
Father (1)

"What is wrong with my look? I spent a lot of time putting this together," Monica said, sad that he didn't appreciate her efforts.

Owen chuckled as he solved the mystery. "You're doing that weird thing again where you dress up like the woman you think Ian is interested in. It never works because the body is not the same. Go back to your girly look."

"Shut up, Owen. I am having a private chat with Ian right now. I am not dressing like that woman-"

"You should have denied that part first to make it believable," Owen interjected. The fact she knew who he meant was the answer that she was lying. He would believe her if this was the first time. "It is starting to scare me that you might be doing this without realising what you are doing."

Monica turned to Owen who needed to disappear at the moment. "I am not dressing like her. Who wants to be anything like a divorced woman?"