
Hey There Chaos!

Franklin Valorian stood atop a hill fortified with imposing defenses, his Mechsuit humming softly with latent power. His cape billowed dramatically in the wind, the fabric snapping like a banner of defiance against the darkening sky. The weight of the Deathsword at his waist was a familiar, comforting presence as his gloved hand briefly touched its hilt, feeling the pulsating energy within.

Suddenly, a voice, ancient and brimming with pride, reverberated through his mind.

"You have quite the knack for attracting trouble, especially from the Ruinous Powers," said Khaine, the God of War.

A chuckle escaped Franklin's lips. "What can I say? I'm a popular guy." His tone was light, teasing, as though discussing trivial matters rather than the impending onslaught of daemonic forces.

"Indeed," Khaine mused. "First, it was Skarbrand on Cadia. Then Kairos Fateweaver in that Aeldari temple. And now, Nurgle. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if a Greater Daemon of Nurgle shows up to the party."

Franklin's eyes glinted with amusement as he scanned the horizon. "Getting cold feet, are we, Khaine?" he teased.

A scoff rang through his mind, laced with indignant pride. "Cold feet? Preposterous! I am the God of War, not some trembling novice."

"Just checking," Franklin replied with a grin. "Wouldn't want my divine roommate getting stage fright."

There was a pause, and for a brief moment, the ancient god's voice softened, the edges of his typical arrogance blunted by something close to fondness. "I must admit, you're my favorite host, Franklin. Most of my shards are gathering dust in some Craftworld shrine, their bearers too fearful to wield my true power. But you? You take me right into the thick of battle. It's... refreshing."

Franklin's grin widened. "Aw, Khaine, I'm touched. We make a pretty good team, don't we?" His voice carried a lighthearted warmth, an odd contrast to the war-torn landscape around him.

"Indeed," Khaine agreed, before his tone shifted to something more deliberate. "Which reminds me… if you happen to come across any more of my shards, I would be most appreciative if you retrieved them."

Franklin raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? And what's in it for me?"

A deep chuckle echoed in his mind. "Always the negotiator. I could bestow upon you certain… boons."

Franklin's eyes narrowed in playful suspicion. "Wait, you mean the power you've given me so far isn't the full package?"

Khaine's voice brimmed with amusement. "Merely a taste, my friend. The blessings I've granted you thus far are but a fraction of my true might. With more shards, you could potentially wield my abilities directly."

Franklin's gaze sharpened, his interest clearly piqued. "So, you're saying I could go full God-mode? Like in those ancient Terran video games?"

For a moment, there was silence before Khaine responded, his voice tinged with amusement. "In a manner of speaking, yes. Gather enough of my shards, and 'God-mode' wouldn't be far from the truth."

Franklin grinned, his heart racing with anticipation. "Now that's an offer I can't refuse. You've got yourself a deal, Khaine."

Their banter was interrupted as the Liberty Spires—towering constructs scattered across the battlefield—began to emit a low, resonating frequency. The air grew thick with energy, and before them, the fabric of reality itself began to tear. Massive portals to the Immaterium ripped open, their gaping maws nearly scraping the sky. The largest of the rifts stood directly in front of Franklin, dark and foreboding, a gateway to the endless corruption of Nurgle's realm.

With a practiced motion, Franklin drew the Deathsword from its sheath, the blade gleaming with an otherworldly light. He took a step forward, his presence commanding, the weight of his power palpable as his Mechsuit hummed with the ready anticipation of battle.

"Looks like our chat will have to wait, old friend," he said aloud, his voice carrying over the cacophony of the battlefield. "We've got some Nurgle nasties to deal with."

Khaine's voice echoed in his mind once more, this time filled with the thrill of combat. "Then let us show them the true meaning of war, my host."


In the central control room of Castle Thorndike, Chief Librarian Vladimir Mendelev hunched over a bank of monitors, his sharp eyes scanning the endless stream of data flowing across the screens. The intricate details of the Liberty Spires scrolled by, a symphony of numbers and arcane symbols blinking in rapid succession. His brow furrowed in concentration as he adjusted a few settings, the flicker of warp energy monitored closely by the array of advanced technology at his fingertips. After a long moment, he grunted with satisfaction, leaning forward to reach for the vox-caster.

He spoke in his deep, thickly accented voice, laced with his typical Russian stoicism. "Primarch, this is Mendelev. I have update on Liberty Spires."

