The sun was rising on the east horizon and a new day was just beginning. In the woods behind the Hokage Mountain noises of fighting, weapons clanging could be heard. A young boy dressed in a medium-collared long-sleeved button-less blue shirt with a hoodie and black pants suddenly appeared on the ground in the middle of a clearing with a regular ninjato in his hand. He was wearing fingerless black gloves with metal plates on the backhand, standard shinobi sandals and had 2 shinobi tools pouches on him, a kunai holster on his right upper leg wrapped with bandages and the other pouch on the back of his waist attached to a belt.
The boy looked around when suddenly sensing something in the ground he jumped, just before two hands came out of the ground. As he was in mid-air a hail of red hot earthen bullets mixed with fire came shooting at him from the woods. The boy created a shadow clone of himself in mid-air in an instant without any hand-seals and used the shadow clone to propel him out of the incoming attack's path. As he was landing on the side of the clearing he was attacked by a hail of shurikens and kunais, he just landed on the ground and put his two hands on the ground. An earthen wall rose up from the ground and protected him from the weapons flying towards him.
The boy did not have a moment of respite as another boy looking just like him, attacked him with a sword. They fought with swords a few moments when the boy managed to disarm his enemy, grabbed him with a chakra grab and spat a fireball on his face. The enemy dodged the attack by a hair's breadth by shifting his head and engaged the boy in a taijutsu fight. They fought for a few moments and finally the boy managed to kill his enemy by stabbing him in the eye with a kunai only to see that the enemy disappeared in a puff of smoke signifying that the enemy was a clone.
The boy left the place and flickered away as he landed safely on a tree branch but just as he and his shadow clone were going to attack their attackers, dull red coloured strings appeared all around him, enveloping him from every side. Just as the strings were starting to bind him up, he disappeared in flash and in his place a wooden log got seared by the strings. The boy appeared on top of another tree and saw his clone fighting a boy who also looked the same as him. The boy body flickered to the enemy his clone was fighting with a swirling sphere of compressed chakra in his hand and just as he was about to strike the enemy down, a single red string managed to slash his throat, making the boy disappear in a puff of smoke signifying that the boy was also a clone all along.
"STOP!" - Takeru shouted as he finished his meditation session and stood up. All his clones stopped fighting among themselves and gathered around him.
"So, today the red team wins and the blue team loses. This makes the score 73-72 with red team on the lead." - Takeru said as groans and shouts could be heard from the clones.
"It is not fair boss, the blue team already knew all of our strategies and they even had the time to set traps around the area" - a clone protested indignantly.
"Well it was your fault as you guys did not map the traps correctly. I prohibited you from using the sensing ability as I want to hone the battlefield instincts more. It is you loss no matter what" - Takeru answered.
"It is your fault to be exact as all of us are your clones and our mistakes are your mistakes so.." - a clone droned.
"Just shut up." - Takeru sighed as he dismissed his shadow clones taking all the memories and experiences they had. He freshened up a bit and checked the time, it was nearly 8 in the morning. Takeru packed his things up and went towards the Institution.
In the past 7 months, Takeru spent his days doing all sorts of things, he trained and practicced, he learned and grew, he made friends and spent his free time with them, chatting, playing, studying, helping them with their studies, helping them prank the teachers, visiting all the various spots around the village. Takeru, Hiruzen and Kagami became friends instantly. Biwako joined them and literally dragged Shikatsu into the group. Hiruzen's childhood friend Homura and Biwako's friend Koharu also joined the group. Danzo at first thought that this behaviour was childish and minded his own buisness which was to supass the three genius but soon noticed that he was being left out, so he also grudgingly joined the group. They soon became friends and Takeru enjoyed their company very much.
Takeru was happy with his life. He improved his kenjutsu, taijutsu and earth release chakra manipulation, He mastered the last jutsu in his possession, the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet completely.
