
The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero

It was an end of the Crises war. but the victory archieved was too costly, and it seems like it wasn't over just yet. But the Over- Monitor hasn't given up yet, he still has one more card to play. And his was a wild one.

vtorx_0867 · 漫画同人
13 Chs

My Cheat…? Seriously?

The wooden door whined opened as a silver haired female hobo-goblin gestured demurely to the kryptonian.

"Here is your room Sir." She said motioning for Clark to enter.

Nodding curtly, Clark moved steeping into a room that had similitude to the room which he first woken up in when he had arrived at this world, its size appeared to be bigger than the room he had back home by almost one half.

A comfortable looking one-man bed was spotted just adjacent to the window that had an outside view and the quilts and four comfortable pillows provided a quaint type of luxury, at a side of the room was hung a wall mirror that showed Clark side view as he caught himself surveying it.

With a light cough, the hobo-goblin dutifully informed him, "Sir a change of clothes for your size has been prepared and placed at the drawer." She said pointing out to the drawer just at the side of the bed, "Please if there is anything you need me for, I'm at the lower floor manning the desk."

Clark smiled appreciatively, "Thank you for all this… erm," He slowed realizing that all this while he hadn't gotten her name.

Pulling away the band that hid the view of her side face, the hobo-goblin supplied, "Gobiora."

Clark felt flummoxed by the motion of the goblin, 'This really pulls my fantasy expectations to the ground. In a good way.' According to some of the fiction books he had read, goblins were supposed to be child sized critters with big ugly heads and diseased yellow eyes with pupils slanted like toads, but looking at Gobiora and the other hobo-goblins he passed by when arriving at this house he could one hundred percent say the books were lying.

However it could be as a result of them being evolved –Rimuru had told him something concerning the power of Names, even as fantastical as it sounds- changing into a more powerful forms.

"Yes Gobiora, thank you for showing me my room."

Titling the hobo-goblin regarded him dazedly as though looking at someone for the first time. Clark a little uncomfortable prodded.

"What is it Gobiora?"

Clark question spooked the hobo-goblin because she jumped slightly with a flushed face, waving her hands as she apologized bowing, "Please forgive me for gazing at you so conspicuously."

"Whoa, no need to bow, I'm not gonna' bite," Clark moved pulling the hobo-goblin upward, but that only turned her beet red, "Not like you gazing is bad or anything. I'm just curious why that's all."

Gobiora within the kryptonian proximity swallowed lightly, "N-No, it's just that your behavior just now. It contradicts with what others say about you and how I expected you to behave."

Brows scrunched Clark asked, "And what did you expect?"

"Well… tyrant, dictator, warlord. A beast who hankers for a fight and bullies the helpless without mercy…"

She continued listing on, with each words possessing an ammunition that pelted Clark Mercilessly, "Wait, stop-stop." What the hell is up with those names? With an eye twitching Clark wanted to find the perpetrator and introduce him to his second love called 'The Fist.'

The first shall always be Laurie.

And he wasn't serious about the fist for that matter. At least until he could control his strength to convenient levels.

But still isn't it too saddening Clark thought slumped.

"But now that I see you," Gobiora continued. Bringing Clark out of his musings. "I know that all those descriptions about you are all false."

Opening his mouth for some seconds before closing it without a sound, Clark felt a little bit of gratification at the hobo-goblin's words "Well thank you Gobiora, I appreciate the vote of confidence, I'll try not to misplace it."

Feeling a bit bold, a red face Gobiora poked at the kryptonian's chest, "And see that you do." She moved towards the door about to leave the room before stopping to speak to Clark, "Welcome to Jura Tempest, see you tomorrow at the village dais."

Clark lifted a hand face set in confusion and before he could ask why he would be set on a dais tomorrow, like the wind she was gone.

"A- Ah…" He dragged off, stretched hand fell limply as he gave a wryly smile, "Women." The rest he left unsaid.


