
The reprisal time

Lin xing walked majestically to the hall,wearing a beautiful sleeveless gown and with a golden high heel. That Lin xing,the girl that her family went bankrupt said Mrs dao Another woman said,I thought her father committed suicide and her mother died in her man friend house What a shameful family,the Han family is better than them said a man. Lin xing determine to pay the Han family in their own coin after causing a painful tragedy on her .She is a fearless woman who cherished her family and will do any thing to protect them from the evil people in Shanghai Now,she is shattered and will haunt down the evil people Note 16+{Adults content may be reviewed}

Mina0297 · 奇幻言情
7 Chs


When Lin xing was discharged from the hospital,her grandmother took her to house in city L it been a long time that she went there.She lived in a cozy house with a small enterance,an old Chinese pot at the corner of the balcony and a finely molded golden statue in the center of the house,the cushions looks a bit old to the taste of the people living in the modern city.

Her mother Songhai lived in the house when she was a teenager,as she entered the house she sat on the wooden stool in the room near the old kitchen by the right side of the house.She walked around the house to know everything inside the house since it feel strange and the old things that were inside the house.

She entered her mother's room in the house as she jumped on the bed staring at the birds chirping in the window,although the design im the house looks old but the one in the room is more fashionable to the one in the house the painted wall looks awesome and beautiful.

The bed feels fluffy like the one in her house,the pillows is as floppy as a feather,she stood up to check the bathroom she felt amazed with the view of the bathroom.It looks neat and shiny the bathtub looks new and clean the mirror too there is great.

Then,she walked to her grandmother in the living room as she was setting the dining table for dinner

She sat down as she deep the fork into the pasta and the pork meat Lin xing felt happy with the food as she remembered her mother's cooking.

Once again she have not asked her grandmother about her well being,she will ask her when she finish her tasty meal.


Lin xing cleared the table and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes when she finished washing it,she went back to the cushion her grandmother sat on to ask her about her parent.

She looked anxious about asking about it.Grandmother where is my parents I want to go home asked Lin xing,her grandmother looked pale like she just saw a ghost she felt sad as she was unable to talk.

Lin xing started shaking hope it is not what she is thinking,her grandmother still did not answer her then she stood up and left the house.

Two hours later,she entered the house feeling cold and her grandmother felt a bit relieved as she saw her coming she was afraid that something might have happened to her,as she was just discharged and did not no anywhere in the city.

As she sat in the wooden stool her grandmother held her hand as she touched it was cold as an ice.She feel she need to let the out of the bag and let her know the truth once and for all without hiding it from Lin xing.

Your parent are dead,after they went bankrupt and your father was thrown out of the company and your mother was raped by one of the Han's bodyguard,she sobbed quietly as she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Your father,he was shot by an unknown person who the police said it was a sucide and I tried to reopen the case they said the government has announced that the case must be closed.And your mother was stab by the men while she was trying to run from the beast that had taken her captive.

Hot tears began to flow in my eyes I felt bad and devastated my body couldn't endure the pain anymore as slump and fainted