
Chapter 28

<Ygghs looked around him and the little one. And he was starting to understand something very quickly. >

"_ only vacuum ...

[Ygghs not liking the void was on his guard]

[only think] like the little one, I still haven't seen him. In any case his face.

[speaks aloud] Hold on small what's your name? And how old are you ? "

<The young girl had her back to Ygghs. You could hear his faltering voice. Her long blonde hair and her somewhat heavy clothes meant that Ygghs couldn't see anything of her. And since she was back to him .....>

"_ (Young girl) My name is Vélia. Vélia Vaon.

And I'm 638 ... 5 years old.

_ ?? [ suspicious ]

[only think] she was going to say 638 years?

_ (Vélia) ha sir. And you ? What is your name ?

_ My name is Ygghs Akiris Akara.

Here Vélia? Can you watch me "

<The little girl turned around. And Ygghs was most shocked but was in imminent "death" danger. >

"_ What is this.... "

<Ygghs had seen the little girl from the feet to the top of her head. But some details gave him a problem ..... His blondness was only present on the back of his head.

Her hair in the front was white and had a messy reddish dye.

The front of his body was burnt and the front of his arms were black.

His eyes were pitch black. She had a mocking smile.

But Ygghs left room for a hypothesis: The girl was possessed but by which demon? By which entity? >

"_Those eyes...

Vélia ... I have a question for you.

_ (Vélia) yes? "

<She answered in a childish voice but the front of her body made it clear that it was not Velia who was there but someone else.

Ygghs was trying to guess how long she had been possessed. But in vain since a possession also takes a person's soul and can rearrange memories at will. >

"_ Was your mother sick or had any problem a few years ago?

_ (Vélia) ........ No at all! "

<Ygghs could see she was lying. And it was sure since before answering a good thirty seconds had passed. >

"_ are you sure ?

_ (Vélia) [shouts as loud as possible] YES. I SAID SHE NEVER FALLED SICK. "

<She looked totally crazy. >

<Ygghs saw 2 details that had changed before Vélia screamed. Basically her hair was in 3 colors: white, blonde and reddish.

But there was no more red.

And the 2nd point is that the girl's eyes looked broken. Like cracked worm if we'd kicked it. Or who had taken a ball from a corner. Well there it was exactly the same. >

"_ Vélia can you calm down please?

Ha by the way come in my arms you must be cold. "

<Even with his multiple layers of clothing. If Ygghs' hypothesis was correct then the girl must have been extremely cold. Since the cold is coming from inside her. And if he was indeed a demon then he would refuse. A little girl has no reason to refuse to be hugged by someone who is helping her.

And if this assumption was wrong then he is in great danger.

Since if the girl was not possessed and therefore in full control of her movements then she could make it so that Ygghs could not do anything. >

"_ (Vélia) [speaks in a hateful tone] Why would I come? I do what I want."

<Ygghs saw his hypothesis become true. But one thing he hadn't taken into account. To exorcise a demon, you must have Water of the Gods. Water that only the gods have because it is blessed.

Otherwise there was another way, but one that is clandestine. Since Ygghs is a creator and therefore god of 2 worlds then this clandestine way can work.

And it consists in pouring blood on the demon to purify it.

And that's what Ygghs is going to do. >

"_ why don't you want to come? I'm repulsive?

_ ("Vélia") [a man's voice mixed with the voice of the little girl who spoke] I never said that! Anyway I'm leaving, leave me alone.

_ then my hypothesis is true ....

And to think that I wanted the opposite.

_ ("Vélia") how's that? What hypothesis?

_ that you are a demon.

_ ("Vélia") [shocked] leave me! "

<The demon who had taken possession of the girl fled but Ygghs was not chasing him.

Because he couldn't go any further. That a certain distance.

Since this reality is logically a small reality created in speed. *>

"_ you will not leave. Here this reality obeys me and therefore leaves you deprived of all possibilities.

What's your name demon? To be there is that I took you here but how do you resist it? "

<The demon sends a kind of ball of flame at Ygghs. >

"_ good attempt.

_ (the demon) WHY IT DIDN'T TOUCH YOU?


<The demon sends several dozen balls of flame but none of them hit him yet they were fine on him.

But yet Ygghs had absolutely not moved. And even if there were traces of flames on the ground and on Ygghs, well he had nothing. Not even a trace. >

"_ (the demon) but how? How is that possible?

_ quite simply since each of the ranged attacks is reduced to a percentage of 0 when it hits me. And even if there are traces on the ground and it touches me, well it's nullifying. Instead of cashing in, well I cancel your damage. It is not very hard.

And since it's traces on the ground are physical damage. So you can assume that I can't take damage. "

<Just as he finished his explanation. Ygghs walked up to the demon and took the collar of the clothes and lifted it up. >

"_ [in an angry tone] I won't repeat myself a 3rd time.

