
The Reincarnation of the Perverted Magician

Everyone thought of me as a perverted fool, everyone thought of me as a trash. —But they didn't know, deep down. I was the [Legendary Magician].

Miss_Justice · 奇幻
17 Chs

Am I Dying Again?

Light was thankful for all the help, and kindness that he received from broad. Even though he just met him, he was more than like a friend to him. He has a good heart, despite his bad and ugly appearance — he helps anyone that he felt pitiful.

"Achooo! Did someone Just called me?" Broad wiped his nose.

"Uhmm benefactor, do you know who is the founder of the prestigious school that you mentioned?" Light was in thought for who it is. He/she were capable of teaching and nurturing the childs of the prestigious kingdoms.

"Ohh! you mean the principal of the school?"

"Principal? That's what they call the founder's name? sounds lame."

"Lame your ass! Didn't you know who the principal of the prestigious school is? Even all the kings of the richest kingdoms have to bow and pay respect to her! So when you enter the school, I advise you to shut your mouth up, and start studying."

"Sounds scary. Who is he by the way?" Light asked while poking his nose.

"You mean she idiot. She is what you called the absorber of life, [flowe] have you heard of her?"

"Flowe? Hmmm sounds familiar. Where have I met her?" Lights in deep thought, he was trying to remember where he heard that name before, like it was a part of his life that he have forgotten.

(Hmm my dog? Nono then my cat? hmmm Not again, then my freaking devilish ex wife?)

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, ummm benefactor does the principal of the school you mentioned have a long black hair, and big breast wearing a pink glasses in her teens, and have a sexy body?"

"I can't identify that, but she is wearing a pink glasses, and has a large breast."

(What's with that question?)

"Then this question, is she a dryad? Where she won't get old no matter how much she aged. Where you need to be carefull when you're near her, so that your mana won't get suck dry?"

"Heck yes! How did you know that? It's a classified information! even the teachers of that school doesn't know of that."

"Then how did my benefactor know that?" Light asked.

"Hmmmm, the queen blabbed about it when she were drunk."

(Isn't I the one that needs to ask this kid where he found that information? never mind I think he just heard it from somewhere.)

"I think benefactor — I ain't going to school."


Sin was trying to find a way how to get out of the trapped situation. He doesn't want to meet her ex-wife because he be brutally beaten to death again.

Well sin ex-wife don't want to see him again. She swears to sin that if she saw him again, then he really will die a miserable death, like a torture that will lead him to hell.

Chapter:009 End

Next chapter:010 Guess I don't have a choice.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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If you are wondering why it is only few words in this chapter then please understand I'm quite busy this days so I'm trying to limit myself from overwriting teehee =.=

Miss_Justicecreators' thoughts