The reply crackled through the vox, Franklin Valorian's deep, familiar tone coming through clearly despite the interference. "Go ahead, Vladimir. What's the situation?"

Mendelev paused briefly before delivering the news, his tone measured and calm, as if discussing a routine task rather than a critical operation against the forces of Chaos. "Is good news and bad news, Primarch. Good news: Liberty Spires are functioning at optimal capacity. Bad news: we need one hour before Materium heals itself and Spires can isolate Nurgle plague and Warp."

There was a brief silence on the other end, followed by a low chuckle from Franklin. "An hour, you say? No problem, Vova. We'll give these plague-ridden bastards a warm Imperial welcome in the meantime."

Mendelev, rarely one for humor, allowed a small smile to tug at the corner of his lips. "Da, I thought you might say that. You always did enjoy challenge, Primarch."

"You know me too well, Vova" Franklin responded with a trace of amusement in his voice. "How are things looking from your end?"

Mendelev's fingers moved deftly across the console, bringing up more data. His expression remained impassive, but there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "All systems are green, Primarch. We have eyes on all four portal locations. Liberty Eagles and Knight forces are in position. We are ready for whatever Nurgle throws at us."

Franklin's voice carried a tone of approval, the weight of his leadership evident even through the vox. "Excellent work, as always. Keep me updated on any changes. And Vova?"

Mendelev leaned slightly forward, his hand hovering over a set of controls, his voice carrying the professional tone of a man used to commanding the unseen forces of the Warp. "Da, Primarch?"

There was a brief pause before Franklin spoke again, this time with a hint of amusement. "Try not to have too much fun without me up there."

A rare chuckle escaped Mendelev's lips, a sound so seldom heard from the stoic Chief Librarian that it startled a nearby officer. "I make no promises, Primarch," he replied, a glimmer of humor seeping into his otherwise stern voice. "But I think you will have more than enough 'fun' for both of us down there. Good hunting."

Franklin's laughter echoed through the vox. "And to you, Vova. Valorian out."

Mendelev set the vox-caster down and returned his focus to the screens, the fleeting moment of humor fading as the gravity of the situation reasserted itself. The symphony of data and readings continued to flow, but Mendelev's mind was already calculating, planning, preparing for the next move in the battle to come. The Liberty Spires would need time, but that was a luxury they had learned to create. His faith in Franklin Valorian was absolute.


The fabric of reality tore open with a sickening rip, and the foul minions of Nurgle poured forth from four massive portals. Their grotesque forms corrupted the very air and land of Austeria Extremis, transforming once-verdant fields into festering swamps. Trees withered in seconds, and the ground decayed beneath the rot of Chaos. The stench of death and decay filled the skies, but the defenders of the Imperium stood firm. Clad in their shining armor, weapons primed, they were ready to meet the horrors of the warp head-on, their resolve unshakable.

The first wave of Nurgle's forces was met with a hellish firestorm from above. Liberty Eagles gunships and bombers swooped low, releasing torrents of burning promethium that engulfed the corrupted landscape in flames. Daemons shrieked and writhed in the inferno as the fire consumed them, their bloated forms bursting in the intense heat. High above, Fire rained down from the skies, flames of pure annihilation that burned away chunks of the daemonic horde from existence, leaving nothing but scorched earth behind. The sky itself seemed to burn.

On the battlefield, the chaos was absolute. Across four distinct fronts, the Liberty Eagles fought with unwavering determination, holding the line against the endless tide of corruption spilling from the warp. The air was thick with the stench of rot, the ground beneath their feet churning with the twisted forms of Nurgle's foul minions. At the heart of it all, towering above his warriors like a god of war, stood Franklin Valorian, a beacon of defiance amidst the storm.

His voice, carried through the vox network, cut through the noise of battle like a blade. "Hold the line! For the Emperor and for Austeria Extremis!" The command was clear, steady, and resolute, and its effect on the troops was immediate. Every warrior around him felt their resolve harden, their hearts steeling against the onslaught. The Liberty Eagles Astartes, clad in their massive exo-armor, formed an impenetrable wall of defiance, their disintegration rifles humming as they unleashed volley after volley into the daemonic hordes.

Each shot tore through Nurgle's twisted servants, the energy disintegrating flesh and rot in flashes of pure destruction. The air crackled with the relentless hum of the rifles, punctuated by the grotesque sound of daemons being torn apart. Yet, even in the face of such carnage, the tide seemed unending.

