
The Rabbit Hole

let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.

xXSpiderGamingXx · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 6 A lot




Name: Midin

Strength: 5

Mana: 4

Agility: 3

Intelligence: 5

Stamina: 3






Assassin Bunny



Heal (F)

Fireball (F)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Backstab (D)



FFF Rank

1 Rabisilver

61 Rabbronze


I could eat and go to sleep, but what happens if I don't sleep, will I still change Occupation?

I'll go get some food and sleep but first I want to buy a knife so I have a weapon, because I'm pretty sure this knife will disappear when I change occupations.

Let's see where can I find a weapon store.

I searched the surrounding area, but I couldn't find a weapon store, I found one, they all surrounded the dungeons, and I found a dagger store. I walked in and it looked really old, like no one had ever been here before. There's an old-looking rabbit at the register. I'll go ask him if he has any good weapons.

(Midin) hey sir do you have any sturdy daggers?




(Store owner) *snores*


(Midin) Hey sir, wake up

(Store owner) huh, what's going on, oh a customer, you're the first one this month little adventurer.

I forgot that I look like a bunny of course he'd call me little...

(Midin) I want to know if you have any sharp and sturdy daggers for the FFF Rank And maybe FF Dungeon.

(Store Owner) *Snores*

He fell asleep again, no wonder he doesn't have any customers, he can barely stay awake, maybe I should just go and buy a sword.


(Store Owner) Huh, Who Are You Calling A Old Man Little Boy?

(Midin) I'M CALLING YOU AN OLD MAN, I'm leaving now.

(Store Owner) You Dare To Call Me An Old Man And Then Walk Away...

I was walking towards the door and heard the sharp sound of something flying by my ear.

I was very confused but when I looked next to the door there was a knife plunge in the door frame of the door.

That wasn't there when I got here, I turned around and there was a knife flying at my face, I moved my head to the side because my body couldn't react fast enough, but my head moved and the knife flew by my head, I pulled out my knife ready for a fight.

(Midin) If you want a fight then attack like a man, not a cow...

He had a knife to my throat, how was he so fast, it was the same for the receptionist at the guild, they were able to move so fast.

(Store owner) Do you want to take back what you said or do you want to lose your head?

(Midin) Do you think I'd allow this, BackStab

I moved even faster than the last time I used the ability, is it because it ranked up, but it wasn't fast enough, even though I was able to get behind him, right when I blinked he was already behind me, he so fast for an old man.

(Store Owner) You have some skill but I'm afraid it isn't enough to fight a C Rank adventurer.

(Midin) Your C Rank, why are you a dagger store owner?

(Store Owner) That's because no matter how much my stats go up I'm still only a Blacksmith.

(Midin) You are a blacksmith, then how are you so fast?

(Store Owner) I'm not going to tell you any of my secrets but I guess you deserve to live, you showed me more than enough skill to live.

This old man is a BlackSmith, but he's also C Rank.

(Midin) if I may, can I ask for your name?

(Store Owner) it's Orgay.

(Midin) thank you, I came looking for a weapon for the dung...

(Orgay) shhhh I heard you before, even though I was asleep I was always aware of my surroundings.


(Orgay) ok I've thought of a way of making a weapon for you but, you'll have to bring me some magic gems and I'll make you the best dagger you've seen.

(Midin) ok sir I'll try my best.

I ran out of there full speed but I was really hungry so I went to a restaurant and spent 10 rabbronze and went to sleep in the inn spending 10 more rabbronze, wanting to hurry for the next day so I could hurry and go get more magic gems.


FFF Rank

1 Rabisilver

41 Rabbronze


I awoke pretty late in the day because the sun could not get through the curtains.

I was scared to look in the mirror, I looked in the mirror and I was silver, not gray but a silver color, I wondered what my occupation was.




Name: Midin

Strength: 5

Mana: 4

Agility: 3

Intelligence: 5

Stamina: 3






Knight Rabbit



Slash (F)

Heal (F)

Fireball (F)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Backstab (D)


I'm a Knight now and got a new skill named slash.

I wonder if I use backstab if I can still move as fast as before.

I have a helmet and a sword. Instead of a bandana and knife.

Should I tell the old man, Nah ima wait, payback for sleeping while I was talking?

I headed straight to the FFF Rank Dungeon, the only thing I can think of is that I won't be able to sell my gems this time, but I'm hoping to get to level 5 so I can take the exam. I think I'm ready for it, my stats are quite high, but let's just..

(Random Mage) Hey, you want to join our party, we're going to go try to find the boss.

(Midin) No thanks I'd rather go solo, anyways I'd like to keep the gem that you get for defeating it.

(Random Mage) oh, that's fine you can keep the gem, our party is looking for something else that he can drop.

(Midin) ah, well I'll join but, I'm only joining for the gem, nothing else.

(Mage) that's fine, we don't want it, follow me.

This is my first time joining a party, I wonder what kind of rabbits I'll meet.

(Midin) this is my first time joining a party so, please excuse me if I'm not good with communication.

