
Into the Tunnel

The movements got nearer and nearer. In Zenia's estimate, there were at least seven men. She had no idea who they were. She and Vaughn got down slowly from Thunderbolt and waited patiently. They should not act hastily without verifying first the identity of the men. They could be night hunters looking for some wild beast meat to take home.

The men were getting closer and closer to where Zenia and Vaughn were hiding. Zenia lightly stroke Thunderbolt's head as if telling him something, and then she tapped his side. Thunderbolt suddenly jumped off and walked in circles in front of the men, drawing their attention.

The men were startled and stiffened to their spots. Although the color of the horse was a bit off, they could see that Thunderbolt was a fine beast. Thunderbolt neighed and walked slowly away from the men. He trod the path where the men left their horses. The men could already be searching for a beast to hunt even before Zenia and Vaughn came to the place.