

Alvin is a normal boy with a normal life till the day his parents die. Now the fate of the world comes crashing down on his shoulders when he's told that he is a guardian of the Lighter class- of the Guard, an international secret organisation tasked with protecting the world from the creatures that roam the dark side of the world.

AOP_2782 · 奇幻
22 Chs

Chapter 7


It regards me with unblinking and bloodshot eyes, speaking with an attractive and deep voice. That's gotta get him some demon babes....Do demons also have soulmates? I mean.... someone's got to enjoy the humid air and boiling atmosphere with another demon, right? Snapping out of my train of thought, I look at the demon who has now taken the form of a Black American, staring at me with an unreadable gaze. Stepping back, I wonder where his tuxedo came from. He smiles "Moving on, if you manage to pass this test, your powers will accept you, and there is a chance I could be your companion, based on your performance. I speak "I'll do it" Raising his eyebrows, ( Oh my gosh, why does a demon look this sexy) he says "I'm not done yet, if you fail, you could lose your sanity or worse, die....come to think of it, is death worse?" Shrugging in response, I reply "I'm not doing this for myself, I'm doing it for my brother, I need to be strong for him..... if I'm weak, who will he lean on? And by the way, both of your consequences can be taken care of by Guardians"

He looks at me, and I think I see respect in his eyes, but it leaves as quickly as it came "Whatever, you begin now". And before I'm thrown into haunting seas of my painful memories, I ask him one question "What's your name?"

He chuckles "Neander, the new one"

* *** *


Using my fingers to trace the thing that is called an iota, I can't help but wonder how my world changed so fast. I mean, these things are always fun to watch on TV, and I used to think that they were dumb for not wanting their powers and wanting to live normal lives. But now.....I kinda miss the days when my biggest problems were my homework, possible suspension or wondering what to wear to prom.

And now both my parents were dead, all because I thought I wanted to live a super-powered life...I thought wrong. Feeling a pat on my shoulder, I see blue eyes and trademark all white clothing. As I wipe my tears, he speaks "You did better than me at least, I cried on the way here". I laugh and then he ruffles my hair. "So what are we doing today?" "You're having your guardian companion test today"

"Sounds fun"

He smiles bitterly "Trust me, it isn't"

* *** *

My instructor stands across me in my mind plane. I never cared to decorate so everywhere is white, like how a virtual room would look before initiation. Looking at me with disdain, he speaks "After all these years, you still cannot maintain this domain for as long as you should be able to! In dire situations, only your mind plane gives you absolute superiority and power over your opponents! And yet, what can you do? Read minds like some cheap circus freak! The Lighter is here, and as a psych, you are the only one that is capable of a fusion skill with him! As for why other psychs are not compatible, I do not know... If I had my way, you would be stripped of your Big Eight status, but as the only one capable of a fusion skill, my hands are unfortunately tied." His comments hit me hard....I might have been trained to withstand anger but looking at this man that never sees anything good in me, I snap and everything within a five meter radius of him starts turning black. He looks at me, looks at the now complete attack formation on the floor and laughs "This is it!" and with a wave of his hand, the formation is rendered useless. "Now show me more!"

Hey! This is me coming to you with another chapter! Thank you for staying with this novel! I appreciated you all. Peace ✌️

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