(Mage) that's fine we don't talk much, we just made our party anyway, Oh there they are.


(Midin) Hi

(Fighter Rabbit) what, we were trying to find you, we already found someone, they are even level 5, they're also a Knight.

No, my free gem.

(Mage) Yeah but listen this Knight only wants the gem and I don't know why but he feels strong.

(Fighter) what's his level

(Mage) oh I didn't ask, hey what's your level

(Midin) if I tell them they probably won't want to, but I don't like lying, I'm level 3

(Fighter) He doesn't even meet the requirements.

(Mage) Sorry sir, looks like I pulled you over here even though, you weren't high enough level.

(Midin) Oh that's fine it was worth a try, Bye

Alright time to get to level five and find these gems.

(Midin) Hi, I would like to go into the FFF Rank Dungeon.

(Dungeon Receptionist) oh ok, I'll just need your card.

(Midin) Sure


FFF Rank

1 Rabisilver

41 Rabbronze


(Dungeon receptionist) everything checks out, have a nice time in the dungeon.

I jumped into the hole.

This time it felt like it took even longer for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but I thought I'd be fine, I waited a little bit, then was on my way.

The first slime of the day was purple, I'd never seen it before, so I slowly approached it, then used Back Stab


But when I got behind it and about to slash it with my sword, It disappeared, but it left a trail of electricity going into a hole in the wall, I decided to follow it since I had nothing else to do, I found it laying there next to 3 more slimes, 1 white, which it's using a spell right now, 1 red and one brown slime.

I didn't want to fight them they seemed to be strong, but when I was thinking of leaving, I felt this longing feeling so I rushed in.


I cut down the white slime first, then a dirt wall started forming in front of me, I cut it down, and pushed the brown slime, but then there was a big white and blue light that hit me, I couldn't move I was looking at the slimes they were gathering up into each other again, why can't I move.


You Have been shocked you will not be able to move for 5 seconds


WHAT That's broken how am I supposed to win?

The three slimes gathered into one and were getting ready for a big fireball, it kept growing bigger and bigger, I'm not dodging this. They shot it and I finally could move, but it was too late, I was going to die again, didn't have enough time, I could feel the heat, but then my mind went blank.

I woke up on the floor, I was only out for an hour, I didn't switch occupations, and did I not die?



You killed 1 magic slime and 1 big slime

3 stat points rewarded

1 magic gem and 1 big magic gem obtained


I defeated the slime how MENU




Name: Midin

Strength: 5

Mana: 4 -3

Agility: 3

Intelligents: 5

Stamina: 3






Knight rabbit



Slash (F)

Heal (F)

Fireball (F)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Backstab (D)


Wait I've used mana 3 times, I only used it twice. I don't know what happened







I leveled up wait what a lot of things are happening, usually, this pops up with the congratulations.

Whatever I think Rank up my fireball skill.


Fire Ball (E)


Wait do my eyes deceive me, is that a chest, I didn't know you could find loot here, but how do I get In I don't have a key let's try to break it, I smacked it a lot after that, I didn't budge at all, I got very mad that I could break it, so I was contemplating just using my skills on it, but what If it's something good.

I concluded, that I would try my slash skill on it,


I perfectly cut it horizontally, so it wouldn't break any content. I went up to it had a very small slime, it looked like it was sleeping, I picked it up and it woke up.



Pet acquired

Pet Name:??

Pet ability


Z Rank:??

C Rank: Basic Magic


Z RANK, HOLY, WHAT, BUT IT DOESNT SAY IT, let me calm down, I wonder do I have to figure out its ability

The slime also has better magic then me...

I guess your name will be (wobbler) that's a name I gave to one of my rabbits that always looked drunk, since the slime looks jelly like, it should be fine.

I am very excited so I started to go toward the exit so I could go to the blacksmith and get my weapon.

Ugh I wish I knew how I beat that slime before.



Past And Future

Cool down: 25 days

Can only be used once


Wait what this feels like when I died when I just got here, oh look it's me, ok I attack the white slime, the purple slime gets its spell ready the brown slime uses its dirt wall, and I slash it down with my sword, then I get shocked, they start growing, and then they are getting there Fireball ready, Oh my God that thing is huge, I wasn't dodging that, how did I survive, They shot it, my head looks down, that'd probably when I passed out, wait what's that it's like slow motion, I can see me gripping my sword harder, and...


Wait I don't remember saying that... I cut the fireball in half and cut the slime straight through the middle.

And then I slump on the ground, I don't understand, does all the occupation have a passive skill; like how the assassin was able to see better in the dark.



You've found out a long secret of every occupation.

Passive skills unlocked.

All rabbits around the world will gain their passive skill unlocked.


Passive skills?



Passive skill


Battle sense (S)

Description: No matter what, when the Rabbit is faced with death his stats increase by 50% and the skill he uses will become S Rank


Wait doesn't the letter only pop up for me, so does that mean everybody will have a passive skill now, and they all will be S Rank? I pretty sure I'm the only one that can see the description too.

Let's just get out of here.