
The Cabbages Demise

Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was a sleeping megumin still being in each others embrace.

"hey" I wisper

"hey Megumin" I say still in a wiper but this time with a little shake

opening her eyes locking them with mine I say

"good morning" I say with a smile as she blushed

I've gotten used to her already seeing as I opened up to her and only her

* * *

getting ready we head to the guild to meet kazuma and aqua when we arrived we see two other people one with short white hair the other with blond hair in a pony tail and in a knight armor(go online to see how they look like) the one with white hair was in tears and the blond is breathing heavily.

"Kazuma, who are they" I ask not knowing who they are

"ohh shes darkness *points at the blond* and this one is chris *points at the white hair girl*" kazuma introduced me and megumin to them as well

"kazuma why is she crying" Megumin asked

"Uh actually-" kazuma was going to explain but darkness beat him to it

"indeed, shes just depressed because, when she taught kazuma theif skills, her panties were stripped off, then all her money she had on her was taken" kazuma was alarmed and tried to quetion darkness for being upfront as well as missing some info

"He said giving back his coin pouch wouldn't be enough, if he'd just returned my panties...but then he told me to decide how much they were worth on my own" she went on about what he said leaving him with little room to speak

"well kazjma did you learn any thief skills" Aqua asked

"just see for your self

STEAL" Aiming at megumin with his hand out and making a grabbing motion, megumin rushed behind me causing kazumas target to change to me...

when the glowing stopped he was left with my boxers...

"pervert" was all I had to say as I streched my hands and requested my black boxers

* * *

after that incident I put my underware back on as they talked when suddenly and alarm for an emergency quest was broadcasted across town

they said to go to the front gate right I'll meat them there then.

At the front gate

Having arrived there I am with my party, apparantly its a cabbage swarm at this time of year

"a storm is coming" Megumin said in front of everyone

"indeed" I say with my scythe over my shoulder

my stats have upgraded since I went up 5 levels yesterday thanks to my scythe

"HARVEST TIME" screamed every one behind us

charging at the horde of Cabbages they all engage and grabe the Cabbages to eat

after a little while I see megumin want to blast the horde so I approach behinf her and wisper like a devil on ones shoulder

"destroy all thoughs who go against you turn your enemies to cinders, I shall make your flames blacker the a moonless night and I shall gaurd you for now and ever" I wisper

this seemed to be enough for her as she started to cats her spell.


The resulting explosion was a giant ball of black flame controled so the Cabbages could turn a little scorched

"pout' why wasn't it stronger" she said not realizing shes still standing

"there all dead right?"


"it was a big explosion right"


"Are you standing" I asked


realizing she was still up she was shocked then turned to me

"I controlled the Explosion cuz' we want to eat them but next time I will actually make the Explosion more chaotic then anything the world has ever seen" I say while picking her up in a hug, making others who saw make a aww noice from the cute moment.

"I'd expect no drom a crusader. It's no suprise that the cabbages could barly leave a scratch on you" Aqua compimented

"no I'm just a solidly built woman." Darkness said humbly

"Megumins black explosion, worked wonders to make perfectly rosted cabbage" darkness said

"no I had helped from Karito on that one" Megumin said wanting me to take some credit

"indeed I helped I said after grabbing myself some cabbage" I saw them look at me closely exept Megumin

"what?" I asked

"are you going to take off your mask" Aqua asked

"yea how else would I eat" I say in matter of fact way

"Ok then keep doind what your doing" Kazuma says while the rest of the guild looks our way

just when I was taking it off a guy smashed through the doors the tenstion before was on him but when the people who were looking my way unfortunately for them I ate my fill and put the maske on before anyone could see.

every one was very disappointed but megumin had a smug smirk which didn't %o unoticed by our team

"why the smirk" kazuma asked

"It's just sad you will never see Karutos face " Megumin said caresing my mask while bringing her face by mine

"Like you have" Kazuma sarcastically said

"Have I" she said as her smirk got bigger

"you have??!!" kazuma screamed

"I Have!!!!" she screamed back with a leg on the table

our party was in shock

"What did his face look like" Aqua requested

"I'll never tell, kukuku" megumin said with a evil snicker.

the rest of the night was filledwith laughter and me wondering If I really deserve to be so happy right now... I guess I can be someone new here, I hope anyway.

* * *

This night I got my own room and didn't need to stay with megumin since I didn't want to intrude more then I already did.

Getting up from my bed and taking a shower I put on my mask and look into a mirror running a funger down my eyepatch

"I guess you don't get dirty" I muttered to myself

seeing as this I head to the guild to regroup with the others, not to mention I need a new set of clothes these are from my old world.....I should get a new set before going there then arrive already in one so incase we need to go on a quest I'll be ready...Sure why not...

"Did I just talk to my self..." I thought surely I've done so more before but only now did I relizes how much I do it

* * *


I arrive at a place that sells clothes for adventures so meaning the clothes look good while being a big help in combat with some being more resilient to certain things then others, Like a game but now its real Its my new normal I guess.

"G-good morning, can i help you with anything" the receptionist asked

"No, I'm just browsing and If I like something I will but it" I explain


Resiving a nod I begin my search which is me mainly focusing on somthing in my favorite color...black without it hindering my movements. Although there are alot of black robes for mages and thats all sorts of hard on fast and agile movements.

