
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · 现代言情
49 Chs

Chapter 36

"Just in case you need me next time... I still have a pussy though." She says to him as she uses her hand touching her pussy in front of him.

Calvin got hard and cocky again.

She didn't know who she was messing with, he could go a thousand rounds even so he was not a sex addict, Calvin was the demon Driller.

Calvin was on his baddest modes.

"Lie over the bed." Calvin said to her as he positioned himself over her before he began to dip his dick into her wide pussy, expanding it more.

She's the kind of bitch with a wide pussy... Calvin liked it though but it made him know that she was some sort of fuck addict.

She began to moan again as he continued banging into her non stop.

She screamed the whole house out.

Calvin was sure Arthur would probably laugh or even get horny to the young people moans and the history it must have reminded him of when he was still young... Calvin smiled concerning his thoughts.

Calvin was a crazy imaginator.

Calvin turned her over, giving her doggy style intensely as she moaned out.

Calvin felt a bit sorry for her but he didn't stop… He was paying at least and she was enjoying it really well, so no one lost.

The sex continued as so for hours before he finally cummed in the condom he was putting on.

Calvin released her as he laid over the bed.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked her as she was exhausted over the bed.

"Just feeling kind of paralyzed." She replied to him in return and Smiled.

"Housekeeper!" Calvin called.

In less than a minute, Housekeeper arrived.

Calvin didn't mind leaving his dick bare.

They were both men indeed.

Housekeeper covered his eyes looking elsewhere.

"Young master." He adds.

"Help her, she's paralyzed, or you can go on your own round with her too." Calvin said and she laughed looking at Calvin.

"That's to say, I'd be dead then." She replies.

"Why?" Calvin asked.

"Some old men can be dangerous down there too... Imagine you at his age in the future... Won't you be as dangerous?" She asked and Calvin laughed from her side.

"Young master..." Housekeeper calls.

"Fine, just leave." Calvin said to him.

"Goodness, thank you." Housekeeper replied.

Calvin got up straightening Sira's body and she got up breathing out in return.

"Alright, I will be on my way off now." She says to him in return.

"Okay, love." Calvin said to her as he waved her a bye bye before Arthur came knocking.

"Young master." He calls Calvin.

"Yes." Calvin said back to him in return.

"Are you putting on something now?" He asked and Calvin kept a bit silent.

"I would take that as a no." Housekeeper said to him.

"I am dressed." Calvin said back to him.

He walks in his chauffeur suit as he uses his hand to signal for the maids to sort and arrange the room immediately.

"Housekeeper." Calvin said to him.

"Young master." He replies to Calvin.

"Follow me." Calvin said to him as he walked straight to the toilet bringing down the towel that was around his waist before he lay inside the big top that was full to the brim with warm water as he turned to look back at Me. Arthur who stood professionally at his side… Housekeeper kept staring at him while he was in the bathtub.

"Is there something, young master is worried about? I can get that fixed as fast as possible." He said to him as Calvin kept silent.

"Oh no Arthur." Calvin said to him.

"Then I would be on my way out." He says to him as if he was about to excuse himself.

"Wait." Calvin said, calling back his attention.

"I have something bothering me, Housekeeper." Calvin said to him as he turned to look at Calvin.

"What is that young master?" He said to him as Calvin looked at him.

"No matter how much I fuck all this models... I still don't feel happy inside." Calvin said to him and he walked closer to Calvin.

"Calvin, but why? You need to let go of what happened in your marriage to be in your past while you deal with them, even Chloe must be interrogated for her recent behaviour." Housekeeper says as he gets a comb combing his hair.

"Do you still love your evil first wife Sunil?" Housekeeper asked Calvin.

"Arthur, I miss her." Calvin said to him.

"I know you do, but there is something about getting married, ofcourse she misses you too but it doesn't mean that she still loves you." Housekeeper said to him and Calvin's eyes reddened.

"I think what I need is a woman, personally for myself, someone who I share my feelings with and would genuinely love me for who I am because right now, all the models coming, are here for money and not love... It is love I want because it can heal me Arthur." Calvin said to him.

"Well you see, every man needs his missing rib, that crazy woman that is just as crazy as Pete peterson and will never be faithful to you." Arthur added as he placed his hand over Calvin's shoulders to comfort him.

"Sunil might have loved you in the past, maybe because she thought you had money but the love faded when she saw that you were a nobody, and what did she do to you?" He asked Calvin.

"She left me and my child to die, while she accepted to marry another man." Calvin said back to him and Housekeeper smiled back at him

"You see?... That is because she is not the woman that you will spend the rest of your life with, there is a woman, Calvin, and she might be Chloe." He said as Calvin began to think more.

"I can feel it because all these sad things happening closer to you is because God probably wants to place you two together and it will be even more special than you can ever believe." He said as he tapped Calvin.

"Do you think that person might be Erica?" Calvin asked because she was his only friend in crime right now... So could be the chosen one.

Calvin couldn't bathe properly, he was worried.

He needed Chloe and she wasn't with him.

He felt like his love life was messed up.

Calvin got out of the bathtub after bathing and dried himself off as they walked back into the room.

Calvin then turned back to look at his housekeeper carrying the night wear for him to wear.

"Well, I don't know... It is left for you to find out who your missing rib is." Housekeeper said as Calvin climbed over his bed while he covered Calvin up.

"You could find her in your dreams too." Housekeeper said as he snorted weirdly laughing at Calvin.

Calvin laughs back…"Hahaha!" Like a mature man.

"Goodnight Master Calvin." Housekeeper as he turns off the room light.

"Goodnight Housekeeper." Calvin replied, closing his eyes as he slept off instantly, dreaming of Chloe hiding a deadly secret from him.

He could only Wonder what his system once told him about Chloe holding a powerful secret which he could only get if he ruins her to her lowest, but will Calvin ever have the mind to do such?... It was going to be a difficult task indeed for him.

Calvin could see Chloe back in college.

When they used to date then.

He was the first girl to dis-Vergin her too.

Was there any possibility of Chloe doing something bad to him, in those days?

Calvin soon woke up the next day staring at the room for his phone and as soon as he found it, he checked his WhatsApp and saw Erica's message there already. He clicked it open.

Calvin got up so he could read what she had to say and as he read.

"Good morning sir."

"He brought the documents today."

Calvin called her immediately as Arthur came knocking... He walked, opening the door as Arthur stepped in, seeing that Calvin was on a call.

"So what happened?" Calvin asked her.

"Well he came and I asked him if he wanted the sixty billion dollars to leave but he said no..." She said and Calvin interrupted her.

"Why?" He asked.

"Calm down boss." She said to him and he kept quiet for her to talk.

"He refused the money but wrote a cheque of hundred billion dollars to be withdrawn by a representative of Mr. P." She said to him and Calvin laughed at Petes foolishness.

So aside from signing his contract… He offered $100,000,000,000 only to lose it to Calvin's trick.

"I knew you would be defeated Pete peterson, they're a very greedy set of people, oh well that's good news, hope you have something to give him?" He asked her with a huge smile.

"Yes sir." She replied.

"I got the photos of the land you sent to him but I have a question though." She asked.