
The Raiders of the Two Dimensional Life

Mengapa menjadi seperti ini? Untuk pertama kalinya, saya memiliki kehidupan santai yang saya nantikan, dan saya memiliki orang yang saya cintai di sisi saya. Dua hal bahagia seharusnya tumpang tindih, tetapi waktu telah jatuh ke dalam reinkarnasi yang tak terbatas. Itu terus berulang setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah, waktunya terbalik. Kembali ke siklus dari sebulan yang lalu. Pada saat ini, iblis datang ke sisi Su Ye dan mengatakan kepadanya, "Ini adalah dewa yang menyetujui permintaan seorang gadis. Jika kamu tidak menyerangnya, waktu akan selalu berputar seperti ini. " Siapa dia?" "Aku tidak tahu."

Wulan_Apriyani_0925 · 武侠
17 Chs

Chapter 5 Martial Arts Class

The school has a purpose-built martial arts hall. The martial arts hall trainer is a professional martial artist.

The income you can receive is very low at the low level of the profession, around 100,000 yen per month.

If you can step up to the professional ranks and receive these results before the age of 20, that's still pretty good, and you can barely support yourself.

But for some people who are married and have children, 100,000 yuan in welfare means nothing, and they have to find other jobs to support their families.

However, after you work, it means giving up martial arts, which is unacceptable.

After all, once the job was abandoned, it would definitely not be able to cope with the annual appraisal, and it would be a matter of time before they fell from the professional rank.

For those who want to juggle martial arts and work, finding a job as a martial arts instructor is a must.

The coach of the martial arts club at Yingcai Private High is an example.

Of course, if the trainer has the money and can open a martial arts gym, it will definitely be a better choice, but a lot of audits and certifications are required to open a martial arts gym, the cost of renting a place, and the cost of renting a martial arts gym, how to recruit students, and many other difficult problems to solve.

Coming to school as a martial arts coach, although there is not much future, it is a stable job.

Of course, not every career segment can come to school as a coach under ordinary circumstances.

Trainers and teachers have the same nature and belong to the type of civil servant, they need to register with the relevant state institutions, conduct examinations and reviews, and obtain certification of the relevant qualifications.

The school coach's surname is Dongyun. Usually everyone called him Coach Dongyun, but few people knew what his name was.

Coach Dongyun is a middle-aged uncle who is over forty years old. His hair was slicked back, his hair was gray, and there weren't too many wrinkles on his face. He looks very energetic.

At this time, Dongyun's trainer was wearing a martial arts uniform, standing in the middle of the martial arts hall, observing the back and forth between the boys and girls doing warm-up exercises.

In front of everyone, there was a wooden stake. He was almost the same height as a person. The surface is coated with a layer of rubber. If you hit it, it won't hurt your hand at all.

The school's martial arts teaching is very simple, usually the basics, and the training volume is not very large, tends to be strong and healthy, and some self-protection abilities are enough.

And students who are interested in attacking the professional ranks usually join other martial arts gyms outside of school to receive more rigorous training and more advanced martial arts heritage.

In the corner of the crowd, Su Ye stared at the pole, but his mind continued to drift, minding his own business, and subconsciously hitting the pole at will.

He was not very interested in martial arts. China in his previous life had gone through too many changes and upheavals, and many things had not been completely brought down, let alone passed on. These things have been completely preserved and brought forward in this world. , he doesn't have much vision.

At this time, Coach Dongyun came to Su Ye's side and said, "Your moves are not standard, not like this"

Then Coach Dongyun started correcting Su Ye.

Su Ye looked at Coach Dongyun who came to his side and couldn't help but be dumbfounded. The reason is very simple. In Su Ye's hunch, Coach Dongyun did not come to his side to correct his non-standard.

"Do you understand?" Coach Dongyun glanced at Su Ye, who was still in a daze, and asked.

"Understood." Su Ye recovered and nodded.

"Show me once." Coach Dongyun said lightly.

"Yes." Su Ye nodded, hitting the pole with a more standard posture.

Coach Dongyun nodded and turned to leave.

Looking at Coach Dongyun's back, Su Ye thought. If he wasn't absent-mindedly thinking about things, Coach Dongyun wouldn't have come here to teach.

Okay, warm up done, take a five minute break, and then start the two-sided workout. If you have an odd number, you can practice with me." After patrolling for a while, Coach Dongyun put his hands behind his back and came into the crowd. In front of him, he said lightly, his voice was not too loud, but clearly entered everyone's ears.

Everyone stopped to rest, Su Ye glanced at the girl.

The school's martial arts uniforms were all pure white judo uniforms with a black belt tied around the waist, both men and women dressed like this.

However, for some girls who started developing earlier, this martial arts uniform was a bit tight. After the beauty of the chest was tightly bound, the curves were even more prominent. Warming up just now, sweat pouring, close to the skin, The young girl tugged at the collar and fanned the wind. This scene stunned many boys.

There were many beautiful women in Su Ye's class, and the current scene shouldn't be too attractive.

Of course, Su Ye did not look to the past because of this, but looked at Ayumi above. To him, He was an amateur, the warm-up just now was nothing. He didn't even sweat a bit, so he just rested.

Seemingly noticing Su Ye's gaze, Ayumi Minami also looked up, revealing a faintly provocative smile.

Su Ye showed no weakness, and looked at Ayumi Minami.

Ayumi Minami looked at Su Ye in surprise. You must know that when he saw Su Ye, Su Ye rarely dared to look at him like this, not only Su Ye, but also every boy in the class would not dare to meet him. Eyes moved for more than a second, at this time Su Ye looked at himself so carelessly.

This person Not to be outdone, Ayumi Minami kept her eyes on Su Ye. The two of them looked at each other like that.

In the end, Ayumi Minami's cheeks turned red, she was defeated, and she took the initiative to look away.

Ayumi Minami turned into anger for a while, and couldn't help but snort coldly in her heart, and let Su Ye know the end of provoking him after waiting!

Su Ye saw Ayumi Minami's cute expression, but he couldn't help but smile playfully. Of course, he remembered the bet between the two. With Ayumi Minami's strength and seven, he could tell that he had no chance of winning, but now, there were some turning points. He knew the number of Ayumi Minami's next attacks.

Of course, even so, his chances of winning were still not great, after all, the gap between amateur 7 and ordinary people was too big.

But the possibility is still one or two percent enough.

"After a break, let's work in groups of two. Let's start practicing," said Coach Dongyun when the time was up.

Then the students started looking for their opponents. According to the rules, opponents who practiced against each other were basically the opponents from last time.

Ayumi Minami came straight to Su Ye and said, "Let's get started!"

"Okay." Su Ye was not shy, looked at him and nodded.

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