

Previously: Lucas was was just about to teleport when Kuroka walked towards him, her hips swinging seductively.

"I hope you're not leaving without a goodnight~nya," Lucas smiled and pulled her into his embrace and quickly kissed her on the cheek, much to her frustration, and pushed her out of the circle before teleporting away with a smirk.

Kuroka watched Lucas leave with a pout, but it quickly turned into a smile as she touched the cheek he kissed, "You won't get away so easily next time~nya." She turned and walked up the stairs to her bedroom.


Inside the ORC room, every club member was inside relaxing. Rias sitting behind her desk, Kiba was standing over by the window, the pervert was packing up a bag full of flyers, next to him was Asia, who was just happy to be there, on the other sofa was Koneko, who was munching on some homemade cookies Lucas' mom had made and he decided to give them to her, much to her enjoyment. Lucas lightly petted Koneko's head, who was sitting on his lap and enjoying the peace. Akeno was standing next to Rias with a smile on her face.

While Lucas was petting the girl he was becoming extremely close with, he was thinking about his training for the past month. His progress was coming along in his Senjutsu training. Lucas was able to sense things in a mile radius now, but any more and he was pushing himself. Kuroka was an excellent teacher when it came to Youjutsu, but his progress in that area was extremely slower than in Senjutsu.

Youjutsu required learning symbols and incantations that he had never seen before. It was like trying to learn a langue, but this langue had the potential to hurt you and those around you if you put the symbols in the wrong order. That's why he wasn't allowed to practice spells at all. It was all about studying and making sure all the knowledge he was learning was sinking in.

It was a hard month, but worth it. Lucas could feel himself getting stronger and stronger with each lesson from Kuroka. Now all he needed was training with the use of his demonic energy. He noticed that his Scared Gear never touched his ki when he used them, only his demonic energy, which made him think that trying to use his Devil side to cast spells may not be the best thing for him. It would up his magic much too quickly and leave a huge part of his offense unusable. He had a lot of magic, according to Akeno and Rias, it was at the same level as a high-class Devil, but that would never be good enough for Lucas. His drive to grow stronger was one of the things he loved about himself. Thankfully, the only person that he would have extreme trouble fighting and winning against was the one person who seemed to have developed feelings for him in the form of Kuroka.

Speaking of Kuroka, that relationship was pretty much a wrong move away from Lucas having sex with her, but even though she was willing, Lucas decided to get to know her better, which was hard. The woman put up a front that she was carefree, but ever since Lucas sensed that deep regret and sadness inside of her, he knew that she was hiding things. He never pressed her, but the next time they had a session he was going to explain why he kept brushing off her advancements. Lucas wasn't blind and knew that his rejection to mate with the Nekoshou was getting to her.

That led to Lucas glancing at the crimson-head young woman behind the desk. Lately, Rias has been a bit off. Like something was eating at her. He wanted to ask but figured she would talk about it with someone at some point in time. He noticed how now and then, Akeno would cast a glance in her direction with a look Lucas couldn't quite read.

Soon, Rias looked up at everyone and began speaking, "Things are going extremely well so far. Lucas, Asia, and Issei." She said, directing her attention to them in particular, "You have all done well with the tasks you've been assigned so far. I think it's time to move you guys up a bit in the world." She added with a smile.

"No more flyer duty?" Issei asked with unabashed hope in his voice. Lucas had only handed out flyers for a couple of days since he already had contracts. Asia had only started handing them out this past week, but Lucas could understand why the pervert was so hopeful.

Rias gave Issei a big smile before nodding, "Yes, I think you're ready to finally move on from flyer duty."

"If we don't hand out flyers, then how do we get contracts?" Asia asked timidly from beside Issei.

"We still hand out flyers, or rather, our familiars do," Rias said patiently."Familiars?" Issei asked uncertainly.

Rias nodded before stretching out her hand and a weird bat-like ball suddenly appeared in a puff of smoke. The bat had blue eyes that seemed to match Rias' and a smile on its face with one fang overlapping its lips.

"This is my familiar. Think you're acquainted with her, Issei," She continued.

Suddenly, the familiar that was flying around transformed into a busty woman with a short red dress, and puffy black shoulder pads designed into it. A bright orange bow tied to her chest brought attention to her large breasts and showed off a good amount of cleavage. She had black hair that was unwieldy and was strewn everywhere, though that only made her more attractive rather than taking away from her good looks.

