

There were ten photos, each featuring a girl. The first four were her and Damon, under cherry blossom trees, on lover's bridge, and with a Ferris wheel. They were wearing matching outfits and grinning like they had won the lottery. The next two were a stark contrast, filled with sorrow. She was crying in a selfie, and her wrist was stained with blood. The last one was the worst. It was a corpse, presumably drowned. Soaked to the bone and tangled in seaweed, her skin was pale and bloated

It took me a few minutes to regain my bearings, and my voice was shaky, "Mom, who is she?"

"Ever seen anyone who looks like her?' Lisa gently shot back another question

I nodded. Yeah, Ariel was practically her doppelganger.

Lisa put the photos away, sighing, "Eliana, her name is Catherine, a girl Damon once had a thing for."

"Mom, spill it. What's this got to do with me?" I was starting to freak out