
What A Weird Day

After getting ready for the day I head to the gyild like anu other day, but like usual somthing is going on and right now its aqua crying with her head down.

"hey whats up" I say to megumin and darkness

"Hey, aqua want to go on a qjest but all thats left are hard ones so kazuma is making sure we don't get killed by her choice" Megumin relpied scooting to the left to make space for me.

"I see" taking my seat I order a cold water and look at kazuma and aqua like a free drama show and in ultra high graphics

"Ok guys we're taking this quest since it should be easy enough with the idea I have" Kazuma relayed his idea and I will admit he has some good plans.

* * *

Let me guve a run down of kazumas plan.

Kazuma plans on having aqua sit in a iron cage that we rented just for this quest, since awua only needs to touch the water to purify it.

so we are having aqua experience a fantasy world shark cage diving. How fun.

* * *

Arriving here with aqua in the care and the cage being pulled by a wagon and horse, she was placed near the shore as the purification process began.

"Aqua if you need to leave to use the bathroom just ask and we'll pull you back" kazuma said lowdly to a distant aqua

remembering it was going to take the whole day I sat leaning on a tree that was close by.

Sitting in a criss cross position I just sat as big purple crocodile looking things moved towards Aqua she was screaming about how scared she was while rapidly casting purification on the water to speed the process.

(4 hours later)

Aqua was still in the cage but the alligators were a little more agressive trying to stop her from purifying the lake.

*step step* step*

Megumin walked to me and said nothing just looked at me then moved infront of me before turning and...


taking a seat in my lap.

"hey what are you doing" I asked

"taking a seat, you don't mind do you" She said hiding her blush

"I don't mind" I said taking her hat and wearing it

"Yea ok the rest of us stand and Karito sits on a tree and megumin sits on karito" Kazuma said but his thoughts were more 'Lucky bastard you get a cute girl siting on top of you and I get a pervert masochists, a whine goddess, I hope I meet a cute normal girl I mean you can keep the chunibyo I want a girl whos normal and has big boobs' Kazuma lost in thought began to drool with a perverted smile.

I pulled megumin in my arms in a hug and smiled under my mask.

'she's like a cute doll' I thought as my mind I started to drift

'Why is it always you the I feel safest' I though letting the state of dreams take me.






* * *

Wakeing up by megumins shifting in my hold I open my eyes and see megumin, a lake and, a cage in said lake.

Looking down I see megumin sleeping in my arms looking peaceful.

I didn't want to wake her but I had to bringing my arms to her shoulder I shake she and then gently glided my hand down her slender frail arms and held her small hand in my as if they were extremely precious Like pearls wrapped in silk.

fluttering her eyes open shelooked around then looked at her hand and traced them up to my masked face and a small eye smile.

standing up I pull her up with me and put the hat back on her.

"Come on the lakes clear" I say walking past her and looking over my shoulder.

kazuma and darkess already shin deep in the water joining them I walk into the water

"How's aqua" I asked

"Shes stayed inside the fun cage" darknes was the who replied while kazuma tried to talk to aqua in the cage

* * *

After trying to talk to her she wouldn't get out saying the outside world was to dangerous, so on our way back she said the we should take her while shes in the cage.

on our way back I pulled out ny scythe and thought about naming it all the names that one could name a object like cole, sam, or somthing like hiro, but naming things that suit them is a harder challenge.

pondering for a name megumin came up to ma after seeing me looking at my weapon intensely

"Hey you ok" she asked

"yea just thinking that my weapon needs a name" I responded

"why is that" she asked

"well it's a little special" I said as the white-ish parts of it went into a small glow as if acknowledging what I said

"hmm how about kamakama!" I looked at her before laughing hard the hardest I've ever laughed in my life as I stopped walking bent over holding my stomach and wiped a tear from my eye, megumin was pouting hard thinking I was laughing at the name itself, kazuma and darkness looked back to make sure to see what was wrong, aqua just stayed with her eyes down.

"I guess its name is KamaKama" I said looking at megumin who smiled brightly as we all continued our walk

* * *

back on the streets of axel we are met with stares and head turns but for all the wrong reasons

1 aqua is still in a cage.