"Hey, I know her. She handed me that flyer that summoned you after... Raynare," Issei said as if realizing how bad that night was for everyone. Asia looked over to her first friend and looked at him with worry.

"And I got one too, of course," Akeno quickly jumped in, realizing how dangerous the topic was. She pointed her finger on the ground and a double square appeared before a bright light flashed and a strange imp-like creature appeared.

"Is that an imp?" Lucas asked, looking over Koneko's head in confusion.

Akeno shook her head, but Koneko spoke up before she said anything.

"This is Shiro," She said, holding onto a kitten with a bell collar. The kitten meowed softly and Asia squealed in joy before going over to Koneko and Lucas and looking at it.

"Mine's badass too," Kiba said, also pointing to the ground. The same puff of smoke that Rias' familiar appeared from began coming from Kiba but Issei turned away.

"I don't care about your tiny dancer," He said dismissively.

"Why do you got hate, man?" Kiba said jokingly before the smoke disappeared. Lucas could tell he was joking and didn't care that much about it.

Still, Issei was a dick about it, another reason to not like the pervert, "I'd like to see it, Kiba, but we're about to have company." Lucas looked towards the door.

Everyone in the room followed where Lucas was looking and a knock came from the door before it opened and a group of students came striding in.

Leading them was no other than Souna Shitor.

Souna is a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. She had a petit figure with B-cup breasts and she stood at 5'5. She was dressed in a Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform. Behind her strode in the rest of the Student Council. Souna eyed Lucas for a moment but didn't say anything.

"Rias," Souna said after turning away from Lucas. He already knew what everyone in the room was, including the new arrivals thanks to his sensory abilities.

"Hello, Souna," Rias said, "It's good to see you again. How can I help you?"

"I just thought it was time we introduced ourselves to the newest members. We do share the same school after all."

"Wait what?" Issei said in shock and confusion.

"There all Devils, pervert," Lucas said, rolling his eyes at the stupidity he was forced to be a part of. Rias looked over to Lucas, mildly surprised, but then again he did sense they were coming.

"Lucas' is right, Issei. Allow me to introduce to you, Souna Shitori. Or, as we in the Devil world know her, Sona Sitri. She's a Devil and this is her peerage."

Lucas tapped Knoeko on top of her head, their signal for her to get off his lap. She mumbled and moved to the side of the sofa. Lucas stood up, getting curious looks for Sona's peerage when they saw his tails. Lucas lazily waved a hand at them, "How's it going?" His laid response caused Sona to raise her eyebrow at him. She already knew about Lucas and his pension from falling asleep in class. She even had a few meetings with him about his behavior, but it never did her any good so she just let him be.

When it became clear no one in Sona's peerage was going to say anything he yawned, "You know, for politicians you guys leave a lot to be desired. I mean, not even a polite nod? See if I vote for you guys next election."

Behind him, Akeno giggled, "That won't matter, Lucas. They rig' the entire vote so Sona and her peerage always win."

Lucas let out a deep sigh, "Of course they do, but I'm still voting for your opponents." She said stubbornly.

Rias shook her head and let out a small sigh at that but she had a small smile on her face at the same time. Lucas went and sat on the back of the couch next to Kiba who was standing.

"Rias," Sona said, looking at the redhead, "This is Genshirou Saji, my Pawn." She pointed behind her, only for the kid to walk forward.

Saji is a young man with short blond hair and grey eyes. He wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, albeit without the blazer, and his sleeves are rolled up.

"And these are my newest member. Asia Argento, my Bishop; Issei Hyoudou my Pawn; and lastly, my other Pawn-"

"Lucas Silver," Sona cut off Rias. Based on the fact that she was a high-class devil, it didn't seem like her style to interrupt a fellow high-class devil, but for whatever reason, Lucas seemed to be the exception.

Rias looked annoyed at the interrupting, but she did move her eyes between a smiling Lucas and a narrowed-eyed Sona.

"What's up number two," Lucas smiled like a wolf catching his favorite prey. Sona just stared at that smirk and bristled when he called her number two. She worked hard to become the top student in the school, but somehow, a lazy slacker seemed to always outdo her. It caused a small resentment in her heart towards Lucas, especially when he smirked at her like he was doing now.

As the tension seemed to be mounting, leave it to Issei to try and make things better. Lucas rolled his eyes when he saw the pervert open his mouth.

"Looks like we're all tripletsies here huh?" He ran over and grabbed Lucas before dragging him over to do the same to Saji. With Issei being to shortest and in the middle, both Lucas and Saji were forced to bend slightly. It was awkward, to say the least.