Takeru made a new fuinjutsu seal. He made it for himself and named it the Training Seal. He created it by merging and combining the restraining seal, the gravity seal, the chakra disruption seal and the alter-limit seal. He created the seal matrix by using the alter-limit seal as a base of the seal and placed it at the core with the other three seals forming an equilateral triangle. The four seals worked in a synchronised way in conjunction with one another. He tested it on his shadow clones and confirmed that it worked perfectly as it should. The only problem was that he was the only one who could use the seal as the alter-limit seal only recognised him. He placed the seal on the center of his chest and it looked like a small black equilateral triangle with a black dot in its center.
Takeru set up the seal with a meter so he could control the intensity of the seal. The seal worked in levels so level 0 was the neutral setting where the seal did not have any effect, level 1 was where the gravity gets doubled, restriction seal restricts his any and all movements and the chakra disruption seal made it so that he would have trouble controlling his chakra. Level 2 would increase the intensity of the seals again to the point that Takeru would feel 3 times the gravity of earth, restrictions and chakra disruption. And it went all the way to level 10 with every next level increasing the intensity of the seals constantly more than the previous one in a linear fashion. Takeru was currently in level 3 of his training seal.
The seal operated by taking his chakra and Takeru observed that everytime he turned the setting down to level 0, a chakra pulse was emitted from him and it increased with every level. Now in level 3 setting if he turned the setting down to leve 0 directly, chakra would burst around him in a spehere like shape. Takeru stopped using training weights as they were not as effective as the training seal, and they were getting increasingly bulky and cumbersome. He set the training seal on level 3 and kept it on every single moment for a month now causing his physical capabilities to increase tremendously and his chakra control became more and more perfect continuosly.
Takeru became 11 years old this year and he and his family celebrated that day with fun and enjoyments. Toru gave him a new ninjato for his birthday and Akane taught him about stealth, sneaking and how to use camouflage techniques properly. Takeru had a guess that his mother perhaps was a kunoichi in the past but he did not ask her about it. It was a very sensitive matter and he hoped that she might someday open up and tell him about her past.
Today was the final day of the class and the final day of the 3 day long graduation test. In the first day the written test was held, Takeru finished the exam under 10 minutes and set another record. That same day shurikenjutsu test was held where Takeru and Kagami both scored full marks.
The next day the obstacle course test was held and Takeru again smashed his own records. That same day the taijutsu test was held. Takeru was matched with Kagami and Hiruzen was matched with Danzo. Takeru and Kagami's match was a long one as both were not really fighting. They were sparring. Kagami could see each and every flaw of Takeru's moves with his sharingan and he reacted accordingly. Kagami never had such a good sparring partner as Takeru's moves were flowing in a specific beat & rhythm and every time Kagami was close to figuring out the rhythm, Takeru changed it into another one. Takeru also used Kagami as a sparring partner as Kagami's reactions were flawless and with his much lower physical capabilities due to the training seal, he slowly perfected his moves as he practiced with Kagami. Soon, the fight stopped when Takeru used chakra grab to grapple Kagami with an armlock and Kagami surrendered. They both nodded at each other with tactit understanding and left the stage.
Hiruzen's and Danzo's fight began shortly after but their fight was different from the match betweem Takeru and Kagami. Danzo fought with all he had just to defeat Hiruzen and Hiruzen replied accordingly. The fight soon escalated when Danzo used a kunai in the fight which was strictly prohibited by the instructor. The instructor wanting to stop the fight came forward but before he could do anything an accident happened. Hiruzen, on one hand wanted to defuse the situation but he also on the other hand wanted to win the match, so he threw couple of shurikens towards Danzo. Danzo managed to deflect two of them but he coud not deflect the last shuriken and the shuriken that came bouncing off of a tree that he deflected earlier. Suddenly a splatter of blood came out of Danzo's face. The instructor hurriedly came to check on Danzo, who was lying on the ground. Danzo shrugged off the instructor's hands and left for the infirmary without even making the reconciliation seal. Danzo left with a bloody 'x' shaped wound on his chin and a downcast look with only saying two words, "I lost".
