

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · 青春言情
78 Chs

weight of destiny

Chapter 6.

Weight of destiny.


Vlad was surprised that he was outsmart by Zara and Liam.

He comforted himself with the belief that one day ,their paths will cross.


Athena was ten years old when she arrived at the camp. It was a small, isolated place, hidden in the woods and surrounded by a tall fence. There were only a few dozen people who lived here, all of them survivors of the war.

At first, Athena felt lost and alone. She didn't know anyone, and she had no memory of her life before the camp. But slowly, she began to make friends.


Her first friend was Catlayer, a girl her own age who was also an orphan. Catlayer was quiet and shy, but she had a way of making Athena feel at ease. Together, they would explore the woods around the camp, looking for wildflowers and insects.

Athena also met Jack, a boy who was a few years older than her. Jack was funny and full of energy, and he loved to play games and tell stories. He became like a big brother to Athena, always looking out for her and making her laugh.

At the age of fifteen, Athena's life changed forever. She was called to the council chamber, where the elders of the camp gathered to discuss important matters. There, she was told that she was the chosen one, the one who would bring peace to the world.

She was given a training regimen, a strict schedule of lessons and exercises that would prepare her for her destiny.

Athena's days were filled with training and study. She learned how to fight, how to defend herself, and how to use her powers for good. She was tested, both physically and mentally, and she always rose to the challenge. But the training was also difficult, and it took a toll on her.

She spent less and less time with Catlayer and Jack, as her focus shifted to her training. And she began to have strange dreams, visions of a future that seemed both terrifying and wonderful.

There Ares,his aunt, grandparents, sister and friends settled down to start life afresh.

Ares' family lived in a small apartment in a province. He worked as a car mechanic to provide for his family, and his auntie also worked. They weren't wealthy, but they were comfortable.

Ares came back from working and after exchanging greetings with the neighbors,he walked inside their apartment and headed straight to his sister's room, then to his grandparents and finally to the kitchen to greet his aunt and went to his room just as he started to unwind, there's a knock at the door. He goes to answer it, and finds a man standing there. The man looks familiar, but Ares can't quite place him. The man looks nervous, and he asks to speak to Ares alone..

The man at the door was nervous, but he knew he had to speak to Ares. He had a message for him, and it was urgent. He spoke quietly, so that no one else in the house would hear. "I'm sorry to bother you," he said, "but I have important news." Ares looked at him, confused and concerned. "What is it?" he asked. "You must come with me," the man said. "It's a matter of life and death." Ares hesitated, but something in the man's eyes convinced him to followed him and they walk out of the apartment building and down the street. The man leads him to a dark alley, and Ares starts to feel uneasy. The man stops, and turns to face Ares. "I have to warn you," he says, "what I'm about to tell you will change your life forever." Ares' heart is racing, and he feels a sense of dread. "What is it?" he asks, his voice shaking.

The mysterious man told Ares that he is the greatest warrior of all time, and that he will need to fight alongside Athena to defeat the greatest evil in the world. But the man also tells him that on his 18th birthday, he will finally get to understand what his mission is.

Ares is a bit confused and overwhelmed by what the man has told him. He has no idea what it all means, and he's not sure what to do next. But as he's walking back to his apartment, he sees something out of the corner of his eye. He turns to look, and he sees a shadow, lurking in the darkness. It's too dark to make out any details, but he can tell that it's not human, with Ares seeing a shadow lurking in the darkness. He's not sure what to do, but his instincts tell him to stay calm and observe the situation. The shadow seems to be moving slowly, almost cautiously, and it's keeping its distance from Ares. After a few minutes, it stops moving and simply stands there, watching him.

And just as it appeared, the shadow vanished leaving Ares in wonders of what just happened.

As Ares walked home, he had a strange feeling that something wasn't right. He turned and looked over his shoulder, but there was nothing there. He continued on his way, but the feeling wouldn't go away.....

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