
After the banquet, Y'zaks led Hao Ren and the rest to a terrace on the upper parts of the castle. From there, they could see a good part of Helcrown. The city was massive, almost too massive as you could not have a full view of the city even from the highest point of the castle.

The circular city was a patchwork of districts. Within the great obsidian walls were 12 districts that were partitioned by high walls. From each district you could see each race's unique buildings and black demonic towers. The citizens were however, not blocked by the high walls as they were equipped with gates and suspension bridges. The gates were powered by demonic energies and could be opened or closed at any time. This was probably for defense in case Helcrown came under attack. The attackers could be sealed within a district if they ever infiltrated. The castle itself stood tall in the center of the city upon a rocky hill.