
Can anywhere truly be off limits if you’re royalty? Pt 2.

They had only danced rather briefly, although it was still pleasant. Marina had chattered quite happily although at some point she had gotten dragged into another conversation. Avaline had slipped back into the crowd, intending to return to her seat before anyone could- too late. Just as she skirted around the people milling at the edge of the dance floor, dodging around delicate skirts and trailing ribbon, she just so happened to walk right into Jin's vicinity. He has been occupied with another conversation but still spotted her from the corner of his eye, flashing her a quick smile before continuing to talk. Knowing she had been spotted, she simply joined at his side. She hadn't even gathered what the conversation was about when a particularly bold noble approached, the same one who had asked if she would be dancing earlier. She stepped closer to Jin, lightly wrapping her arms around his, a pleasant smile on her face as she nodded her greetings to the man. He spared her a glance but otherwise didn't pay it any mind.

"May I invite Her Highness to dance?" He asked, bowing low with graceful movements.

Unfortunately, Ava wasn't moved, putting on her best apologetic look. "I'm terribly sorry but I was hoping to have the next dance with my husband." She looked up at Jin, innocently fluttering her lashes for good measure.

He raised an eyebrow as he met her gaze. After a moment, he smiled slightly, handing the glass in his hand to a nearby servant. "Of course." He held his arm up, elbow crooked for her to continue holding, not forgetting to excuse himself before leading the way.

As they took position, he leaned his head down to quietly tease. "I was beginning to think you didn't want to dance with me."

She pulled her skirt, curtsying as was proper to begin the dance, not forgetting to glance up at him, the corner of her lips curled up. "After how much we practiced, wouldn't it be a waste for us not to dance together?"

"So you weren't simply avoiding dancing with Nicholas then?"

"..." Caught. She could only let out a helpless laugh. "I admit, I would rather dance with you than Nicholas. I'll have to ask Your Highness to forgive me."

"I'm not bothered," he replied truthfully, leading Ava into a spin with one arm, the other in position at his back.

She gracefully completed her spin before drawing back in, his hand settling back at her waist. "Of course you aren't. Are you ever bothered?" She teased lightly.

"Not usually, no. Is there much worth being bothered by?"

"I guess not," she returned softly, a certain radiance to her smile and the twinkle of her dark eyes under the bright lights of the ballroom. Jin didn't say anything more, the two continuing to dance in a comfortable silence.

But as they continued to dance like this, Ava's gaze wandered, seeming to flick to each side, examining the edges of her vision. The longer they danced, the more those countless stares surrounding them seemed to bear into her. She scanned the endless crowd for Mila or Covin but there were too many people, too many faces. Without anything to distract her, her focus had entirely fallen on the many eyes watching her. Watching. Waiting. Judging. It felt like there was a pressure slowly pressing down on her. She was painfully aware of her movements, each one felt awkward, difficult, as if she were on the verge of misstepping this dance that had previously felt ingrained in her subconscious, previously felt comfortable, simple. Although she still appeared the same as they danced, as the one dancing with her and the one who had practiced with her, Jin could feel the difference, her movements feeling more tense, less smooth.


She didn't respond, as if she hadn't heard him. Her smile was still picture perfect, her face hadn't changed at all, but the way her gaze flicked about seemed more frantic. Only Ava could feel her building anxiety, the quickness of her breaths. However, she was abruptly pulled from her thoughts, her attention snapping back to the person before her as she felt a pressure where their hands connected. He had gently squeezed her hand. He seemed a bit concerned as he looked down at her. "Are you alright?"

"Hm? Yes, I'm fine. I was just… distracted."

"What by?"

"The stares." She whispered absently without meaning to, her gaze having fallen back to the many people around them, the many eyes that watched them.

"Do you not like to be stared at?"

She blinked a few times, brows furrowing for a moment. Then she looked up at him, offering a seemingly carefree smile. "It's nothing really. Perhaps I'm not used to it yet." She dismissed nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

"If you're uncomfortable dancing in front of so many, I can make an excuse for you."

"No need, it's not the dancing that I mind. The dancing is nice actually. Just…" She fell quiet. When she spoke again, her voice was even quieter. "Just keep squeezing my hand and I'll be fine."

He silently examined her, head tilted slightly. "Alright."

With the added reassurance of Jin squeezing her hand, Ava kept her eyes slightly downcast, focusing on taking slow breaths and keeping her thoughts from wandering. After some time, she had managed to completely calm down, her movements relaxed once more. It had been a while since she last experienced something like this…

The dance finally drew to an end. It was well into the night now, it shouldn't be long now. Ava had adjusted herself back into a working mindset, although she was remaining in places where she had Mila or Covin in sight now. She made polite conversation while assessing the room out of the corner of her eyes. The initial interest and attention on the royal family members had ebbed away as the night drew on, alcohol further setting everyone at ease. Ava's gaze met Covin's, who was standing on duty nearby. They exchanged a subtle nod. It was time. Covin then leaned over, seemingly helping Mila who had been busily assisting the manor's staff throughout the night. He tapped the back of her hand three times before withdrawing his hand, clasping them at his back. Mila smiled softly, stepped her way meekly around the nobles, pausing to lean out and grab an empty dish from the table beside where Avaline was standing. Ava held out her finished glass. When Mila went to take it from her, she pushed the tiny capsule that had been hidden under her fingers into Mila's hand. Mila took the empty dishes with her as she left.

Servants like Covin and Mila were checked before being granted entry into such an event. Although something as small as the capsule was would be hard to find, it was still safest with someone who wouldn't be checked at all when passing through. Mila made her way to the kitchens while Ava excused herself, heading over to the double doors.

Mila picked up a fresh dish to be taken out, carrying it around a corner before she paused, breaking the capsule open between her fingers and sprinkling the powder inside over the food. She then placed the empty capsule pieces on her tongue, swallowing them dry.

Ava watched as Mila re-entered the ballroom, placing a dish before one of the noble ladies. Only then did she wave over the guard at the door. "Pardon me, I happen to need the restroom."

"Of course, Your Highness." He acknowledged immediately, pulling the door open. He went to summon a servant to escort her but just then loud coughing erupted in the room, panic and commotion following quickly after. A noble lady was bent over at her table, coughing so desperately there were tears streaming down her eyes. All the servants nearby immediately lept into action, one moving to fetch a glass of water, another to find a doctor, another to check the kitchen and waitstaff. The guard's expression distorted slightly as he looked between the mess and the royal family member he couldn't afford to offend, seeming in a difficult spot. "I'm awfully sorry Your Highness, if you could pardon me for just a moment, I'll find someone to assist you."

"Thank you." Ava replied lightly, seeming focused on the commotion with a false look of concern on her features. However, as the guard walked away, Ava didn't hesitate at all to slip past the doors.

Many thanks to m_small for all your support~ I appreciate your comments so much!

Only 1 (one) noble was harmed in the making of this chapter. She'll be fine with some water, dont worry. And one Ava has some trauma, her first moment of vulnerability around Jin based on a suggestion by the lovely m_small. I have another bigger moment planned in future too.

mehasacupcakecreators' thoughts