When John Milton, the poet, dies, he ascends not to the Christian Heaven or Hell, but to a cosmic realm where all gods of all mythologies reside. They each grant him a fragment of their power, recognizing his unparalleled mastery of language and understanding of the divine and infernal. Reborn into a new universe where gods and mortals mingle, Milton possesses absolute power and dominion over time, space, and reality itself.
As the shadows of unrest loomed over Novus Mundus, Queen Elara felt a profound shift within her. The love she shared with King Orion had blossomed into a radiant light, one that brought forth new life. She soon learned that she was expecting a child, a moment that filled her with hope amidst the growing turmoil.
The news of the impending birth spread quickly through the realms, igniting joy and excitement among the citizens. Elara and Orion became symbols of resilience, embodying the spirit of unity that Novus Mundus had come to cherish. They believed that this child would be the embodiment of the Laws of Creation—a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
Elara dedicated herself to the well-being of her unborn child, seeking the guidance of healers and sages within the Temples of Serenity. She embraced the wisdom of the ancients, learning about the magic of motherhood and the nurturing of life. The preparations for the royal birth became a communal celebration, with artisans crafting delicate gifts, healers offering blessings, and citizens expressing their hopes for the new heir.