
The Mira

Wait! They were dealing with demons here?!.

"Yes in fact my daughter isn't normal. She is possessed and that was why I came looking for a priest."

"But how.. how is that possible? She looked normal. She even claimed it was a set up" Isla said completely perplexed with everything.

"I believe she is telling the truth" Oliver said and sighed.

"But how uncle?" Isla turned too look at her uncle with a questioning gaze.

"She is possessed by a high class demon," he said to her "the Mira. It is known for it's skills, plus it can effortlessly pretend to be normal. It can also fake emotions just like earlier," he explained.

"But she was reading a Bible," Ava spoke up.

"Yes that is another scary thing the demon can do"

Amelia's legs shook "what.. what can vanquish it then?"

"It does have a weakness. A morning dew that is blessed, the dew is said to be purified and it takes away anything unholy."

"Do we have that?" It was Logan's turn to ask.

"Yes we do. Pappa gave me a lot for situations like this."

Isla sighed in relief "Good, then we must cast the demon out" she turned to the woman "for how long as she been like that?"

"For two days now."

"We should go back" she turned to her uncle and he gave her a nod.

They were walking back to the room in haste.

Amelia held her sister's arm, stopping her from going further.

"Wait we can't go in" she said with widened eyes.

"What do you mean? We need to go in."

"But how can we deal with demons? We have no experience"

"We don't need that Amelia, let's go in already"


Ava quickly took her hand and dragged Amelia with her.

Meanwhile Devon was there in the room. He stood there with his cold gaze watching the girl.

She fell to her knees instantly, seeing they were all alone.

"My lord. To what do I owe this visit?"

"Hex, you are putting up quite a show," Devon said stalking to where she knelt.

"I'm sure it will please my master. I do hope you do the same, pleasing our master"

"You are in no position to remind me of my duties" he spoke with a cold tone, giving her a deadly stare.

He came closer and leaned down "I'm sure they'll make your death less painful."

He reached out his hand and touched the necklace she wore.

"Master gave it to me," she relay, watching his movement.

"Then it doesn't belong here," he spoke while his eyes were stuck on the necklace.

He pulled the necklace with a light force and it came off.

"M-my lord," she called.

Devon walked back to where he stood before. He glared at the demon for a while before walking out of the room.

Isla saw Devon standing at the door.

"Where is she?"

"Inside" he simply stated.

"She is possessed," she informed him though it wasn't needed because he already knew. She looked at her uncle and Logan before walking to the door to push it open.

The room was dimmer than before "where is she?" Isla asked in a whisper.

The door shut with a loud bang behind them, startling them.

Devon stood still while his eyes looked up slowly with a frown on his face.

A sound of someone breathing through the mouth above them made Isla lift her gaze up to the ceiling only to see the young girl. Probably sixteen years of age hovering above them.

Her hair covered her face as she crawled on the ceiling. She hissed in disapproval before jumping down.

Her back was facing them while she slowly turned her head to look at them with her back still facing them, it was like she had no bones.

This scene made Amelia felt like vomiting.

"You people again!" She hissed and moved her body towards them.

Her eyes were red with black circles beneath them. Her face was pale almost like she was dead.

Oliver stepped away from the rest, walking slowly to where she stood.

"I command you, you foul sprit to leave that body," he commanded still walking towards her.

"Oh you dare command me?" she smirked and launched towards him.

He immediately held her shoulders while she struggled to claw his face.

Her hair covered her face as she kept struggling, trying to wiggle herself from his hold.

He pushed her down on the ground with force.

"I command you to leave this body" he said.

He knelt down with her laying between him, holding her hands above her head. He took out the water and poured it on her face.

She winced and hissed in pain.

"Come out of this body you unclean" he shouted.

The girl successfully freed her hands. She quickly grabbed his shirt but Logan was fast to hold them again and pinned them above her head.

"I said come out!"

The girl yelped in pain. Her eyes gradually changed back to their normal color.

Her face came back to normal. She blanked out shortly.

"I think she's okay now. She just need rest" Oliver informed, getting of the girl.

"We should put her on the bed" Isla suggested.

They laid the girl on the bed "is she dead?" Amelia asked.

"No. She's probably tired, let's give her some time. We need to speak to her mother."

Logan nodded, he and the twins followed Oliver out.

Whereas Isla still stood there looking at the girl who lay on the bed. Her features where soft as she slept peacefully.

Isla turned around to walk out but bumped into Devon.

"What are you still doing here? I thought you left with the rest"

"Aren't you supposed to do the same?"

She lowered her gaze "Umm I just wanted to check if she is really okay"

Silent engulfed them and she had to lift her gaze to see if he was still there.

She cleared her throat "why do you want to be a missionary?"

"I don't."

She tilted her head with a confused look.

"I want to be a priest"


He remained silent and just stared at her.

"Aren't you going to tell me why? Wait, do you really hate conversing that much?"

Still nothing "Huh! You are still saying nothing," she stomped her foot in frustration.

Devon looked at her blankly while Isla's eyes tried to read his expression.

When she got nothing, she became tired "look, I was assigned by papa to guide you through and in order for that to work we need to keep the communication if not there'll be a lot of misunderstandings"

Silence followed what she said "did you even get me?"

Isla let out a breath of frustration "look, I don't know who you are but you're clearly prideful and I hate prideful men," Isla spoke with disgust.

Devon looked pass her shoulder instead and narrowed his gaze.

Looking back at the ranting woman in front of him.

She was so close to him and he disliked that. He wondered how he would possibly tell this loud woman that she was in danger.