
Chapter 51: The return

Grievous and Jaune are surprised to see Yang and Weiss again, as for them the two were glad to see Jaune. However Weiss tries to ignore Grievous and Yang glares at him.

As the two meet everyone inside the group eat and talk about what happened, while Grievous stands around slowly getting impatient. Then later when Oscar talks about Qrow's ability this makes Grievous remember the crow. Which makes Grievous leave the building and he just releases his frustration by training on his own.

Day pass by as Grievous is now training Weiss and Yang as well, until everyone gets the news about Lionheart and visited. But of course it was a trap.

The team ready there weapons as everyone has a target. As for Grievous he is unsure of who he should fight....

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!