At the center of the battlefield, Franklin Valorian was a walking fortress of destruction. His form bristled with weapons—both arms wielding dual rotary cannons, spewing a continuous hail of bullets into the advancing enemy. From his shoulders, pods of smart missiles rained down upon the battlefield, each explosion illuminating the sky with deadly fireworks, creating shockwaves that rippled across the enemy ranks. Wherever Franklin aimed, there was no resistance, only the grotesque splashes of rotten flesh and fetid blood as Nurgle's daemons were pulverized by thousands of rounds in mere seconds.

Behind him, the Primarch's Honor Guard his secret service, elite warriors tasked with preventing any flanking maneuvers, stood vigilant. Though the daemonic forces pressed from all sides, none dared to break the iron wall formed by Franklin's Honor Guard. They moved with methodical precision, obliterating down anything that dared to approach from the sides, ensuring that the center remained protected.

"Left flank and right flank," Franklin's voice boomed over the vox, his tone sharp as he surveyed the battlefield. "Retreat slowly—bait them into a kill zone. Crescent formation. Fall back into the trenches."

He had seen it coming—the left and right flanks would be overrun in minutes, leaving him vulnerable at the center. The daemonic horde surged forward in relentless waves, a seemingly unstoppable mass of disease and corruption. But Franklin, wasn't about to let them have the advantage. His mind worked swiftly, directing his forces with the precision of a master tactician.

As ordered, the Liberty Eagles on the left and right began to fall back, their retreat slow and deliberate. It was not an act of desperation, but a calculated maneuver. Step by step, they withdrew into the waiting trenches, their movements coordinated as they drew the enemy into the carefully prepared kill zones.

Minutes later, as the daemons mindlessly rushed forward, the trap was sprung. Franklin's forces were once again entrenched, their position fortified, their weapons ready. The daemonic hordes stumbled blindly into the trench traps, their rotting bodies pierced by hidden spikes and engulfed by sudden waves of flame. The sky lit up as the explosives planted within the trenches detonated, turning the battlefield into a fiery hellscape of burning daemons and twisted metal.

Nurgle's forces faltered, the sheer brutality of the trap halting their advance. The once unstoppable tide was now nothing more than a mass of stumbling, burning corpses, their numbers reduced by the cunning strategy and the overwhelming firepower of the Liberty Eagles.

On the eastern front, Steven Armstrong's voice boomed above the cacophony of battle. "Push them back, you maggots!" His forces moved with precision, executing flanking maneuvers that trapped the enemy in a deadly crossfire. Knight Walkers, their massive forms towering above the battlefield, moved with surprising grace as they tore into the larger beasts of Nurgle with heavy firepower. The ground trembled with each step of the mighty war machines, their thermal cannons vaporizing the daemons in their path. Armstrong himself led the charge, his power fists smashing through the grotesque forms of Nurgle's minions, sending their diseased flesh splattering across the battlefield. His aggressive tactics kept the daemonic tide on the defensive, forcing them back with sheer brute force.

To the west, Denzel Washington's calm, authoritative voice guided his warriors with surgical precision. "Precision and discipline, brothers!" Under his command, squads of Liberty Eagles executed flawless strikes, targeting key points in the daemonic forces and disrupting their cohesion. Denzel's twin hyper-phase swords flashed as he wove through the battlefield, each swing cleaving through daemons with effortless grace. His movements were a dance of death, every strike deliberate and deadly. Where his forces fought, the daemons faltered, their ranks shattered by the methodical onslaught of Astartes skill and discipline.

On the southern front, John Ezra's strategic brilliance shone. His orders came sharp and direct. "Layered defense, maintain your positions!" The Liberty Guardsmen, clad in their advanced exo-suits, formed disciplined firing lines, their disintegration rifles cutting down the daemons in waves. Behind them, the Peasantry Defense Forces, equipped with lasguns, added their fire to the barrage, every shot a defiance against the corruption of Nurgle. Ezra's layered defenses were unbreakable; whenever the daemons sought to breach the line, they were met with coordinated counterattacks, pushing them back time and time again. The Guardsmen fought with grim determination, their advanced technology giving them the edge against the corrupted forces of Chaos.

