
Tsar Bomb

"Aim at it!"

When Tu-160 and Su-27 cross the border, those orcs react quickly, they immediately control their ballista and try to shoot them down. But before they have done that, something interrupts their action.

"Look at the sky, the Soviets are fire coverage, get into your cover. Report to the king that the Soviets have attacked us."

Many orcs fought against the Red Army, and even though not many of them survived, but yet, these survivors' experiences were still successfully passed on to the others. At least now they know, that when there is something with a firetail in the sky flying towards you, it is not the present from the god, but from the Red Army, it will explode when they land.

However, this time, not that their experience is useless, they do explode when they land, it is just the power of the explosion is different than the normal time. The ending of the orcs and their bunker same, turn into ashes together in the explosion.

When the missile carried with a nuclear warhead lands on the mountain, landslides, and the mountain disappears. Those tunnels, underground bunkers that the orcs take so much time to build, are easily destroyed.

Aerindral asked a good question, how do the Soviets know where the orcs hide, they can't hide in every mountain, isn't it?

The answer from the Red Army is, that they don't know, and they don't need to know. Instead of checking which mountain where the orcs are more likely to hide, they prefer an easier way, nuke every single mountain that may stop their step. Break the way with nuke, this is the Theory of the Red Army after WW2.

According to this guide, 4000 missiles carry nuclear warheads that land on the orc's border in the first five minutes of the war. Different from the previous, the Soviets used hydrogen bombs instead of conventional nukes, more powerful, cheaper, and had less radioactivity time.

Aerindral eyes between the nuclear gas mask show shock, not only him but the other elves and dwarves who followed him. They were asked to close their eyes for a few minutes else they would be blind. By the time they opened, they saw the mushroom cloud in the sky, and the mountain disappear.

This is the reason why the orcs are scared of them so much, this is the reason why even the joint attack from the undead and orcs can't defeat them.

There is no conspiracy or trickery, only absolute power and technology.

"Get into your vehicle, we go to war!"

Chernov does not care about their shock and only hurries them to get into their vehicle. Their assault is about to begin. Aerindral and his men were sent to a few MLTB armoured personnel carriers.

In the front, the assault group of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division is already moving towards the line, and not far from the first nuke points.

Inside the vehicle, Caelith finally wakes up from loss and discovers something changed in himself.

"Aerindral, my magic ... I think I lost my magic at the moment."

Aerindral listened, he wanted to comfort him, but he couldn't, his magic was lost as well.

"I think the explosion is making us this. Don't worry, I believe it is just temporary."

Vehicles with NBC protection drive through the hole created by the nuclear explosion. Aerindral sees what has happened outside through the vehicle's machine gun hole, the underground ruins that survived the blast, prove that orcs are defending here. But now, nothing can prove their existence, there is no dead body, no broken weapon, no smell of blood, there is nothing left but just a big hole.

For someone who has only gone through their traditional way of magical battle, this is unbelievable, he never even though off there is war that can go on like this.

Silence, except for the engine sound and breath, the world now remains silent.

Just when they are halfway to their destination, some of them scream painfully.

"Ahhhh! My ears."

People look at them and see their ears are bleeding.

Outside the vehicle, a visible shock wave is coming to them. The next moment, everyone in the vehicle feels the land is shaking.

Earthquake? Orcs Wereworm? This is the first reaction of Aerindral. But thinking in depth, it should not be, neither earthquake nor worm can cause his men's ears injury. They will only die in the first moment that both of these appear. 

The better way is to ask the commander of the vehicle directly.

"My men ears injured, did you see anything happening outside?"

"Nothing my friend, maybe it is just our weapon causing some side effect on your all. No worry, the Red Army will provide medical support to you."

"I feel earthquakes are happening, don't you guys worry about it? Have you all reported to your supervisor? I worry it may be some conspiracy of the orcs."

"My friend, it has been an earthquake for the whole night, it is the power of our nuclear bomb, there is no need to worry about that. Even if there was an orc beast underground, they would have been killed by the shock wave and power of the explosion."

Aerindral still feels worried about it, he can feel the earthquake this time is different than before, and it is more powerful.

Aerindral does not feel wrong, but the same for the commander as well. The stronger earthquake was created by the Red Army nuclear bomb, by the most powerful nuclear weapon that has been made in human history.

The Tsar Bomb.

If there is no other hydrogen bomb had been detonated for their breakthrough, even if they were far from the detonation point, they could still vaguely see the flare and mushroom cloud.

Just a few minutes before, the Tu-160 and the two Su-27 reached the central area of the orcs kingdom.

"Is it here?"

"I believe it is." The co-pilot compares the landscape below that is sent back from the plane camera with the night vision function to the image that was taken from the satellite.

"Red Bear, Red Bear. Red Eagle has reached the designated position, and required permission to drop the bomb."

