
Chapter 18: The stranger again

It's now night time and as of now team rwby split up to search for Torchwick, as the gang separate and strange figure appears nearby watching all of them run off.

The story goes by as normal except with a few scenes of the strange figure being in the background until the fight when te as m rwby fought Torchwick inside a mech.

Torchwick knocks off yang and prepares to punch her, but before his fist was about 10 inches from yang something pushed the arm to the right missing yang.

Torchwick: What was that!

Kenobi: Nice to see you again

Torchwick: Oh great the old man is her-

Torchwick is interpreted by yang assaulting him knocking him back, with a final attack from team rwby Torchwick is forced out of the tin can and for Neo to rescue him and escape.

Blake: So I guess he got a new henchman.

Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans fall apart?

Yang: No, just no

Weiss: What but you do it

Yang: There is a time and place for jokes

Weiss: Was this not it?

Yang: No, it just wasn't very good

Weiss: Well at least I'm trying

Yang looks back at the old looking man

Yang: Hey wait mister, who are you?

Kenobi: You can just call me Kenobi

Yang: Well thanks for the back up

Ruby: Wait a minute, I saw you before.

Blake: Actually yeah, he was with me and Ruby at the docks before.

Weiss: Wait where did he go?

Having to lose site of him for just a second and he was nowhere to be found, team rwby were confused of him disappearing and decided to quickly return to becon.

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.