The Knight Walkers of Austeria Extremis strode across the battlefield like ancient gods of war, their massive frames laying waste to the enemy. Towering above the daemonic horde, their reaper chainswords cleaved through flesh and bone, while thermal cannons unleashed devastating waves of fire. "For the High-King and the Primarch!" came the war cry from their vox, their noble pilots executing perfectly timed maneuvers. In one particularly harrowing moment, a Great Unclean One burst from the main portal, its bloated, diseased form towering over the battlefield. Without hesitation, a lance of three Knight Walkers charged forward, their synchronized attack bringing the greater daemon low. Chainswords tore into its festering flesh, reducing it to a pile of rotting filth in a display of precision and raw firepower that would be remembered for generations.

While the Astartes and Knight Walkers drew much of the enemy's attention, it was the humble Liberty Guardsmen who held the line with unflinching courage. Clad in their exo-suits and armed with disintegration rifles, they faced the horrors of the warp without wavering. Sergeant Maria Chen's voice crackled over the squad vox, steady and commanding. "Steady, Guardsmen! The Emperor protects, and our aim seals the deal!" Her squad moved with the fluidity of well-trained soldiers, their rifles firing in unison. Each shot from their disintegration weapons vaporized another wave of Nurgle's forces, erasing the corruption with precision. When they were pushed back, they regrouped and struck again with renewed ferocity, using their superior technology to turn the tide of battle.

The battle raged on, fierce and unrelenting. The daemonic forces of Nurgle seemed endless, their foul corruption seeping into every corner of the battlefield. But the defenders of Austeria Extremis stood firm.


The fabric of reality tore asunder, and through the festering wound stepped Scabeiathrax, the Wind of Nurgle. His massive, bloated form oozed with every conceivable pestilence, each of his labored breaths exhaling clouds of contagion. As one of Nurgle's most favored Greater Daemons, Scabeiathrax had been tasked with a mission of utmost importance: to corrupt this world and test the resolve of the Liberty Eagles' Primarch.

As the Lord of the Blighted Pit materialized fully into the material realm, he surveyed the battlefield with rheumy eyes. The scene before him was one of carnage, yet something was amiss. Where there should have been the sweet symphony of plague and decay, there was instead the acrid stench of disintegration and the roar of cleansing flame.

Scabeiathrax's gelatinous brow furrowed in confusion. "Why do they not wilt?" he gurgled, his voice a cacophony of wet, sickening sounds. "Where is Grandfather's blessing?"

The daemon's gaze swept across the battlefield, searching for signs of his patron's influence. There should have been soldiers choking on their own bodily fluids, plants withering into putrid mulch, and the very air thick with spores of a thousand poxes. Instead, he saw Imperial forces standing firm, their weapons blazing with unnatural light that seemed to erase his minions from existence.

Then, he saw them.

Dotted across the battlefield were figures that stood out even among the impressive Imperial forces. Humans, larger than most, wielding staffs that crackled with barely contained lightning. As Scabeiathrax watched, one of these figures raised their staff, and a wave of energy pulsed outward, causing a swarm of Nurglings to shrivel and die without spreading a single disease.

"Ah," Scabeiathrax wheezed, a sound like a dying man's last breath. "So that's their game."

The Greater Daemon's pestilent mind quickly grasped the situation. These strange psykers were somehow holding back the full force of Nurgle's blessings. Their powers were creating a barrier, preventing the natural spread of disease and decay that should have been running rampant across the battlefield.

A gurgling laugh bubbled up from Scabeiathrax's throat, spilling out along with a fresh wave of contagion. "A challenge, then. How... delightful."

With ponderous steps that left the ground beneath him a sucking morass of filth, Scabeiathrax began to move towards the nearest of these psykers. His intention was clear - to remove these obstacles and allow Nurgle's gifts to flow freely across the planet.

As he lumbered forward, Scabeiathrax unleashed his full might. Waves of supernatural disease rolled off his rotting form, each one tailored to test the defenses of these unusual psykers. He watched with interest as the first wave hit an invisible barrier around one of the staff-wielders, the diseases dissipating into harmless vapor.

"Impressive," Scabeiathrax mused, his voice like the squelching of maggots in rotten meat. "But let's see how long you can maintain that defense."

The Lord of the Blighted Pit raised one massive, putrescent arm, summoning a swarm of Plague Drones to his side. With a gesture, he sent them hurtling towards the psykers, their wings buzzing with the sound of a thousand flies.

As the battle raged around him, Scabeiathrax kept his focus on these unique defenders. He observed their techniques, noting how they seemed to work in concert, their powers interlinking to create a web of anti-plague energy across the battlefield.

