
Great Sage of the World, Staff Strikes the Aircraft Carrier (7)

編輯: Henyee Translations

After receiving the order, Yang Kefei quickly said through the walkie-talkie, "Sakura Nation's fleet, listen up. This is the open sea. Let's not talk about ownership here. Now, on behalf of our country, I want to express my stance that we will not give up on the Jing Wei Islands. If the Sakura fleet advances any further, we will treat it as Sakura Nation taking the initiative to start a war. Consequences be beared!"

After saying this, Yang Kefei quickly turned off the walkie-talkie. On the surface of the sea, there seemed to be an invisible boundary that divided this place into two. The flag of the Ancient Kingdom of the East fluttered on the warship, dyeing the sea red. The flag of Sakura Nation paled in comparison to the fiery red flag.