2I have a off putting persona and me standing and walking along the cage brought more wrong ideas.

3 well its all because of the wagon, and cage, and aqua...

well no one approches us mabey we look intimidating for normal people. And my hunch was right as we were confronted by a young man with light blond hair, dark blue eyes and fit physique.

"Goddess-sama what are you doing in a cage!!!" screamed the young man

"shes in our party" Said kazuma who was confused

'Hmm, aqua said she was a goddess and now someone else is saying the same thing, kazuma said the she was self proclaimed but I have to take in the improbable theory that she is a goddess, but I also have to have that thought in the back of my mind. Lets think if aqua was a goddess then why is she here or how is another question, when I saw kazuma he was a reincarnated but when I saw him he didn't have any special skill or stat like magic or strength, no weapon like my scythe or clothing this makes it so weird, did he ask for a goddess as his wish if so how sad.' I quickly thought putting relative ideas and pieces together this was the best idea for whether she is a goddesss or not or she could just be a self proclaimed and not actually a goddess.

"And who might you be" I asked

"I am the sword hero mitsurugi kyuoya, with me is my legendary cursed sword gram accompanying me on my journey are my two party members, fio and clemea."

"yea fancy entrance, lets get going" megumin quickly said, the rest of us silently agreed and walked with her but stopped when we heard a screeching and creaking noise behind us.

"Goddess come, escape and join my party" Mitsurugi said hopping off and landing on one knee with his hand extended, he just.

"Although there is a arch mage, a crusader, and a adventurer, and somthing I'm unfamiliar with" he said glancing past each of us and the last one obviously to me but I just shrugged

Kazuma went beside aqua who was still inside the cage and wispered

"Goddess, this guy says he knows you" Aqua looked up and looked at kazuma

"Goddess" aqua said still looking at kazuma

"...Thats right I am a goddess!!!"Aqua stated, haa the self proclaimed goddess is back to her normal self so I guess thats a plus. hopping iut of the cage she saw the heros face for the first time

"Who are you" Aqua said

"I am the hero you selected to defeat the demon king" mitsurugi said



Aura seemed dumb founded and this left the adventure confused

"ahhh, ah right him I almost didn't recognize you" she chuckled nervously

'so she didn't remember' is what our party thought

"And why are you here" I asked

"and how old are you ancient being" mitsurugi asked

'ancient being' I thought almost coughing up blood

"My name is Karito, and for your information I am 16 years old" I said

"16!!!" everyone yelled exept megumin who already knew on a random day for her explosion training.

"sigh" I just sighed at their shock this isn't the first time someone thought I was older based on my eye.

"And I'm also a reincarnated from our world" I said

"Nani!!" mitsurugi said in shock but when he took a closer look he notised how odd my weapon is and put the small pieces together.

"I see, but you are no sword hero, you all should come with me, I can buy you high level of armor and equipment" Mitsurugi said holding his hand out

nobody said anything and walked away

(A/N: if your wondering why mitsurugi is like this, well its because I feel like a notmal isekai protagonist is arrogant in how they act but I'm just emphasizing that in mutsurugi....he took a hit for us, but dont worry after a while he is less arrogant in trying to take aqua)

"Fine then I have no choice!, Karito I challenge you to a dual" the hero said

"Yare yare, fine lets get this over with" I said tired of him

"Good I-" Before he could draw his sword I appeared behind him and chopped his neck knocking him unconscious

kazuma came and got the sword heros sword, gram

the heros party confronted us about being cowards or something but kazuma scared them off with some perverted lines.

* * *

(the next day)

"ok which one" after the whole thing about the hero swordsman, I decided to buy some potions of different stuff like invisibility for 1 min, anda health potion incase aqua can't get to me or heal me.

"Attention all adventures, attention all adventures, head to the front gate, thjs is an emergency." The announcement stated

exiting the shop and putting away all my potion goods away by holsters in my coat.

'sigh already with another emergency well lets see what we have now.

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(I'm going to be making shorter chapters longer ones take to much time so we'll make do with smaller ones, if your enjoying this thank you and if your not...why are you this far in????)