Saji yanked himself away as he moved to stand next to Sona again. His face adopted an arrogant smirk as he looked at both Issei and Lucas condescendingly.

"As if douchebag," He said, addressing Issei. "You keep holding tight to your little doggy next to you. Maybe he can protect you from me. I took up four whole Pawn pieces, bro." He raised his right hand to show off four fingers before flashing a smug smile.

"What! But I only took up three pieces!" Issei roared. He took his arm away from Lucas and balled it into a fist, looking angry at the sandy-haired kid. Lucas took this opportunity to step away from Issei and next to Akeno while trying to rub off Issei's germs. Who knew where those hands had been.

"Guess that means my King like me more than yours do," Saji taunted the Red Dragon Emperor.

"That's enough, Saji," Sona said smoothly next to her Pawn. There wasn't any heat in her voice, but from any who was listening it was obvious, she wouldn't accept any kind of sass right now.

Lucas would have defended Issei, but the pervert needed to learn to defend himself. Lucas had already given up his life to save the kid once before. If the pervert wanted to keep talking shit then he was going to have to be willing to roll with the punches that would surely come. Also, Lucas didn't like the kid. All his prior experiences with kicking Issei's ass for peaking on the girls of the school burned all bridges between the two. So, unless, Rias asked him to help the pervert, he wasn't going to be caught dead jumping to his defense.

"My apologies, Rias," Sona continued, "He's young and still learning. I hope you'll forgive his playful remarks. The new ones don't always appreciate the subtleties of proper civil discourse." The Sitri heiress gave a smile at the end, to show her genuineness.

"Is she really the one to talk about civil discourse?" Lucas mumbled to Akeno. The Queen giggled to herself and it seemed Rias heard as well because she formed a small smile as well.

"It's to be expected with the new devils," Rias said in agreement with Sona. She eyed her whole peerage, taking everyone in. "In any event, I think it's time we were going guys; we want to make sure you're ready for tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night you say? Do you have something planned for then Rias?" Sona asked as if she knew something. Lucas raised an eyebrow, wondering why what Rias and everyone did was so important.

"I planned on taking Asia, Issei, and Lucas to get their Familiars then. It's the full moon so it's the only time for the next few weeks."

Soan raised an eyebrow at the, "I see. I had planned on doing the same thing with Saji here."

Rias brought her hand under her chin in thought, "Well if that's the case, why don't we have a friendly contest to sort everything out?"

That statement surprised Sona, "A contest?" Her voice was filled with skepticism, "Surely you don't mean a Rating Game?"

Rias smiled and shook her head, "No. They still think we're too young so we won't get permission." Sona produced a small smile herself and nodded in agreement.

"That's true. Besides, I don't think now is the right time to draw attention to yourself."

Lucas wondered what that meant, and when he looked towards Rias, he saw that her body became rigged, and her eyes frosted over.

"Don't go there," The redhead's words were sharp as she looked at Sona. The glasses-wearing girl seemed to realize what she said and looked at Rias with apologetic eyes. Lucas was looking between the two then over to Akeno, only to see the concern in her violet eyes, focused on Rias.

"So, the old-fashioned way then? Tomorrow after school work for you?" Rias asked in confirmation after a moment of silence. Sona nodded her agreement before ushering herself and her peerage out the door.

Lucas looked around at the others and saw them deep in thought about the encounter. Koneko was still eating her sweets and a blank look on her face, Kiba tried to give a polite smile, Akeno was back to snuggling up against his arms, Issei was looking at the door as if he couldn't believe the audacity of Saji, while little Asia was rubbing Issei back and trying to offer him comforting words.

"What exactly is the old-fashion way?" Lucas asked when it became clear nobody else was going to say anything.

As if Lucas' voice was all that needed to jump-start the crimson-haired woman, he saw Rias jump slightly, who coming out of deep thought. Her reaction only made Lucas more curious as to what held her so captivated recently.

When Rias turned around to look at him, he caught a fairway look in her eyes momentarily before it was back to her confident gaze. If Lucas didn't have his hybrid reflexes he would have missed it.

"Why, we're going to settle it just like any other high school schooler. Nothing says competitive sport in school than some friendly sports."

Lucas smiled slightly at the prospect of playing sports again. Since he was half supernatural he always had the advantage of growing up against other humans. Now that he was fully into a world full of supernatural, he wondered what that was going to be like. He couldn't help but get excited.