I need something to allow easy movements that looks cool while also being black, something that screams don't mess with me unless you want to get hurt

After a couple minutes I found the outfit I was looking for and after buying and wearing it I headed to the guild luckly this outfit cost 100,000 dollars but has physical and magical resistances which is rare in aurmor since its somtines only one or the other.

(pic of outfit just picture black pants)

* * *

I arrived at the guild to see kazuma and the others

"hey...." I greeted

but what I was greeting towards was a megumin rubbing her body against her new staff

"What with her" I asked kazuma

"Well she enjoyed killing all those cabbages yesterday and it has transpired into this"

"Karito!!" magumin yelled as she threw herself at me and hanged off me like a kawala

"Can you help me in my daily Explosion training" she said overcome by lust for the art of Explosion

"Sure" I said not seeing why not

"WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!" aqua yelled apparently she didn't grab much of the cabbages and what she got was actually lettuce meaning she didn't get much money from the hunt yesterday.

"Kazuma-san!"aqua said in a sing song

"About how much was your reward from our last quest" She asked

"About a million" He responded

'he got the most out of all of us, I got 800,000 now 700,000 from my outfit change, megumin I think got around 600 or 700 hundred thousand from the whole ordeal, aqua probably got 30,000, and darkness got componsation money for protecting others the other day.

Aquas eyes turned into ones of greed as she jumped onto kazumas table and after some...convincing he gave her 100 thousand eris to payoff her debt.

the rest of the day was uneventful so....

* * *

There has been a sharp decline of quests thanks a top rank from the demon king's army making only high level quest which we are not ready for.

so I am here with megumin to train her magic since she requested me to.

"Hey where are we going for your magic training" I said

"well since I can't move after one spell I need someone to carry me home"

"Ok, hey megumin tell me about yourself" I asked

"Hmm, why" Megumin replied

"well I opened alot about myself to you so I thought you could do the same but if you dont want to thats fine too" I said not wanting to make her uncomfortable

"No it's fine but I have to warn you my tales of adventure are amazing and so cool that you'll regret not wanting to join me, hahahaha" megumin said

"Its fine I like adventure" I said

"Well I am from the crimson demon clan, I went to a academy in my village since we are highly proficient in magic we use schools to teach younger generations, I have a rival who was second in the academy while I was first, I had a pretty normal childhood, other then the fact that people didn't like my choice of magic"

"Ahh, so thats what a normal childhood is" I said looking at the distance

megumin looked at me with a hint of pity for me not that I could see

"Hey why do you look so sad you aren't with your parents anymore your with me" Megumin said as she jumped infront of me

I kust looked at her with wide eyes that then went to soft eyes

"I guess your my first friend I've ever had from this world or the other" I said taking off my mask

when I'm with her I don't feel like useing my mean eyes or have to hide I feel free proven by the fact the only peaceful night I ever had was with her

"By the way karito why do you have b the black surrounding your eye" Megumin asked me

"I have insomnia , The only night I had a goods night rest was with you" I said megumin stoped walking and had her face as red as her dress

"hmm is that a abandon castle" I said looking on top of a cliff

"I guess that will work" Megumin said casting her spell

and thus my daily life had megumin in the schedule, we would go to the abandoned castle even in the snow or the rain and she would use explotion magic once a day, and with eqch day I would see improvement even if it was a small improvement it was one non the less.

on one day at the guild aqua was stress for only being able to use recovery magic when suddenly.

"emergency, emergency. All adventures, please arm yourselves at once and head to the front gate" Luna said

rushing to the gate I with everyone I say a being that resembles the story of the headless horseman from earth

"I'm the leader of the devil kings army who moved into a nerby castle resently." The headless man said

"Is that a dullahan" Darkness said I guess that's his species name is

"Day after day, after day, after day! Wh-who's the screw-loose imbecile who keeps firing explosion magic at my castle every singal day" he said trembling with rage

Everyone was thinking of who it was when they looked at megumin but megumin looked away when someone else was getting blamed she was trembling in guilt, but I wouldn't let her take the blame so instead of her I said

"It was me" I announced making my way to the dullahan

"Then are you ready to pay with your life" he said

raising his hand he shot a spell at me the made a big skull appeare

"You will suffer in pain and ultimately die in one week" He said as I still stood up

this pain is nothing not after all I've been through pain is mearly a concept and once you explore the concept it becomes null the knife through my eye was way worse then this the cuts and cuts my mother would give me and the burns and bruises they were.

falling onto one knee the kazuma, megumin, darkness, and aqua rushed to me.

"If you want to be free of the curse come to my castle, if you can make it there that is" he said turning and dissapeared into the tree line to his castle

seeing him leave I bring my scythe to my thumb and cut myself

"devour" I said making the scythe devour my blood along with the curse

"YOU IDIOT!!" megumin yelled as she tackled me

"why did you do thay" she asked

"for you silly" I said moving my hand up to my mask I pull it off to let me breath more freely

the others could have seen my face for the first time but Megumin didn't let me pull it down she sat on my while the others were anticipating me to take it off but after seeing megumin not letting me they were in a up roar.

I looked at her confused

"Only I can see you true face" She declared I let go of my mask and just breathed its fine either way

"Fine only you can see what my face looks like underneath" I said closing my eye

every one from the guild came and celebrated the demon generals retreat.

Life in another world is so much more wacky but I don't dislike it.

(some story will change slighty as you might have seen but I will try my best in whatever I can do to make this work and if your complaining about why its taking so long its that I'm making these while actually watching the anime for the first time.)