

The hospital wing was quiet save for the soft breathing of its occupants. Shahzaib sat by Aiden's bed, watching his friend's chest rise and fall. Guilt gnawed at him, a constant companion since that night in the forest.

"You know," Zara's voice broke through his brooding, "if you stare any harder, you might actually bore a hole through him."

Shahzaib managed a weak smile as she settled into the chair beside him. "Just making sure he doesn't sprout tentacles or something. You never know with magical injuries."

Zara rolled her eyes, but he could see the concern beneath her teasing. "Madam Pomfrey says he'll make a full recovery. It's not your fault, Shahzaib."

"Isn't it?" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I should have noticed something was wrong. Some friend I am."

"Hey," Zara said softly, taking his hand. "You couldn't have known. None of us did. And you saved him, remember?"

The warmth of her touch sent a pleasant shiver through him, momentarily distracting him from his guilt. The Umbra Anima stirred within, responding to the conflicting emotions.

"Yeah, well," Shahzaib quipped, trying to lighten the mood, "I guess my dashing heroics make up for my complete lack of observational skills."

Zara snorted. "Dashing? More like recklessly throwing yourself into danger without a second thought."

"You say reckless, I say brave and daring."

"I say you're both idiots," a groggy voice interjected.

Shahzaib and Zara's heads snapped up to see Aiden blinking awake, a weak grin on his face.

"Aiden!" Shahzaib exclaimed, relief washing over him. "How are you feeling, mate?"

"Like I've been trampled by a herd of Hippogriffs," Aiden groaned, struggling to sit up. "What happened? Last thing I remember is... Quirrell? But not Quirrell?"

Shahzaib and Zara exchanged glances. How much should they tell him?

"It's... complicated," Shahzaib began cautiously. "What do you remember?"

Aiden's brow furrowed in concentration. "Quirrell asked me to help him with something in the forest. But then... it's all fuzzy. There was a ritual, I think? And then pain, and darkness."

He looked up at Shahzaib, confusion and fear in his eyes. "Was it real? Was that really... You-Know-Who?"

Shahzaib nodded grimly. "Yeah, it was. But he's gone now. We fought him off."

Aiden's eyes widened. "You fought You-Know-Who? Blimey, Shahzaib. How are you not, you know, dead?"

"Pure dumb luck," Shahzaib quipped, though his smile didn't reach his eyes. "That, and my irresistible charm. Even dark lords can't resist this face."

Zara rolled her eyes so hard Shahzaib was worried they might get stuck. "Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what happened. Your devastating good looks defeated the darkest wizard of our time."

"Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it," Shahzaib winked, feeling some of the tension ease from his shoulders.

Aiden looked between them, a sly grin spreading across his face despite his weakened state. "So, you two finally stopped dancing around each other, eh? About bloody time."

Shahzaib felt his cheeks heat up, and he saw a similar blush creeping up Zara's neck. "I, uh, we're not... I mean..."

"Oh, real smooth, shadow boy," Zara teased, though her own embarrassment was evident. "You face down Voldemort without breaking a sweat, but a little relationship talk has you tongue-tied?"

"Shadow boy?" Aiden's eyebrows shot up. "Okay, now I know I'm missing something. Spill."

Shahzaib sighed, realizing there was no point in hiding it anymore. He launched into an explanation of the Umbra Anima, watching Aiden's expression shift from disbelief to awe to concern.

"Blimey," Aiden breathed when Shahzaib finished. "And here I thought my year was exciting because I made the Quidditch team. You've got a bloody shadow monster living inside you!"

"It's not a monster," Shahzaib protested weakly, though a part of him wasn't so sure.

"No, just a potentially soul-consuming magical entity of immense power," Zara deadpanned. "Much better."

Aiden shook his head, wincing slightly at the movement. "Mate, only you could stumble into something like this. So what happens now?"

Before Shahzaib could respond, the hospital wing doors burst open. Professor McGonagall strode in, her face tight with worry.

"Mr. Malik, Miss Khoury," she said briskly, "the Headmaster wishes to see you both immediately. Mr. Fletcher, how are you feeling?"

"Like I've been used as a Bludger, Professor," Aiden replied with a weak smile. "But I'll live."

McGonagall's expression softened slightly. "I'm glad to hear it. Rest up, Mr. Fletcher. You two," she turned back to Shahzaib and Zara, "with me."

As they followed McGonagall through the castle, Shahzaib felt a sense of dread building in his stomach. The Umbra Anima stirred restlessly, responding to his anxiety.

"Hey," Zara whispered, squeezing his hand. "Whatever happens, we're in this together, okay?"

Shahzaib nodded, grateful for her presence. As they approached the gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office, he steeled himself for whatever was to come.

"Acid Pops," McGonagall said, and the gargoyle sprang aside.

Dumbledore's office was as cluttered and fascinating as ever, but Shahzaib barely noticed the whirring silver instruments or the softly snoring portraits. His attention was immediately drawn to the group of people gathered around Dumbledore's desk.

He recognized Snape, looking even more sour than usual, and a tall, dark-skinned Auror he vaguely remembered as Kingsley Shacklebolt. But it was the third figure that made his breath catch in his throat.

"Mom?" he gasped.

