
The Quirk Within (BNHA FanFic)

Izuku Midoriya awakened his quirk naturally at the age of four. In fact, he was three years old when he awakened his quirk. (The pinky joint from his foot that signifies a person being quirckless didn't exist.) His quirk was called Super regeneration (It was the same quirk used by Black Nomu). Each time he got injured, it will quickly recover. How will Izuku Midoriya use this quirk to become a hero? Tags : Smarter Izuku, Quirk Izuku, OOC Bakugo, Slight Harem, Mature \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Author's Notes: I suddenly got an idea of what will happen if Izuku wasn't quirkless and have an ability that synergizes with One for All. I don't plan on getting anywhere on this novel as I hadn't even finished the anime or read the manga so I might stop here and there just to do those things (I don't like dropping things so I will finish it as long as I finish the anime/manga/novel/whatever). This is going to be my first novel. Just note that I only had four years of learning English. Currently trying to get better at English... grammar, the annoying ones. I am not going to pay attention to any criticism on the story (like asking for more harem or some lemon shit) unless it's plot hole problems but criticism on grammar and such is highly appreciated. Questions will be answered after every 5 chapters, maybe more if there's not enough asked. Credit : All the credits are to Kohei Horikoshi for his amazing anime, Boku No Hero Academia. The cover photo is from Jesus Borunda. Check his artstation for awesome artworks @ https://w*w.artstation.c*m/jesusborunda

IDontExist · 其他
10 Chs

Chapter 6 : Time skips

10 years later

It's been over a decade year ever since I unlocked my quirk.

During then, I experimented a lot of how my quirk works and to which extent can I get resistance to. Although I didn't do overdo it because I have multiple people watching over me now. So, I make sure to only do it when I am doing 'normal' things.

Like when I went to the bathroom and took baths, I occasionally try to drown myself and see if I could survive it. I did survive it, surprisingly. But I also got the ability to breathe longer, not the kind I was expecting. I was expecting I would be able to breathe but I guess the limit of my adaptations won't go as far as that.

Another thing that happened over the course the year is that I started doing training with my teachers. They were my mom, grandfather, Angeline, Kentaro, and a guy named Tape.

Tape is the person introduced by my grandfather as my "martial instructor" as I requested. He looks quite young but his actual age is twice of what he looks like... He is 45 years old.

The training with my mom involves teaching me how to do chores like cooking or cleaning. She teaches me every time I got home.

The training with my grandfather involves how to manage a business, but to be honest, it is just going out with my grandfather. He just said he is going to be teaching me how to become a good CEO but he normally just take me to game centers or restaurants. And occasionally let me meet with his colleagues.

The training with Angeline is, I say, quite awkward and weird. She is in charge of teaching me general knowledge and mathematics. Sometimes whenever she teaches me, she wears those really thin clothing that I can see thru her underwear and ever since with the daily 'talk' with my grandfather, I was trying my hardest not to look. But other than that, she is a really good teacher. In under a year, I was able to go from preschool math to grade 8 math. She calls me a genius but I always think it's because of her teaching skills.

Oh, three years ago I finished her training and she officially became my aid. She helps me schedule my time and manage my agendas. The only part I am against at is that she started calling me 'daddy' and it really felt uncomfortable. Should I call the pedo police on her?

The training with Kentaro involves teaching me self defense. I don't want to really be with him, not because his training is hard but because he is too loud. My ear shuts down whenever we finish our session.

The training with Tape, quite frankly, is just martial arts. He taught me how to correctly use my body through different forms and to use my body without wasting a single movement. But one thing that happened that I didn't expect was that Akame Watanabe also joined in our training. Apparently, she has been training with tape since the beginning and she actually didn't expect me to be here.

As for any changes socially, I became a well-known celebrity. Well forced to. Hey, at least I am not alone. I dragged down Kaachan and Akame because they are the one that tricked me into doing it.

At first, Kaachan was quite mad but oddly enough he enjoyed the attention. He started thinking he is too great of a person and such. Luckily, it didn't get worse because of that one event a year ago and he started to take care of his image.

Apparently, he beat up some dude that day and unfortunately, he was being filmed. The media saw this and branded Kaachan as a demon. That was until my grandfather cleared up his name a week after. Ever since then he thinks every place has cameras and started to act all nice and weird.

Physically, I grew stronger and leaner. It seems like my quirk does not allow me to get bulky. Which is great cause I don't want to look like those bodybuilding fanatics that I see whenever I go into the gym.

As for changes in school, I didn't switch my preschool and went to Aldera Junior High for my middle school. Mainly because I am not a huge fan of a private school, so is Akame, and I want to stay humble.

I don't want people to think I got to where I am at because I went to a prestigious school.