The final fight between Hiruzen and Takeru happened after that but Takeru did not try his best and Hiruzen was too distracted by the incident that he could not put his focus on the fight. Takeru won that match but he knew anybody could have won a match like this when your opponent was so distracted. That day ended with the whole group visiting Danzo at the infirmary, who now sported an 'x' shaped scar on his chin. Hiruzen apologized profusely to him, Kagami said that the scar would make it easier for him to pick up ladies which got him a beating from Biwako and Koharu. Takeru said the scar looked badass on him. Danzo smiled at their comments and his friends antics. Friends, such a foreign word for him, Danzo knew that they would be supporting him and they will fight side by side with him but he just could not stop those dark, gloomy feelings from surfacing deep within his heart. Danzo asked himself, would he be able to sacrifice his life for them. He could not find an answer.
Soon, the next day came. It was nearly 8 in the morning when Takeru entered the classroom in the Institution and saw Biwako waving her hand at him. Takeru went up and sat at his usual seat beside Biwako and Shikatsu. Biwako asked, - "Takeru, did you practice the jutsus"?
"Do not bother asking him, he is probably going to top the exams for sure." - said Shikatsu, bored as usual.
"I do not know about that, but yes, I practiced the jutsus" - replied Takeru.
"Hey guys, how do you feel about the exams?" - Kagami asked from the bench in their front.
"I practiced a lot but I do not feel confident about it" - Biwako said nervously.
"Hey, calm down Biwako, you would do great in it. You have really good chakra control and you practiced a lot. Just be confident in yourself." - Takeru tried to calm her down.
"Yeah, what he said" - came Shikatsu's muffled voice as he used the desk as a pillow and dozed off.
"What about you Takeru? - Kagami asked.
"I will pass. What about you?"
"I practiced with my father, and he said my proficiency is acceptable in his eyes. So, I think I am good. I do not think I have to ask about Shikatsu."
"No you do not. He will probably go to sleep in a dangerous mission and the enemy will not even kill him, thinking he is already dead." - joked Takeru.
"What about Hiruzen and Danzo?"
"Oh, Hiruzen is there talking with Homura and there is the 'I am so serious' Danzo." - Takeru and Kagami joked along, Biwako was chatting with Koharu and Shikatsu slept as usual.
Soon, the instructor came into the classroom. All the students went back to their seats. The instructor told them to form a line, which they did. Then they were all told to demonstrate the three basic jutsus one by one. Some of them passed, some of them did not, but all of Takeru's friends and acquaintances passed the test. Hiruzen, Kagami, Danzo and surprisingly Shikatsu performed the jutsus flawlessly. Biwako, Homura and Koharu passed them too. At last it was Takeru's turn. His friends cheered for him. Takeru got in front of the instructor and performed hand-seals in blinding speeds. Takeru first made an earth clones of himself, then the clone Takeru transformed himself perfectly to look like the instructor and lastly Takeru replaced positions with his transformed clone via Body Replacement Jutsu. The instructor was stunned for a few seconds. He recovered in a bit, marked Takeru's file and said just one word to Takeru, "Pass".
After the exams ended, Takeru like all other students who passed went to get his leaf headband. He went to the instructor who told him to come to the institution at the starting time tomorrow and gave him a shiny new headband with the leaf symbol. Takeru immediately asked the instructor for another headband. The instructor asked him what type of headband he would want. Takeru told him that he would want the cloth and the metal plate to be coloured non-reflective black. The instructor smiled at his request, took out his file from the file cabinet, gave a tick mark somewhere and gave him a new headband made accurately to his requirements. He then asked all the graduated students to go to the next room where their shinobi ID will be made.
Takeru wrapped the headband on his forehead and waited until it was his turn to enter the room. His friends were all done, leaving only him. Takeru entered the room to face the same two instructors he met previously on his class promotion tests. The instructors saw him and sighed. One of them told him sit on the chair nearby and took his picture with a camera. He was told to wait a moment for the photo to develop and for them to make the ID. After sometime they gave him the ID. Takeru's shinobi ID number was '000300'.