Clark stood beside the window appreciating the scenery it presented. Just before him, the body of the sun dipped in the horizon, leaving only twilight skies of dusty brown, with twinkles starlight overhead. Looking down at the municipal, some of the houses were already lit, window given off yellow glows.

Light sputtered above him, for a few moments before staying. Clark lifted his head up to see what appeared to be a four rhizome chandelier of dull yellow luminesce brightening up the room.

Technology seems to be at a bourgeoning stage, Clark noted with a sense of fascination. It was really a surprise seeing that the leader of the village was someone from his own world.

"And speaking of that leader…" Clark trailed off, eyes narrowed as he looked at the loud buzzing made by the citizens of the town. Miscellaneous species of wolves, orcs, goblins and…

"Is that actually a lizard?" Clark spoke to himself shell-shocked and with a small amount to aversion. He wasn't a big fan of lizards back at home and seeing something like that man sized only made him queasy to no small amount. He just hoped for all that is good he would be able become inured to it.

God he really does not want to be a racist.

But observing all the creatures in their uniqueness he could tell there was a sense of intimacy within them, a unity of some sort where they depended one on the other. And Clark surmised it was all as a result of their leader. After all he could tell just from the way they listened to him, and their obvious adoration.

They truly loved him, and that was all Clark needed to know that apparently he's the good guy.

'I too would have trusted her if only she told me the whole truth,' Clark grouched.

He wasn't an idiot, and he hates being taken for one. That was why he knew something was up. From the way Rimuru began to sweat profusely when he introduced himself especially when he told Rimuru the name of his parents.

She knew something and decided to hide it. Something that held enough weight to make her behave like that. And when he tried asked she only diverged to throw him off.

He placed both his palm against his face breathing hard as though it would blow away the rising frustration within him. It was at this moment he missed being tired.

At least it would provide him with an opportunity to rest. As he looked outside through the window, he discovered numbly that it was dark, the sun had fled entirely leaving the sole moon time to reign as the sole overlord, and outside the town hadn't died down with the sun, but rather it was even busier.

Clark quirked as he saw another kijin, this time a tall middle aged man with two stubs for horns dressed in traditional clothes followed by three stocky men, the one who the kijin was chatting with wore a bean cap with googles on his forehead, and they all seemed to be laughing about something.

Well good for them, Clark whirled back to his night sky-gazing doing his best to tune out the town, while not successful it was at least satisfactory.

As he gazed at the natural satellite Clark murmured, "Hmm… I quite expected there would be like two moons or something." But then again, he shrugged. Everything he saw today from the magic of the kijins to his kryptonian power. He halted taking another good look at the emblem of the House of EL.

He still couldn't believe he had become a kryptonian, that at last he had become Superman. He moved to where the mirror was hung to take a look at himself, only to be shocked at what stared back.

Absently touching his cheeks which he pinched for good measure to assure that this wasn't just a lucid dream. He observed at the man he had become.

While strangely he had a good physical shape even though he had never exercised back then, it wasn't like this.

"Damn I've become ripped." The bulging muscles the screamed strength, the power flowed with every movement he made, and the herculean body that now housed him, even he found himself looking like those male figures of Laurie's romance books. Oh how he wished Laurie was here to see him now.

Maybe then she could get rid of those books for the real deal.

But she wasn't here, Clark was all alone.

With a sigh he left the mirror moving to the drawer, pulling the first shelf before he heard the snapping sound of wood.

"Hmm… oh damnit." He said in a near whisper as he saw the fragments of the broken knob. He had unknowingly squeezed too hard and turned the wooden knob into chips of wood. He would have to apologize tomorrow and ask for a new one.

In the drawer Clark found a set of floosy clothes made of a white light material, which was probably his nightclothes. Now it was time to change, while he didn't smell sweat or even the dust and soothe for that matter, he appreciated sleeping appropriately.

He struggle for some seconds for the button or zips which he could use, only to roll his eyes when he discovered the spandex upper wear was a disjoined top. He pulled the shirt off followed by his pants and boots, giving thanks to God that he still had his boxers on.