What is your name ?

_ (the demon) Bellow ..... It's BELLOW BUT LEAVE ME QUIET.

[voice falters with tears] leave me alone ...

I'm fed up. How it is possible ? Such a reality? It does not exist.

But why me ?

_ just bad luck. That's all. And now let me see the little girl. Since I have odds control here. I can reduce your chance to stay alive to 0 when I wake her up. So you left her alone. And immediately, is it understood?

_ (Bellow) yes ..... Yes it is understood.

_ I didn't even know that a demon could even be afraid let alone cry. I thought their body had rejected these emotions?

_ (Bellow) it is. But if what makes it possible to see these hormones is too potent then we can have them again.

Shit ..... I was told that I would fall in front of anything complicated. And I'm in front of someone who controls the odds. It's not a game.



<By this time Bellow was lying on the ground with his back a little raised with a scare that kept him from moving.

Her hair came back all blond and the front of her body was back to the same color as the clothes. And The little girl regained consciousness. But when it came time to regain consciousness it was too late.

And Ygghs when recalling his old memories, Ygghs had a huge headache, a beam of yellow color surrounded him and he was holding his head had his fingers on his head as if he wanted to grab it from there. inside to have a better grip.

And why was it too late? Quite simply because if Vélia touched the light beam what touched it disappeared directly. >

"_ a game ? "

<At this moment Ygghs was reviewing or rather reliving the memory in question. >

"_ (a child) Hey Ygghs is coming with us.

_ [whisper] his voice? Why can't I tell a girl's voice from a boy's voice?

I arrive ! "

<Ygghs arrives in front of the children and some details titillate him.

In fact the children were all dressed the same and all had a black shadow on the head instead of the face. But those kids had invited him to play so he had to go. >

"_ what are the rules of the game?

_ (a child) make it you make a wish and we roll the dice and see if it will be fulfilled.

Do one and I roll the dice!

_ Okay ! I do that...

Let me think .... Uh

I wish to be out of the knowledge of all that can be known as soon as I am strong enough. "

<The child in front of Ygghs rolls the dice. And it took a long time to stop. A very long time when in reality very little time had passed. And finally after a few seconds the dice stops falling on something that was not on the dice. It was 2 symbols, the 1st symbol was that of infinity which was above the second symbol. That of the crown. >

<This was something Ygghs didn't understand. But that he was going to realize that much later. After playing for several minutes Ygghs left and this event having passed Ygghs started to take a liking to this kind of game and started to win each time. >

<One day he was playing and a man told him.

"Come on let's make a bet. Since you're a boy I'm going to say that this dice will fall on the 1 and therefore say that you are a boy. If it falls on the 2 then you're a girl okay."

Ygghs replied with: "I'm sure it will hit the 4 and the 4 will show a horse. And that will mean that you have lost. You have 2 out of 6 chances of winning and I only one. Is that okay? "

The man answered by: "of course" since he was sure to win since the dice was rigged. But.....

"_ (The man) WHAT! A 4 AND IT SAYS A HORSE !? How did you know? How did you know that it was going to land on the 4 in addition to the horse?

_ I know that's all. "

And the man stormed off. >

"_ (Vélia) sir? Sir?

_ HA yes ..... [with an exhausted look] yes? Sorry I have to sleep ... [falls to the ground]

_ (Vélia) what happened to him? "

<Ygghs fell asleep instantly and didn't wake up until much later. >

"_ (Vélia) he wakes up? Sir? Sir?

_ haaaa my head. Yes, what is it ?

_ (Vélia) in fact there is something which appeared in front of you to it has not moved since.

_ let me see that. What ? But it's me before. "

<What Ygghs saw left him speechless.

He saw himself. But years ago.

A child with torn clothes and wearing multiple diapers. Greasy and long hair in black colors and eyes going with his hair while showing a depressed look and the 2 biggest details were: he was missing the bottom of his jaw and his left leg.

In fact it was one of the hardest times of his entire life. A happy pain without the possibility of healing. And holding on to a wooden cane found on the ground.

During this period Ygghs also suffered a great deal of contempt and refusal of help. Which was sad.

The more Ygghs looked at his old "him" the more he was sorry and the more he saw him grow up. And her leg had regained shape overnight. >

"_ you see Vélia? That child was me.

_ (Vélia) you had this kind of thing?

_ and yes. We got everything we deserve.

Well, you have to go see what's going on in real reality otherwise you will never be able to know when to go out.

_ (Vélia) you know how to get out of there? Really ?

_ of course "

<and it was with these words that the conversation ended, leaving a very long blank. >

(small reality created in speed * = like a kind of pocket dimension)