
Can anywhere truly be off limits if you’re royalty? Pt 1.

"I'm sorry you can't come with me. I'll be home as soon as I can, so behave okay?"

Jin idly fiddled with the gold cufflink. He wasn't normally someone who was antsy, able to remain still and patient even after long periods of time. But with only himself, Avaline, and the fuzzy mutt she was sharing a tearful -and long- goodbye with, his fingers found their way to his cufflink, twisting it in an old habit he'd had in his childhood. Avaline glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes but since he hadn't really gotten impatient yet, she remained crouched down, rubbing the sides of Rodney's face with her thumbs, cooing to the pup whose tail swept back and forth across the ground rapidly in his delight.

Finally, she placed a few light kisses over the dog's face before swiftly leaning back to avoid the slobbery tongue that flicked out. She held the dog at bay as he tried to worm his way to her face. "No return kisses, you'll ruin my makeup." Rodney whined. A paw swiped at the empty air in discontent as Ava stood up, her hand held out in a gesture that told him to stay put. He continued to whine, even after Ava had given Jin a nod and turned to leave.

She took the small round palm sized mirror and the lipstick from a hidden pocket by the folds of her dress, picking the dog hair from her lips before applying the lipstick while she walked. It was clear by her speed and steady application that she'd often done this.

"Have all your dresses had pockets and this is simply the first I've noticed them?"

She tilted the mirror in her palm so she could see him, a light smile at her lips. "Most do. Some of my dresses have a lighter or more delicate fabric for the skirt, or are designed in a fashion that doesn't allow for pockets." One of her pockets held useful items. The other held a slit that let her access the small blade strapped to her leg. Pockets and dresses with thick enough folds to hide her items really were everything. The little knife she kept on her was only an emergency last resort, but it was better to be prepared than not.

"The servants could carry those for you."

Ava placed the mirror and lipstick back into her pocket. "I could say the same about the watch that's in your pocket, Prince Jin."

Jin raised an eyebrow slightly, his hand slipping into his pocket and pressing against the smooth cold metal of the watch within. "Carrying a watch on one's self is considered fashionable at current."

"You're a royal, you aren't bound by such nuances. Such small trends change like the wind, nor do you seem the type to actively follow fashion trends. There is a comfort however in carrying something on one's self."

His fingers ran along the surface of the watch, something his mother had personally designed as one of his coming of age presents, before he withdrew his hand, offering it to help Ava onto the carriage. "It seems you know me rather well." Ava only smiled as she accepted his offer, climbing up into the carriage. She knew plenty about him, the reports she had on him were quite comprehensive and the man wasn't big on pretences, acting fairly genuinely to his nature. It was rather easy to know him well.

Ava surprisingly hadn't grumbled and complained about this ball. It was a yearly festivity, the honour of hosting it was passed through the higher end noble families. As such, it was likely to be a pretentious affair and involve far too much socialising, fake smiles and barely veiled gloating and gossiping for Ava's liking. But this time, she was actually excited. It just so happened that a request had been placed on the family who were hosting this year. With the ball serving as the perfect occasion, Ava could easily personally fulfill the request. Although she was primarily in charge of management, she had done plenty of field work, including personal infiltrations. However, it had never been so high stakes before. She had never used her own identity since it had no use. With Prince Jin at her side and the attention of all the nobles on the new Princess of Eden, this would surely be an interesting night.

Even as they arrived and walked through the grand entrance, Ava was brimming with excitement and anticipation. She kept close to Jin's side, hand tucked into his arm, seemingly giving gentle smiles to those that offered their greetings. But she wasn't really paying them any mind, nor the extravagant decorations in the halls. She wasn't even paying mind to where she was going, trusting Jin to lead her along while her attention fixed on taking note of each of the hallways they passed and committing them to memory.

After a short while, they reached the ballroom. The gold laced doubles doors were opened by the servants who bowed their heads low in respect. It was at the back of the manor, surrounded by three walls of tall glass windows that showed elegant gardens lit with small orbs of light that floated gently above the ground. This family had a light mage. Most displays of magic among the higher circles were discouraged, especially those that were powerful in nature, instead mages that served the family were kept quietly hidden. This was harmless however and light mages generally didn't possess good offensive or defensive magic. It was acceptable, if only just. And the gardens lit with the gentle glow of the orbs really was beautiful. The hall had immediately fallen silent on the announcement of the royal family entering and every person, noble or servant, stood and bowed toward the entrance as was custom for formal events. Jin returned a slight bow of his head and Ava pulled her skirt up slightly in a gesture that wasn't really a curtsy but still showed respect, both adequate considering their statuses. The nobles lifted themselves but remained standing and the servants remained bowing until Jin and Ava were seated before they returned to usual.