Amira Malik turned, her face a mask of worry and relief. "Shahzaib! Oh, thank Merlin you're alright!"

She rushed forward, enveloping him in a tight hug. Shahzaib returned the embrace, confusion warring with comfort.

"What's going on?" he asked as they separated. "Why are you here?"

"Perhaps we should all have a seat," Dumbledore said gently, conjuring extra chairs with a wave of his wand.

As they settled in, Shahzaib noticed the grave expressions on everyone's faces. Even Dumbledore's ever-present twinkle seemed dimmed.

"Mr. Malik," Dumbledore began, "I'm afraid recent events have forced us to accelerate our plans. The return of Lord Voldemort changes everything."

Shahzaib felt Zara tense beside him at the name. He reached for her hand under the table, drawing strength from her presence.

"What plans?" he asked, a sinking feeling in his gut.

Dumbledore exchanged glances with Shahzaib's mother before continuing. "Your mother has been working with the Order of the Phoenix for some time now, gathering intelligence on Voldemort's potential return."

Shahzaib's head snapped towards his mom. "What? But... how? Why didn't you tell me?"

Amira's eyes were filled with regret. "I wanted to protect you, beta. I thought... I hoped we could stop this before it ever touched you."

"Fat lot of good that did," Shahzaib muttered, the Umbra Anima roiling beneath his skin.

"Shahzaib," Zara whispered warningly, squeezing his hand.

He took a deep breath, forcing the shadows back. "Sorry. I just... it's a lot to take in."

Dumbledore nodded sympathetically. "I understand, my boy. But I'm afraid there's more. Your encounter with Voldemort in the forest has changed things. He knows about the Umbra Anima now, and he will stop at nothing to either control or destroy it."

A chill ran down Shahzaib's spine. "So what do we do?"

"We hide you," Kingsley spoke up, his deep voice resonating through the office. "At least until you can fully control your powers."

"Hide me?" Shahzaib repeated incredulously. "But what about school? My friends? I can't just disappear!"

"I'm afraid you must," Snape drawled, speaking for the first time. "Unless you'd prefer to be hunted by the Dark Lord and his followers?"

Shahzaib opened his mouth to argue, but Zara cut him off. "He's right, Shahzaib. It's not safe for you here anymore."

He stared at her, feeling betrayed. "You're agreeing with this?"

Zara's eyes were filled with pain, but her voice was steady. "I don't like it any more than you do. But I like the idea of you being tortured or killed even less."

Shahzaib slumped in his chair, the fight draining out of him. "So that's it then? I just... leave? Abandon everyone?"

"Not everyone," Amira said softly. "I'll be going with you. And... so will Zara, if she chooses."

Shahzaib's head snapped up, hope warring with disbelief. He turned to Zara, who looked equally shocked.

"Me?" she squeaked. "But why?"

"Because you know about the Umbra Anima," Dumbledore explained. "And because, if I'm not mistaken, your presence seems to have a stabilizing effect on Mr. Malik's control."

Shahzaib felt his cheeks heat up, but he couldn't deny the truth of Dumbledore's words. Zara did help him stay grounded.

"It's your choice, Miss Khoury," Dumbledore continued. "But I must warn you, it will be dangerous. And you would have to leave your family behind, at least for now."

Zara was quiet for a long moment, her brow furrowed in thought. Finally, she looked up, meeting Shahzaib's gaze.

"Well," she said with a wry smile, "I suppose someone has to keep you from doing anything too stupid."

Relief and gratitude washed over Shahzaib. He squeezed her hand, trying to convey everything he couldn't say out loud.

"So," he said, turning back to Dumbledore, "when do we leave?"

"Tonight," Kingsley answered. "Pack only what you absolutely need. We'll handle the rest."

As they left Dumbledore's office, Shahzaib's mind was reeling. In the span of a few days, his entire world had been turned upside down. He was leaving Hogwarts, going into hiding with his mother and Zara, all while trying to control a potentially deadly magical entity inside him.

"Hey," Zara nudged him as they walked. "You okay?"

Shahzaib managed a weak smile. "Oh yeah, just peachy. Nothing like a little mortal peril and forced exile to spice up one's school year."

Zara rolled her eyes, but he could see the concern beneath her exasperation. "Look on the bright side. At least you won't have to take exams."

Despite everything, Shahzaib found himself laughing. "Always the optimist, aren't you?"

As they reached the Gryffindor common room to pack, Shahzaib pulled Zara aside.

"You don't have to do this, you know," he said softly. "Come with us, I mean. It's not your fight."

Zara's eyes flashed with determination. "Like hell it's not. We're in this together, remember? Besides," she added with a sly grin, "someone's got to make sure you don't let all this 'chosen one' business go to your head."

Shahzaib groaned. "Please don't call me that. I'm not Harry Potter, you know."

"No," Zara agreed, leaning in close. "You're much cuter."

Before Shahzaib could respond, she pressed a quick kiss to his lips and darted off towards Ravenclaw tower.

As he watched her go, Shahzaib felt a mix of emotions swirling within him—fear, uncertainty, but also a spark of hope. Whatever challenges lay ahead, at least he wouldn't face them alone.

With a deep breath, he stepped through the portrait hole. It was time to say goodbye to Hogwarts, at least for now.