No one wants to fight with their little john out in the open. When folding the suit Clark was fascinated when he saw no soot, or even dust even though that he had a building fall on his head today. Probably it wasn't made up of known materials.

He switched placing his suit while taking out his night-garment, his eyes lingering on the S.

Giving a cursory stretch, Clark was satisfied by the looseness it provided, while wondering how they got his size correctly.

Flopping on the bed, his eyes stared at the ceiling before it cleared way to the starry skies. It was wonderful, Clark thought in awe.

All this was wonderful. But still.

"Just why, why am I here?" He asked himself. He was happy with the life he gained back on his world. A happy family, tight knit friends and a lovely girlfriend who he trusted even more than himself. Looking at Rimuru, Clark could see that she was happy here, but he wondered whether she missed home.

Tears streamed out at the realization of his home sickness, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"What am I supposed to do in this world, what is my purpose?" Clenching his fist Clark mumbled jadedly.

It was at that very moment his life change drastically, because an instant later, Clark heard a chiming sound followed by the sound of a soothing voice.

{To be a Hero Ka El.}

Sitting upright in alarm, Clark turned around darting his head left and right, "Who said that?" He said out loud, "Who's there?"

All of a sudden his vision was filled with the sight of a yellow HUD screen.

Initializing Inheritance System… 100%

Welcome user, Ka El of krypton, last of the house of EL.

Clark blinked hard at the words written, "What is this?" Rubbing his eyes twice he saw that the screen was still there.

He tentatively extended a finger towards the screen only for it to pass through it harmlessly, "What…" Wriggling Clark tried to make sense of what had appeared before him.

{To touch the screen requires faith Ka El.}

Clark flinched almost squeaking, "Who is there…?" His question slowed as he turned to the floated screen, "Is this you?" He hesitantly asked.

With a dainty giggle the voice replied, {Yes Ka El I appear to you as this display, it is rather a representation of what I am.}

As Clark moved to the side of the bed, the screen moved with his view, his feet now placed on the ground in preparing to either fight or bolt, he continued his stream of questions, but most importantly.

"I don't mean this an offence but what… are you?"

The voice chuckled, {Please Ka El, no offence taken. As for my identity, I am Zillo Vala, an Eighth Level quantum Artificial Intelligence, designated as the administrator of the Inheritance System and your guide as you grow in your limitless potential.}

Clark blinked rapidly, "Wow… but does that mean you know why I was brought here."

{Like I said Kal El, to be the Hero you were always meant to be.}

Hero… that was something he actually suspected, -well seeing he was in the suit and all- but had never put any thought to it. Because he really wasn't that special, while he did hold some resemblance to his comic hero, he wasn't just the same.

Where Superman was peaceful and patient, he had a bad temper. Where Superman tried to forgive, he stewed a grudge. Where Superman was an arbitrator, he was a trouble maker.

He just wasn't perfect.

"But why me? I'm not perfect like the real Kal El, you've got the wrong guy to be give these kryptonian powers."

For a while the voice was silent, {Kal El… your kryptonian powers. They were never given to you by the system, you had them all along.}

Clark shot up from where he sat, catching himself before he screamed again, "Eh…? Please repeat what you just said."

{Kal El…-}

"No not that," Clark waved his hands, {Forget about that, but what do you mean by I had them all along. By your own words you are insinuating that I am… was a kryptonian since the beginning."

{That is correct.}

"But it doesn't make sense," As Clark began pacing around he continued, "While I knew I was actually adopted, all that time I never showcased anything that would have made me consider that I wasn't human… magic does not even exist in my world."

{… But still Kal El you are a kryptonian, it's in your blood. You are the last of the house of EL.}

That answer did not satisfy Clark at all. The increase in temperature and the sudden change of vision to red made Clark quickly shut his eyes.

'Whew that was too close,' He thought, a few seconds later would have been the debut of one of Superman's most lethal powers. But still Superman, huh.