Takeru went out of the room to meet his friends. All of them were wearing leaf headbands. They were all now proud shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village. The instructor soon came and reminded all of them again to come tomorrow morning to the institution at the same time in the morning. Takeru and his friends all went outside and saw their parents waiting for them. They said their goodbyes to each other and went to their parents.
Akane hugged Takeru as soon as he approached her and Toru ruffled his hair lovingly. They were happy that their son finally became a shinobi. The Yamamoto family celebrated with a sumptuous lunch that day in the Akimichi Restaurant. They then went out for shopping. Toru and Akane bought a couple of few things and Takeru meanwhile bought a huge amount of paper for his fuinjutsu practice and a steel mesh body armor for wearing underneath his clothes.
They soon returned home. Takeru told them tomorrow he would probably get selected in a team and depending on his and his teammates performance they would get the rank of genin. He also stated that as a genin of the village he would have to complete some mandatory missions. Akane became a little anxious after hearing the last bit of news. She asked Toru if he Takeru was ready for missions. To which Toru replied that Takeru was more than ready and the first few missions would only be in the village so they did not have anything to worry about. Akane after hearing this calmed down somewhat. Takeru spent the rest of the day with his family.
The next day, all the students who passed sat in the classroom 5-A. There were 37 graduates in this batch including Takeru. But Takeru noticed that there were 2 more genins in this room. All the students were wearing their headbands today. Takeru met up with his friends and chatted a bit. They were all waiting for the instructor to come. After a few moments the instructor came and with him came 13 leaf shinobis including the Hokage's brother Tobirama Senju.The instructor brought the students' attention to him and announced the team selections. The instructor announced the teams one by one serially. All of the students listened attentively.
"Alright, I will now announce the team members, Team 1:..., Team 7: Hiruzen Sarutobi, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, your jounin sensei will be Tobirama Senju; Team 8: Kagami Uchiha, Danzo Shimura and Torifu Akimichi, your jounin sensei will be Hyokai Hyuga; Team 9: Takeru Yamamoto, Shikatsu Nara, Biwako Kurosaki, your jounin sensei will be Shunsui Uchiha; Team 10:...". One by one the teams were announced and the students left with their teammates following their respective team leaders.
Shunsui Uchiha, Team 9 leader called out, "Team 9, pack your things and follow me". Takeru, Biwako and Shikatsu got up and followed their jounin sensei. They followed their sensei silently as he did not speak a word. Soon, the group of 4 walked out of the institution and through the village all the way to an empty training ground.
Their sensei spoke for the first time, - " Introduce yourselves".
"Why do not you introduce yourself first sensei so we all can have an idea about how to?" - asked Takeru.
"Alright, my name is Shunsui Uchiha. I come from the Uchiha clan. I am a jounin of the Hidden Leaf Village. Now you first brown eyes."
"My name is Takeru Yamamoto. I graduated from the Shinobi Training Institution yesterday. I want to be strong to protect my family, friends and the village."
"You next, brown hair."
"My name is Biwako Kurosaki. I want to protect my family, friends and the village. I want to be a shinobi specialising in medical ninjutsu."
"Alright, he sleeping?" - Shunsui asked incredulously as he did not even noticed the last guy was sleeping till now. Takeru and Biwako, both of them sighed and jerked Shikatsu awake.
"Huh?! What? Oh, my name is Shikatsu Nara. My dream is to relax under a blue sky in a slightly windy day, watching the clouds and thinking about the meaning of life."
"Alright, I got it. I want you all to meet me fully prepared at 6 in the morning tomorrow at this place. This is the 9th Training Ground. Remember it. Now go." - Shunsui told them to go home and left in a swirl of leaves. Takeru, Biwako and Shikatsu discussed among themselves and came to a decision that they would come an hour early at 5 in the morning tomorrow. Then the three of them went to their homes.
I had made a mistake in scaling the Training Seal and its intensity per level. I wanted the increase of intensity to be linear in the way that every level would have a constant increased intensity than the previous one.
I mistakenly made the growth of intensity exponential.
But I noticed the mistake thanks to AshKami, Johnny_Trombley and Ashborn2271.
I have already fixed the issue.
MC will not go all planet busting dbz level.