Another reason is that so I could keep in touch with my friends here. Luckily, they didn't mind my status and treated me equally, which is what I feel like another difference between a private school and a public school.

Let's talk about changes in Quirk this time. A lot has changed. My Quirk is much better than I originally could have thought. I just hoped my grandfather didn't send so many men to watch over me so I wouldn't need to experiment with it in secret.

Well to sum things up in a nutshell, I was able to hold my breath longer, resistant to heat and cold, my body is as hard as copper, the quality of my muscle is so good that I can lift a medium-sized truck easily, which caused people to misunderstand what is my quirk.

This was just 5 months ago when people started to dub my skill as super strength instead of super regeneration.

*Flashback 5 months*

I was busy spending my free time outside. I have my full gear on with me so people won't recognize me. It's still January so there is a bit of coldness lingering in the air so it's 'totally' not weird to see a person wearing a scarf, thick winter jacket, a hoodie that blocks even their own eyesight, and a face mask.

While I was casually going around, I saw a kid crossing the street carelessly. There was a huge truck driving at a high speed. Looking closer, the driver looked a bit drunk so he was unable to react in time and break. There was this one man with a black hair and thin frame who ran down the street and push down the kid. He then silently said under his breath, (which is loud enough for me to hear although at a small scale as I was 10 meters away) "Truck-sama, please take me to see my dear females with cat ears and tails." the man said.

My body automatically moved and ran towards the black-haired man, unconsciously tapping into my strength. I went in front of the man, who was ready to embrace the truck, and held my ground firmly so I won't get smashed away by the scary thing called physics. I held up both my hand towards the truck with my palms open and screamed, "You! Shall not! PASS!"

The truck smashed in front of me. Thanks to my rather large frame and how deep I was underground, I was able to stop it although I was pushed back quite a bit. I then looked to my back and saw the mad black-haired man.

"Tch, you ruined my time to reincarnate." He said with a vein popping out as he walks out of the situation as if nothing happened.

'He is a weird guy. Not even a thank you. At least he is safe and the little girl is not as badly injured from the man's push.' I said looking at the dazed girl.

I picked her up like a princess and carried her off to the sides. Which then I dropped her.

"Are you okay little girl?" I asked.

"Wow! You are like a knight, strong Mister." She excitedly said with her mouth wide open. Her compliment only earned me a pain in my chest as I didn't expect to be called a Mister as an about to be 14-year-old teenager. I mean I can't disagree with her because I looked taller than my peers but do I really look like one?

"RinRin! Where are you?" I heard a loud feminine voice near the wrecked truck. I looked closer to the little girl's reaction and it seems like her name is related somehow to RinRin.

"Lady, if you are looking at a little girl around 7 years of age she is here and fine!" I shouted back. As soon as I said that, I saw a female with a black hair tied into a spiky ponytail and a single bang on her face. I find her very familiar although I can't remember where.

She immediately runs towards the little girl which puts me on guard but I quickly dropped it seeing the little girl's teary eyes.

The lady immediately hugged the little girl and started to cry.

"RinRin, I thought I had lost you." She said while crying.

"I'm sorry onee-chan. I saw the grandma's wallet was dropped and I wanted to give it back." The little girl replied.

I realized that I am not supposed to be here so I slowly walked away from the scene. But even before I was able to do that, the lady called.

"M-mister, wait!" The lady said which also hurt me because of the word 'Mister'. I then stopped in my tracks and faced her back.

"hmm?" I hummed.

"Thank you very much for saving my little sister." She said with a bow. "Although I won't be able to repay you, please feel free to ask anything to me. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and please feel free to contact me anytime using our company's name." She said with a blush, looking at my face. She then held up her hand, holding a business card.

I took it with a sudden realization on my face... 'She is the daughter of one of my grandfather's colleagues. That's why I found her familiar.' I thought as I took the card. I didn't immediately hid it as it would be disrespectful so I took my business card and gave her mine. We then bowed at each other, which is quite weird considering where we are.

"Do you always carry this?" I asked with a lot of sarcasm behind it. Before she even gets to reply, a person near the scene screamed.

"Kyaa~~! The hero who stopped the truck is none other than the Fashion King himself!" the random female said as she snoops a picture of me with torned apart clothing and my exposed face.

"F-Fruits!" I cursed as I didn't realized the force of the truck is enough to blow away my scarf, eyeglasses, fake mustache, beanie, and for some reason it cleaned off my cheeks from the swirly pattern (Choji Akimichi).

I immediately run away towards the opposite direction and the people plus the paparazzi started to chase me, leaving Momo and her sister in a daze.

A day later after that event, I was at the forefront of every newspaper, social media, television news. Saying how I used my 'Quirk' to save a damsel in distress.

Ok I'm going to talk about schedule on the next chapter. It would be in a day or two.

IDontExistcreators' thoughts