"Red Eagle, you are allowed to drop the bomb."

The bombardier who listened to the order immediately released the bomb.

"Bomb drop!"

"Wear your nuclear flash eye protection, or else you will be blind."

The pilot after knowing the bomb has dropped, turns on the afterburner, and the 4 engines of the Tu-160 show the blue colour of the thermal tails, they are going to escape this area with the fastest speed. At night, the 4 thermal tails light up the plane in the dark, showing its beautiful and elegant shape, and this plane is going to bring the heaviest destruction to this land.

To give the time for the pilot to escape, a parachute has been installed to the bomb. The bomb slowly drops to the ground.


The detonation began at the core, a searing white light brighter than the sun. The shockwave rippled outward, collapsing tunnels, shattering magical wards, and vaporizing everything in a 200-kilometre radius, destroying everything within the range of 1000 kilometres.

Different from the other times when the nukes were detonated above the ground to achieve maximum destruction and killing, the Tsar Bomb were detonated on the ground, to achieve the greatest damage on the orc's magic array.

The mountain range was obliterated, replaced by a crater kilometres wide. The magic array disintegrated, its energy feeding the explosion, creating auroras in the sky visible from thousands of kilometres away.

For kilometres beyond the immediate blast zone, the shockwave toppled forests, overturned rivers and silenced even the winds. The air was filled with the echo of the explosion, a sound that seemed to stretch across eternity.

In the cabin, the crew is already cheering for what they have done.

"Hahaha, present from Comrade Nikita Khrushchev, fucking orcs."

In 1961, under the instruction of Khrushchev, project Arzhamas-16 was conducted. This was because at that time the USSR was at a strategic disadvantage from the US nuclear weapons possessions, foreign policy and propaganda. As a response, the Tsar Bomb was made and detonated, to impress and terrify both domestic and international audiences with the strength of the Soviet nuclear project.

In theory, the bomb was expected to yield 100 MT, but due to technical, economic, and diplomatic challenges, the yield was reduced by half to only 50 MT. Even so, the flare was visible from over 1,000 km away.

The explosion's mushroom cloud reached a height of 67 km and was observed 800 km from the detonation site. The blast wave travelled around the globe three times, with the first round taking 36 hours and 27 minutes. A seismic wave in the Earth's crust, generated by the shock wave of the explosion, also circled the globe three times.

Now, the times have changed, the USSR's technology is far more advanced than twenty years before, and there is no diplomatic issue that the USSR need to consider. A 100 MT yield of Tsar Bomb has been made, and the effect will only increase exponentially.

In the project, two bombs have been made but only one is complete and detonated. The other one was kept for research purposes. Thanks to it, the Soviets were able to build another one within two years.

In the elf's kingdom, Eldarion, Duskblade and Elyndria gathered, discussing the details of the defence of their capital. Suddenly, the crystal representing the magical energy of the whole country exploded. Before they react, three of them feel there is a pain in their ears and a strong wind blows away all the hanging on the castle.


The same thing happened in the Karak, except that the power was reduced, but it still left those men shocked and terrorised. They were gathering for the emergency meeting about the Soviet assault on the orcs, what happened has broken some of their mental. The voice of surrendering to the Soviets has been growing.

The successful detonation of the nuke has also been reported to Orgarkov.

"Great, now I repeat the order, inform all the commissar to ensure the troop are following, it is very important. Take as much position as you can, with all costs. I do not want to know the casualties, I am only interested in your progress and how much land have you occupied. We do not know when will their magic array recover, by that time it will be more difficult to take down any position."

After sitting in the vehicle for two hours, Aerindral and the troops of the 103rd Guard Airborne Division finally reached the orcs 2nd line. Complex terrain, steep mountain roads, and almost no infrastructure made the Soviet mechanization troops difficult to manoeuvre. 

It is often that the vehicle may move more slowly than infantry, so due to consideration, Orgarkov does not plan to use too much nuke in the upcoming offence. Otherwise, it is difficult for infantry to crossover the radiation area with themselves and for logistics and support to send to the front. They may heavily rely on air transport if doing that too much.

There were not any decent roads until the second line. Perhaps the orcs are too confident about their first line, the second line is more like transport hubs, transporting personnel, weapons and equipment to the first line. The entry of the tunnel is big and exposed.

"Get out of the vehicle, see what support you can provide to our army."

Aerindral and his man were hurried by the MTLB commander to leave.

Standing outside, Aerindral could only see clearly what it looks like right now. Massive infantry are onboarding from their vehicle, carrying their vehicle and moving to the tunnel.

In the front, there is a tall and strong man, waving his gun to the other. Aerindral does not know the difference between the guns, but he can see it is slightly bigger than the other. A voice came out from the walkie-talkie that equipped them.

"Comrade, I am your commissar."