"Clever, clever," he chuckled, the sound causing nearby lesser daemons to quiver in delight. "But not clever enough."

With each step, Scabeiathrax left a trail of utter corruption. The earth beneath his feet turned to bubbling ooze, and the air became thick with spores that would have laid low an entire hive city. Yet still, these psykers held firm, their staffs glowing ever brighter as they pushed back against the tide of filth.

The battlefield was a cacophony of war, the air thick with the acrid smell of disintegration fire and the putrid stench of Nurgle's minions. Amidst this chaos, a squad of Techno-seers stood firm, their Augur Staffs crackling with lightning and resonating with binary cant. These were the unsung heroes of the battle, their psychic might holding back the tide of pestilence that threatened to engulf Austeria Extremis.

As Scabeiathrax, the Wind of Nurgle, lumbered towards them, the Techno-seers braced themselves. Their drones sprang into action, projecting barriers of pure energy that shimmered in the polluted air. The Greater Daemon's first assault - a wave of supernatural disease - crashed against these defenses, dissipating into harmless vapor.

But Scabeiathrax was not deterred. With each ponderous step, he unleashed more of his foul powers. The Techno-seers' barriers held, but for how long? As their Augur Staffs began to spark and overheat, one of them reached for his vox to call for reinforcements.

Before he could utter a word, a massive figure descended from the sky, landing between the Techno-seers and Scabeiathrax with earth-shaking force. The Primarch, Franklin Valorian, had entered the fray.

Franklin turned to the Techno-seers, his perpetual smirk firmly in place. "Good work, boys," he said, his voice carrying easily over the din of battle. "But I'll take it from here. Fall back and regroup - there's plenty more fight to go around."

The Techno-seers saluted crisply, relief evident in their postures. As they began to withdraw, one of them called out, "Give him hell, Gene-Father!"

Franklin's grin widened as he turned to face Scabeiathrax. The Greater Daemon towered over him, a mountain of rotting flesh and supernatural disease. But Franklin stood tall, unimpressed and unafraid.

As he drew the Deathsword from his waist, Franklin addressed Khaine mentally. "Ready to put the hurt on this fat motherfucker?"

Khaine's response was immediate and enthusiastic. "EVISCERATE AND BATTLE! LEAVE NONE ALIVE!"

Franklin chuckled at the god's bloodthirst. "My thoughts exactly," he murmured.

Scabeiathrax regarded Franklin with rheumy eyes, his voice a gurgling wheeze that seemed to carry every disease known to man - and quite a few that weren't. "Ahh, the vaunted Primarch," he said. "I've been waiting for you."

"Well, here I am," Franklin replied, twirling the Deathsword with casual expertise. "Though I gotta say, you're even uglier up close. And the smell? Woof."

The Greater Daemon's laugh was like the sound of a thousand maggots writhing in rotten meat. "Such bravado," Scabeiathrax mused. "But even you must see the futility of resistance. Why fight the inevitable? Accept Grandfather Nurgle's blessings, Primarch. Embrace the cycle of decay and rebirth."

As Scabeiathrax spoke, tendrils of sickly green energy reached out towards Franklin, seeking to corrupt and infect. But they never reached him. Instead, they dissipated against an aura of intense heat that suddenly surrounded the Primarch.

Franklin's eyes began to glow with inner fire, his psychic powers manifesting as waves of scorching energy. The very air around him shimmered, as if in the heart of a furnace. "Sorry, big guy," he said, his voice echoing with power. "But I'm not much for blessings. Especially not the kind that come with a side of maggots."

Scabeiathrax recoiled, genuinely surprised by the intensity of Franklin's power. For a moment, doubt flickered across his pustulent features. But it was quickly replaced by rage. "If you will not accept the Grandfather's blessings, Primarch," he roared, "then die!"

The Greater Daemon brandished his weapon, the infamous Blade of Decay. Where it cut the air, reality itself seemed to rot and fester. "Your corpse will serve Nurgle just as well," Scabeiathrax declared.

Franklin's smirk never wavered. If anything, it grew more pronounced. "Big words from a walking compost heap," he retorted. "Let's see if you can back them up."

With that, both titans charged. Scabeiathrax's massive bulk belied his speed, the Blade of Decay whistling through the air in a deadly arc.

The Fight Between Primarch and Greater Demon had Begun.