As the temperature cooled down, Clark slowly opened his eyes fluttering. He would never in a million years had expected that. It was just too ludicrous. Also there was no way his parents would have been able to hide such an important information from him. All his childhood, Clark had always wanted to become Superman but life said no. And now…

He finds out that he isn't even human to begin with! And if he was Superman that meant his life would had been a comic book character, how was one supposed to deal with that. Taking a deep breath, Clark tried hard to drive away the anger that brewed in him.

He wanted to talk to someone, who understood him. Rimuru was the first candidate. But Clark wasn't sure he even trusted her.

Moving back to the bed, he limply let his body fall down backwards. He doesn't want to think about it, but first, "Is there a way to go back to my world?"

{… There is, after achieving a certain level of power, you could brute force a way back to your world.}

And that was all Clark needed to hear. He could still go back, while this world seemed fascinating and all, he still had someone back at his own world, and he was doing just fine without powers if he had anything to say about it.

"Alright I understand. Be a Hero, grow in power, and go home." He listed, "Something like that. So, what are you supposed to provide, Valla?"

{Valla?} The A.I said sounding bemused.

Stretching his hands he said, "Zillo Valla sounds like a mouthful, and Zillo sounds a little masculine, so I've decided to call you Valla, or is it bad?"

{Valla…} The A.I tested the same replying as she sounded pleased, {No I like the name, thank you Kal El}

"It's Clark Kent, but call me Clark."

{Yes… Clark.}

"So Valla, about those cheats," He said sitting upright, rubbing his palms excitedly.

The HUD screen glowed as its contents changed. Now on the screen was a holographic representation of himself in his pajamas. Names, race and all.





Age: 17














· THE OMEGA EFFECT (avialable) – novice

{The cheats I provide are basically the structural forces of the entirety of the DC multiverse. Your powers fundamentally depend on your believe and the integrity of your body. In a way your powers are singular from the norms of this reality, as everything you have bestowed upon you are not given as a result of understanding the way of this world but rather the Dc's and secondly, all Skills without exception grow according to your aptitude. And my role is to trick the World Voice into acknowledging your abilities as Ultimate and Unique Skills as I provide you with the components of the fundamental forces.}

"Ok…" Clark dragged out, "So in other words, my powers are different from the others, in a way that it isn't given to me by the world and it grows according to how I use it and if my body is capable of withstanding it. Am I correct so far?"

{Yes Clark.}

What could he say or even do except to be in amazement about how Overpowered this Inheritance System is. Damn but that only brokers the question. If this is my starting point, how strong am I supposed to be to even return back? Clark tried not to dwell in that thought as it would only drag him into a depressive state.

But still, "Hey Villa, there are some things I don't understand that I want you to clarify me for some of those things now?"

{I will but Clark shouldn't you be resting your body first, it's an hour to midnight.}

Titling his head, Clark looked at the screen inquisitively, it was at that moment he realized that the voices of the town people had reduced somewhat,. As he looked at the outside he noticed that they weren't as plenty as they were once before, the most that remained were goblins dressed uniformly in animal skins who rode on wolves, probably the town patrol team. He looked up to see the moon in its full glory, situated in the sky. He probably could see it at full view if he wanted to, but he'll leave that for later.

But still he wasn't tired at all not even in the slightest, turning back to his room he said, "Nah, I think I'll manage just fine Villa."

The A.I seemed to be silent for a few seconds before giving a reluctant sigh, {All right Clark, what was is you wanted to ask.}

Seeing that he had time Clark smiled ravenously as he reiterated his question differently, "Everything."

I assumed that you all might understand some of his cheats as they all are from the DC compendium, but if you all want that I should use the next update to explain some of his Skills, then please use your reviews. So how was my System? Well it's less of a system and more of an aide interface as you can see there is no such thing as level, quest . E.T.C

Next up, Clark meets Jura Tempest, test his powers… and destroy a part of the forest by mistake to Rimuru's despair.

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