
The Remake of My Business Empire

"I see, state your business" he said "Candid or nah?" "I prefer you to be direct for I need to rest" he boredly replied because he knew most nobles only came here to ask permission when they are going to enter deeply in the island and collect emerald snowflakes in a far mountainous snowy peak. "Alright, Please marry me" she stated boldly, that stunned Nicholas whos wearing a stoic expression all the time and couldnt help but be surprised. "no" he coldly replied after getting over. "Then Ill marry you" Calypso insisted "no" he coldly deny once more that earned a frowned from Calypso. "Why?" Few days later.... "What do you want?" Calypso had been contemplating for quiet sometime now because she felt confused about the earlier action of his, but now she understood. "Lets get married" he boldly stated like he was asking something so casual while walking in the park. "Give me a reason why would I marry a penniless man like you?" she said with stoic face, but inwardly she was celebrating her victory. "Didnt you just wanted to marry me yesterday?" he asked in confusion "Oh, darling, it must be hard to be an idiot while being a king, doesnt school taught you that yesterday and today were called as such for a reason?" she asked rudely that made the man nod his head. "Hmm, you are correct about that but thinking about how you can easily change your mind made me think over my decision if I should really marry you, I'm penniless anyway" he said while giving a look of understanding. A young prodigy and undaunted set a turmoil to business world when the news of her death were presented to everyone. The undaunted empress, Calypso who built her business untill it became an empire fall to ruins without the chance to turn back and reclaim what's hers. Calypso transmigrated to another world but it is vastly different from the world she was used to, here the age is of medieval times and magic dominate the continent. Watch as the planet with hands of the former empress make the age of the world leap advance with the help of her business system while living a good life with the abandon son and husband she found. 《Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest and tweak a little, if the owner want it to be take down kindly inform me. Thankyou!!!》

I_am_a_devyy · 奇幻言情
4 Chs


The structure of the land, culture, and religion on Aeron Planet is also the same as the Medieval times on Earth but with slight deviation, and that deviation is the potential of Aeron planet to grow is much more massive than the Earth due to the presence of Magic.

Many similarities between Earth and Aeron could prove a human beings were all the same no matter the planet they were situated on. The social classes are divided into three and further divided within (e.g.,, Upper Class (King, Nobles, and the Church), Middle Class (Merchant and Educated), Lower Class( Peasant and Serfs)

While the Emperor and royalties are whole different levels and must be respected, Back on Earth, there are only Kingdoms, although there are Empires, it's completely unheard of when a kingdom was colonized by the empire and become its subordinate country, however in Aeron it exists.

The Laws and Order in Aeron are completely unorganized because it's the power that will put you on a high pedestal. A mage will be granted a title the instant they become a mage.

Mage is an important military asset for every empire because they could cast a high level of attacks that could win the battle also the existence of mages is very few, and most of them came from noble lineage, the chances of a peasant awakening their mana is almost nigh.

There are many mysteries covering the existence of mana in this world, and many people, organizations, or even races claim that its a blessing from the god they were patronizing or so but the fact that a person that is not even a follower was able to awaken debunk all the claim of those people.

In one of the Merchant buildings, inside the office, a man covered by a black cloak and its hood over his head that covered his appearance, sat on the wooden chair beside the table while looking at the busy woman signing parchment, occasionally frowning when reading the content of the parchment.

The woman is around thirty, she has tan skin, and her body is petite, her looks are average at best, but her eyes are naturally born scrutinizing.

"How's the progress? Did you find the plant I was asking for?" he interrupted the woman when he saw that she didn't notice his entrance at all.

He had been waiting for updates for a month now, but it's all in Vain. He was finding a plant called Amrans that could heal and restore one's vitality however, it is a proven rare kind of plant to the point that all the merchant guilds he commissioned in the empire hadn't replied for a month, and the progress seems tedious.

The woman halted her fingers and looked at the man in front of her "Oh? You are here, We found the plant, and one of my mages got injured in the process, I need to raise the agreed price to 5x as compensation for the concerned mage." she simply said and got back in signing the paper.

He gritted his teeth, it was his second time having a deal with this particular merchant guild, and it will also be the second time that he was asked an exorbitant fee.

He fished out 25 Gold from his purse and handed it over to the woman "Here's an additional 15 gold. Deliver it to the Elysian Kingdom" he said and walked out of the room.



"Oh! cmon! let me have peace even for a bit," She exclaimed when she heard another knock on the door, but it was directly behind her, not the door where the man used.

'A VIP...' she thought inwardly and quickly fixed her clothes and walked towards the door and opened it.

When she opened the door, she saw a woman in a cloak carrying a child sleeping in her embrace. She wasn't sure what happened, and she wasn't someone that peers her nose into something which doesn't concern her.

She smiled at the cloaked woman and said, " Please Enter,"

Her Merchant Guild was passed down by her late father, and she learned during her first lesson with when father was teaching her, that their business has two kinds of customers, so they also have to enter two kinds of doors, depending on what world they came from, but her father also greatly emphasize that a person who came out from the very same door she just opened must be treated politely and in high regards.

The woman entered and pulled down the hood on her head when she settled in.


Earlier that time.

"I'm so glad you're mine, you're the cutest boy I have ever seen," Calypso complimented while looking at her son, whos looking and inspecting the changes in his body.

Hearing his mother's sentence. Sirius's lips turned upward, and his tiny little teeth were revealed. He looked at Calypso's eyes, and all he saw were warmth and sincerity.

