
The red door

Alex's who travels movies worlds after getting inside an mysterious red door.

Hrusikesh_Rout · 作品衍生
7 Chs

chapter-3 (The cheats of death.)

As the campfire crackled & the night air filled with the sounds of the forest, Kaal, one of the Alex's friends, proposed an unplanned game of selecting cheats in which multiple tasks have been written. 

where they have to draw the cheats and the one who fails to complete their task will have to treat the group in a 5 star hotel. The excitement in the group grew.

One by one, they chose their cheats, the tasks in the cheats were sounding simple. However it was Alex who drew the first cheat unfolding a piece of paper to revel his task. It read "GO NEAR THE RIVER AND BRING A BUCKET OF WATER".

At first glance, It seemed like a straight forward and relatively easy task, but as Alex moved towards the river he soon discovered the true challenge.

The darkness of the forest enveloped him, and the only source of light was the distant glow of the campfire. The forest had taken on an eerie, mysterious quality once again.

Navigating trough the shadows, after reached the river bank and realized the gravity of his task. The river's glistening surface, under the moon's dim light, seemed much further away than he'd anticipated. The bucket he had brought with him suddenly felt heavier than a bucket of water should be.

Carefully, he lowered the bucket into the river but the water seemed to be colder & stronger than he expected. he struggled to fill the bucket as the river's current tugged at it, threatening to pull it from his grab. His fingers grew numb from the chill, but he was determined to complete the task.

As Alex struggled to fill the bucket with the cold, fast moving river water, a sudden, creep sound vibrated the night air. It was a deep bell sound, ringing three times echoing through the forest. 

He turned his head and saw something that sent shivers down his spine a massive, bloody red door stood out like a haunting beam amidst the darkness of the forest.

With lack of confidence, he approached the door cautiously, the winds blowing softly and leaves rustling in the eerie silence. The door seemed to emit an otherworldly glow, and it was impossible for him to resist the urge to investigate further.

With shivering hands, he reached for the door's handle, which felt icy cold to the touch. Slowly, he pushed it open, revealing an cavity of endless darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. A sense of "INSIDIOUS" washed over him, but something strange had captured his attention, drawing him into the void beyond the door.

Hypnotized by the darkness, Alex took a step forward, and before he knew it, he was walking deeper into the mysterious doorway. The door itself creaked and closed behind him with a haunting, crackling sound, leaving him covered in the inky blackness of the unknown. Panic began to set in as he realized he was now trapped in a place where reality seemed to unravel, and the forest he had been in just moments ago was a distant memory.

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