airi in the garden

Then they came to him

" This is him

He's the one who cut off my hand and took my future wife "Ninth Prince

" you

Who gave you permission to do this?" The Third Prince

"Don't worry about them, Airi, they're just dogs

I learned to speak a short time ago.

"You bastard!

I dare you to a match

If I win, you will stay away from Chun Aire."

"But if I win, I want you to stay away from her too and for the rest of your life."

" We agreed "

They went to the academy circuit

The crowd came to cheer on the third prince

Before Jin went up, Eri went to check on him

"Jane, will you be okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll deal with it quickly."

Then he got to the ring

"Was she saying goodbye to you because you'll never see her again?" The Third Prince

Jin didn't say a word

Minutes later, the match started

The Third Prince dashed towards Jin

"Destruction Serpent Palm" The Third Prince

Jin took the full blow

Dust spread across the square

"Looks like I won"

Then he felt a strange feeling

It was Jin's murderous gaze as he looked at him

terrify the third prince

"Dragon Palm Destroyer the Heavens" Jin

It was then that a giant dragon hand appeared from the sky

She was heading towards the ring

"It's the end, Third Prince."

Then the hand hit the ring

After the dust settled, the person who was standing was


The audience was puzzled

"Whoever touches this girl (pointing to Airi) will deal with me."

After this match, no one dared to look down on Jin and Airi

Things were fine after that

But he didn't expect this to happen

One day, Airi was late after they agreed to meet two hours ago, so he got suspicious

So he went to her room

And knock on the door

"Airi, are you here?"

But when he knocked on it he noticed that it was open when he entered the room was scattered

There was something like a battle trace

"The despicable kingdom of Wu

I will annihilate her completely


Tell me where is the direction of the Wu Kingdom."

"Your Majesty, it's heading north."

Jin sprinted northward

Outside the palace there was an army that was desperately waiting for someone to arrive

Chujin came out of the forest holding a spear

"Look, they just made us wait to fight one person."

"Does the emperor think we are so weak?"

Moments later, a flying army appeared

The golden army has arrived

An army of 20,000 warriors, all at immortal level

"It is time to annihilate the Kingdom of Wu."

A terrifying pressure spread on the battlefield with a terrifying killing intent

The Emperor's army was afraid

And they tried to escape

But the Golden Army completely wiped it out

Jin entered the throne room

The princes were waiting for him with the emperor

"this is him,

He's the one who cut off my hand.

"Do you think you will easily wipe out the kingdom?

You will die here"

"Don't kill him yet, lock him up in the cell

I want to give it

a chair to see me and enjoy the girl"

Quiet filling the place

Then Jin uttered one word


The rooms were filled with a tyrannical aura and a terrifying killing intent

Then his black doll came out of his shadow

"Kill them all"

Everyone was terrified by the pressure of the combat doll

"My father, what is this thing?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like we'll live to know

This level of strength is only found in legends."

The throne room filled with blood and their screams

After he hid the doll in his shadow, he went down to the dungeons

He found Airi tied up in one of them

"Are you okay, did someone catch something bad?"

"I'm fine, and that's thanks to your dragon friend and also the seals you taught me, no one could touch my body badly

But there is one more thing

I found my father

He's there, they've been torturing him constantly

Go help him."

He cut Airi's chains and helped her walk to her father's cell

His condition was inherited

"My father held on, did not die"

"I didn't expect to be annihilated by my only daughter and the prince of my former empire."

Then he coughed up blood

"Jin, can you cure him? "

" Yes I can "

He put his hand in front of him and shot a green beam

The treatment lasted 10 minutes

"Why doesn't it work?"

Examine his body with divine sensing

"This can't be

There is power scattered all over his body

death element

There is no cure for it except the opposite, and it is the element of life."

" Not possible "

Tears of sadness shed

"Don't cry for me, my daughter, since you found someone to protect you, I'm happy.

I will rest in peace

Son, do you promise to protect my daughter?"

"I promise I will protect her with all my might."

His soul left his body

Airi cried over his death

Chu Jin put his body into the storage ring

"You deserve a proper burial."

Jin healed Airi's wounds and wiped her tears

He helped her move and walked out of the palace after the Golden Army finished annihilating

"I knew you would come

But I didn't expect it to happen so much."

"I told you, anyone who touches you will disappear from this world."

She smiled and turned red

"I hope to marry you one day, Jin."

" someday

And don't worry, I'll never give up on you."

Their relationship with each other increased after this incident

They continued on their way to the academy