"Likewise, mom," he replied, earning a chuckle from Calypso.

'Okay, now that everything is settled, we should begin the next step immediately. We need to get the hell out of this god-forsaken place.'

She turned her gaze to the boy and looked at him with a concerned expression and said "Sirius, mom will go somewhere and probably won't come back here anymore," Calypso said with a serious tone that made the child's eyes teary because he knows, his mother wasn't teasing him or some sort.


"You just, you just promised me! You said you wouldn't leave me.." he said, looking down while his tears continued flowing out of his eyes and falling on the floor.

"Did I say that I would leave you here? but If you don't want to c-

"No, No! I'm coming with you, just don't leave me again mom, it-its hard to live alone," he said indignantly. His eyes are now focused on his mother, begging her to let him tag along.

Calypso sighed at the child's current state, she walked towards the boy and carried him. " Alright, Alright, I won't leave you, so stop crying now..."

Sirius stopped crying and buried his head on her shoulder, While Calypso helplessly smiled at her current situation.

'I don't experience taking care of children in my past life much more raise one, but I could already say that it's troublesome yet satisfying..'

Its nearing nighttime when Sirius entered the room, and he was chatting with Calypso for a long time now without feeling a pang of hunger, and the same with Calypso because they are subconsciously absorbing mana in their surrounding, although not enough for their bodies, the potion they just drank was full of vitality that satiated their supposed hunger.

It's already midnight, and it's also the time Calypso was waiting. The moon is visible in the night sky. The surroundings became devoid of any noises, just some occasional bug sounds.

She walked towards the dilapidated drawer, and when she opened it, a gust of dust flew in her face.

cough! cough!

She quickly took the black cloak that Calypso B frequently used when doing her evil acts. She also grabbed one of her maroon surcoats for Sirius later.

'I hope this Surcoat will be enough because It seems fur clothing is not that popular at this age,' she said when she saw the thin surcoat in her hand.

Sirius had already fallen asleep in her embrace, so she just carried the boy and sneakily walked out of the mansion. The duke's mansion is huge, and almost every person has their own castle for their own personal space. But, Calypsos' room is located in a rather secluded old castle where no one stayed for a long time.

It is the first castle in the duke's land and also the family castle where her late mother lived with the duke and Calypso B.

Ever since she died, the duke built another castle for him to live in, for he couldn't sleep in a place where the memories of her deceased wife lingered.

After successfully sneaking out of the old castle without the guards being noticed, she proceeded to the back of it.

"As far as I can remember, there's a hidden passage arou-, Gotcha!" Calypso said when she saw the wooden lever handle hidden underneath the grown bush.

In the medieval era, hidden passages were not unusual for nobles because assassination or escape way was the nobles' last resort.

Calypso struggled to pull the lever handle because of the mud that settled around it, stocking it, adding up Sirius, who is sleeping soundlessly in her embrace.


The sound of old wood screeching reverberates slightly, but Calypso didn't linger any longer and directly jumps at the hole, which causes Sirius to wake up



Damn boy, you are heavy' is what she wants to reply.'

"Shh, sleep more, I'm here" hearing his mom's voice made him feel assured and go back to sleep.

It took Calypso an hour before she found the end of the tunnel where wooden stairs were pinned on the wall directly upward till it reached a massive space, which was supposed to be the surface.

Calypso smiled when she saw it, and without further ado, she arrived at the surface ground where there were no people or any other presence.

The Capital is massive and always crowded in each part because almost 3million people live here, and still increasing as time passes.

Luckily for Calypso, her objective is not that far from where she currently is. She avoids the patrolling soldier swiftly and arrives in front of a closed wooden door with carvings in the middle door.

It's the back door of the Merchant guild where only a handful of people only knows. The Guild is owned by a professional merchant that sells various stuff, and one of those is assistance.



The door instantly opened, and it revealed a woman wearing neat-looking brown tunics that flowed down to the floor, and her hair was tightly styled in an updo.

"Please enter," the woman said that making Calypso enter without hesitation. She sat on the chair beside the desk and removed the hood covering her head.

Calypso smiled at the woman sitting in front of her waiting for her inquiries "My apologies for disturbing you so late, so I'll be candid here. I want a transportation beast, "

"And where are you heading to? the price and transportation beast vary depending on the destination," she said

"To Elysian Kingdom, money is not an issue, but I want to travel right away if possible" Calypso said.

Although Calypso was a businesswoman and a great one at that, it doesn't change the fact, that the nature of the business here is vastly different from Earth.

"That would be great! Please follow me ma'am" she said and stood

Transportation Beast, due to the existence of beast, beast tamers became a famous job where a mage with a talent to tame a beast or hatch an egg beast will work in many different ways they prefer (e.g.,, Beast Transportation, Carriage puller, Battle assistance)

They arrived at a vast plain grass field that confused Calypso, but the woman didn't say much to relived her confusion, "80 Gold, No bargain, I will take you there right away, what do you say?" she asked, earning a nod from Calypso.

She raised her hand and put her finger in between her lips.


After the whistle resounded in the grass field, an amazing thing happened, a massive eagle the size of a yacht appeared, descending from the sky, it flew toward the merchant and snuggled its head on her body.

"hahaha, okay, that's enough goldie, we have work to do, come!" The merchant called out to Calypso and to Sirius, who is now wide awake, and his eyes widened while watching the eagle in marvel.

The woman hopped on the eagle back happily and looked at Calypso and Sirius, who was standing on the ground with an expression of uncertainty.