
The Possessive Playboy's Love

Axel the most popular playboy at Zyrex University. Like what other people said, what Axel wants, Axel gets. And there is this girl name Alexandra the girl who hates Playboy--- I mean Axel. But what if their faith leads to each other? Can they be together? The Playboy and the Playboys hater? Destiny is playful, cam they deal with it?

Axis10925 · 现代言情
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Agusta Alexandra's POV

After what happen I attend all my subjects, but i keep thinking of how will I say sorry to Axel, if I didn't judge him that easy, I don't have problem right now!

The dismissal came, I immediately go on my dorm. I'm sure Dwiya is waiting for me there.

And I'm also sure she eating a lot of snacks from my drawer.

"I'm already here" I said as I enter our dorm room

"Waahh! You're already here! Look I bought a new dress!" Dwiya said as she show me the pink paper bag

"As always" I said and rolled my eyes and laugh a little.

"Your so mean! I-i just bought it because it's beautiful" she said and pout.

"Dwiya, Everytime we're going to pass by the clothing store for your eyes all the clothes there is cute. So there is nothing new girl, i will not be surprised if tommorow you will have your own store you're buying too mich stuffs" i said and chuckle

"Whatever. So how's you day? Is there any guy who talk to you and get your number?" She said and smile sweetly

"Nothing, and I'm not interested if there is one" i said and go inside our bathroom

"You know? I will not be surprise if you're going to be alone for the rest of your life, like duh!" She said from the other side.

I just shake my head, I didn't reply to her because I'm brushing my teeth inside here. After I finish brushing my teeth i went out of the bathroom room.

"Ahm...Dwiya, can I ask you something?" I said

"Huh? What is it?" She replied

"What if you did something rude to someone, like..ahm..you judge him even though you don't really know him that much, how can will you say sorry?" I ask her

"Uh, your develish side show up again?" She said

I just glared at her as an answer, develish side her face. Well..ahm...ugh whatever!

"Just answer me, okay?" I said irritated

"Fine, well girl in the first place judging someone is really bad. Specially if you really don't know that person so well, sometime even wyou know that person or you're so close to him or her you don't have the rights to judge him. And girl for you question in how you will say sorry, you should be sincere on saying it. And you should be more careful after that" she said while eating the snacks she holding

"Hmm... I'm going to say sorry to him tomorrow" I said

"What?! Him?! Omg! Who is he?" She said like a kidding getting what she wants

"None of your business" i said and get ny pajamas and go inside the bathroom to take a bath and change.

Okay, tommorow I'm going to say sorry to him. Dwiya is right, what i did is wrong to I should take the consequences of my actions.

After dressing up, I immediately walk towards my bed and drop my body kn the bed and open my phone.

356 notification on Facebook?! What the hell is going on? I rarely post a picture or anything on my social media how did i get 356 notification?

I immediately open it to kill my curiosity, my eyes widen in shock. It's a picture of me and Axel in the corridor! And it's not just one picture theybhave a lot?! This is what I'm saying I don't want other people to misunderstand us!

I logout my account, how will i go to school tomorrow?! For sure all his fan girls is waiting for me! My death is coming!

I woke early in the morning, even Dwiya is still sleeping. Well that's not surprising, that's the reason why she's always getting late.

I get our of the building of our dorm, halos malaglag ang puso ko sa nakita ako. It's Axel! He's in front of our building standing and leaning on his car!

"Ahm.... excuse me?" I said

"Good morning, Darling. Let's go tl school together?" He said and smile

"Aren't you mad at me?" I ask

"I want to but damn,Darling. Just remembering you makes me smile" he said and wink

"Stop calling me Darling, and thanks but I can go to school alone. Also sorry for what I said yesterday should not judge you" I said

"It's fine, If you're really sorry. Let's come to school together" he said

"Are you serious? You know yiu can ask me to treat you or anything else" I said trying to convince him

"Darling, I can but my own food. All i want to your time" he wink and open the passenger door of his car

Nakakainis sa dinami dami ng babae sa school bakit ako pa napansin ng isang 'to? I sigh and walk towards his car. Calm down Xandra calm down.

"Did you already eat breakfast?" He ask

"Not yet, sa school nalang" i said looking straight to the road, but he suddenly turn right.

"Huh? Wait, where are you going? You should not turn right" I said being confused

"We're going to eat breakfast first" he said

"No, its fine---"

"Breakfast is important, how can you skip that?" He said with a serious face

"Axel, I told you I'm fine sa school na ako mag kakain. Hindi mo kailangan gawin to" I said convincing him

"We're here" he looked at me and smile

Ugh, this guy is really getting into my nerves! What if some of our schoolmates see us? Ugh this is stressful!

He assisted me to sit, I smiled a little on his gesture. What's with him? Is he seriously wants to be friends with me?

"Order what you want" he said and smile

"Hmm" I replied

We ordered breakfast for us, this is kind of uncomfortable I think some of tye staff here knows Axel.

Are they thinking that we're dating? No, no no they shouldn't think this is that way. I mean we're not really dating!

"I'll be the one to pay the bill, so that i can make it up to you" I said as i about to get ny wallet on may bag

"Nope, let's go" he said and grab my hands as he's about to leave

"What? Wait! Axel we didn't pay yet" i whispered

"You don't need to, Darling" he said and smile

"W-what? I mean why?" I ask confused

"I own this place, you don't need to pay" he said and wink

"But still---"

"Come on Darling don't be stubborn, will be late to school" he said and pull me

He guided me to the car and open the door for me. I bite my lower lips, that's the reason why the staff keep whispering to each other while starting at us!

"You should have said it earlier that you own that place! You're staff might be thinking the wrong thing on what they saw" i said to him

He laughs a little, nakakunot ang nuo kosa inis. What if kumalat yon sa school? That will be a big problem!

"They might think that we're dating! Even know the truth is were not!" I said but he laugh and stop the car suddenly

"Then let's make it real" he said and comes near me

Or face is like 3 inch away from each other. I gulf because of nervousness, but heat is beating so fast like is going to fet out of my chess.

"W-what--" i stutter

"Seatbelt is important, Darling" he said and wink, he put my seatbelt on.

I gulf, i feel like i swallowed my tongue that i can even speak any word. After 10 mins we arrive at school the car is about to enter the school gate when I suddenly stop him.

"I'm fine here" I said and tried to open the door.

"No, we'll go together" he said and go inside

"But---" I said

"No buts Darling" he said

He park his car and unlock our door, he get out of the car. I saw his fan girls outside, I didn't move an inch. I'm afraid of what will happen if the see me with they love of their life, God please help me I still love my life. But suddenly the door on my side open.

"Darling, come on. We will gonna be late" he said

"Stop calling me darling" I whispered

"I want to" he said and give me a teasing smile

"Stop" I irritatedly replied

"Darling let's go" He said louder

I saw his fangirls with a shock reaction. Oh god please save me from this unwanted situation.

"Axel, no" I said in protes

He smiled at me and wink, he unbuckle my seatbelt and pullme gently out of the car.

I'm biting my lower lips in embarrassment and nervousness.

"Good morning everyone" Axel said while holding my hands.

I tried to remove his hands but he resist to let go. To be honest i want to ask the floor to eat me suddenly.

"Would you excuse us, we'll gonna be late if you're going to blocked our way" he said the girl move but stil have their eyes fixed on us.

"Let's go Darling, our biology classes is waiting for us" he said

Oh god save me, please. I still have dreams that I want to fulfill.