Ava smiled her same fixed smile under the countless gazes she received, lightly returning greetings but otherwise sitting passively, waiting for the attention on her to ease as the nobles grew bored. But it seemed she would have no such luck, the noble ladies simply digging up more and more questions to ask her.

"Princess Avaline, do you prefer powder blue or lavender handkerchiefs? Although they're both considered the in colours this season, I'd like to choose the colour the Princess prefers as you surely have a fine sense of taste."

"Powder blue for day events and lavender for evenings."

"Your Highness, have you seen the latest import of gems? My family recently acquired an entire shipment of fine gems, they are from across the country and I'd be most honoured to gift you any you like."

"Many thanks for your kindness but it is against my customs to accept gifts from those who aren't family outside of significant events." Not true but nobles weren't versed on Yandil customs and it was a convenient excuse to get out of the obligations that came with accepting gifts. Jin was busy talking and wouldn't offer any correction.

"Beloved Princess, will you be gracing us with your presence in the dances tonight? I'd truly love to see the grace of the first princess of Yandil."

"I will be joining Prince Jin to dance for a short while tonight."

This response indirectly made it clear she wouldn't be dancing with anyone but the Prince. There was some disappointment in the noble men's faces but the eyes of the noble ladies lit up, their gazes flicking over to Prince Jin who was occupied talking about the latest policies being discussed in the high courts, a glass of wine in his hand. They then hastily looked away, hiding their smiles behind their hands.

When the last guest arrived, the attention finally left Ava, giving her a moment to breathe. In fact, the moment the woman entered, a hush swept over the room for a moment before it erupted into excited whispers. The gazes of the nobles were captivated, the woman was truly breathtakingly beautiful, golden locks of blonde hair swept to the top of her head, bright eyes and a joyful smile at her red lips. Most interesting was the dress she wore, a design unlike any other, deep blues flowing around her with a faint twinkle of little white gems that trailed the edges.

One of the nobles must have been feeling particularly sly. He grinned as he leaned in just a tad towards Prince Jin. "Lady Marina is truly gorgeous, wouldn't you agree, Your Highness?"

Prince Jin frowned slightly, his gaze flicking over to Avaline who sat at his side, slowly answering with a vague "I suppose." Although Jin had been concerned, Avaline hadn't seemed to react to the question nor the response. Instead, she was also staring at Marina who was happily greeting the nobles that crowded around her. She then called a servant to her side.

"I'd like to invite the Lady over."

The servant acknowledged and rushed off to fulfill the orders. The interest of everyone surrounding had been peaked, wanting to know what would happen. Was the Princess jealous of being so outmatched by this newcomer, having all the attention taken from her? Even Prince Jin had to wonder.

Lady Marina practically bounced over, all bright smiles as she curtsied deeply. "Your Highnesses." She looked first to Jin, then to Ava. "Congratulations on your marriage. It's a pleasure to meet you Princess Avaline. You'll have to forgive me, although my family represented on my behalf, I was not able to greet you personally due to my line of work. I spend much time travelling and organising trade."

Ava waved lightly, polite smile on her face. "Of course. That's understandable. I didn't call you over for such a small matter."

"Then may I ask what Your Highness would like from me?"

Ava looked a bit bashful, a small act, but her tone was quite genuine. "Actually, I wanted to compliment your dress. It's really gorgeous. May I ask who made it?"

Marina lit up at that. "Many thanks, Your Highness! I made it myself actually. If you'd be interested, I'd be honoured to make one for you as well! I can do the same design or make something entirely new for you."

Ava smiled further. "Really? You're truly talented. I'd love that. I'll leave the design in your hands."

"Of course! We can design the dress together then! I'll start on it first thing tomorrow. For the time being, may I invite Your Highness to dance with me?" She offered. There was an excitement in her eyes at the prospect of a new friend, she seemed to have forgotten how bold a move it was to invite a Princess to dance.

Ava lifted her gaze to look over at the dance floor, taking a moment to assess what the current dance was and whether she was versed in it. She then looked back to Marina, gathering her skirts to rise from her seat. "Sure."

Marina had to contain her giddy excitement, taking Ava's offered hand and quickly leading the way through the tables, leaving behind the flabbergasted nobles and one stunned Prince Jin.

I'm not dead! We're trying for weekly chapters with my busy life.

Ava be like, why be jealous when I can befriend the prettiest girl in this room?

I've been thinking of getting a twitter or something to have another place of interaction. I have an Instagram already but idk. I want somewhere to post fun tidbits and have a place for people to suggest names or decide other stuff. I think it would be fun. What do you guys think?

mehasacupcakecreators' thoughts