
Chapter 35: According to plan (Part 1)

Despite team Rwby searching for any clues, they could not find anything. As for Ozpin he has been searching for clues as well, even when he questioned Grievous it wasn't much to go with, and so Grievous would have to be locked up for now.

For now the from Episode 6-9 stay the same (As much as I don't want to say it) and when Cinder broadcast her speech, Ozpin made his way towards Grievous cell.

General Grievous: Back for more questions?

Ozpin: Actually, the academy needs help, it's going to be attacked soon.

General Grievous: Hmm, very well. I can't wait to tear the enemy apart!

As Grievous walks out of the cell, Ozpin removed his cuffs and gives Grievous his swords.

General Grievous: Where are my lightsabers!

Ozpin: Do not worry, you will get them soon. For now we must protect the citizens and assist the hunters

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!