
The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds

After dying, Okami Okaya was transmigrated into a new World, realizing that he had been chosen to become the emissary of Arceus to spread Pokemon among different worlds. Naruto summoning Ninetales? Ace flying on Charizard's back? Spiderman fighting alongside Ariados? Okami will teach them how to become a great Pokemon trainer. The cover is not mine. Downloaded at wallpapersafari. This is only fanfiction. Update Schedule: There will be one regular chapter per day.

sweet_and_sour143 · 漫画同人
100 Chs

Plan (2)

Okami read the note and memorized the address. "I will do it tomorrow. But for now, all I want is my bed."

Baki smiled and signaled him to go upstairs. "Don't worry about dinner. We'll just call you once it is ready."

"Thank you, old Baki." Okami lazily climbed the stairs and plopped on his bed once he reached the room.


Okami was roused up when someone poked his body. He opened his eyes and saw Tomiro who was all smiles.

"Wake up, Boss! Time to eat."

Okami looked at his XTransceiver and realized that it was already 11 PM. "Oh, it's already this late?!"

Tomiro nodded. "I've tried waking you up many times but you did not budge from your sleep. Luckily, you came back from the dreamland this time."

"How did you know about the dreamland?" Okami asked.

Tomiro giggled. "It's a figure of speech, Boss. What's gotten into you, anyway? Still sleepy?"

"Oh, never mind then. You should take a rest, Tomiro-Oniisan. I can handle myself." Okami stood up and went before the mirror and groomed himself.

"Okay, Boss," Tomiro replied and left the room.

When Okami was sure that he looked great, he went downstairs and saw that the table was full of his favorite meals. He was glad that he was being treated like their family. He did not want to waste their effort and gobbled up the whole feast. Fortunately, his body changed and he could finish even a whole cow.

When he was done, he did the dishes and cleaned the area. Looking at the time, it was midnight but he felt revitalized. He felt bored and started tinkering the Pokemon App.


Congratulations in turning Sasuke Uchiha into a Pokemon Trainer.

You've earned 100 PP.

Total PP: 2,130

Total DP: 510


The number of Pokemon Points was back to 2,130. Okami realized that the reward just offset the PP he used to redeem the Pokeball to catch an Abra for Sasuke.

Sighing, he unsummoned the Pokemon App. He wanted to be busy with something to kill the time and hoped that his eyes would start getting droopy as soon as possible.

"Ah, the Google Map!" At one, he activated the skill and the bird's eye view of his territory was reflected inside his mind.

Only the Zubats were flying around, possibly searching for their meal. Okami could see several Pidgeys sleeping on the branches of trees surrounding the Pokemon Center. But he was shocked when he noticed that five ninjas were currently standing at the rooftop.

At once, he chose the Camera-mode. The images were replaced with the ninjas who were doing some activity at his rooftop.

"Are they spying on me? Too bad I can't hear what they're saying." Okami enlarged the faces and recognized the two of them. "Torune Aburame and Fu Yamanaka?! Their younger version, huh?"

Okami knew that Danzo was finally making his move. He did not know what their plans were or if he was just spying on him but anything related to Danzo was dangerous. When he remembered that he could abuse Palkia's skills inside his territory, he smiled and simply waited for them to do their worst.


"Can you see any possible entry point?" Torune asked the auburn-haired ninja as he traced his hands alongside the roof.

Fu shook his head. "I can't even feel any chakra from anyone inside this shop. It's like something is barring my detection."

"You're supposed to be our sensor," one of their older companions remarked. "If you can't do it, then there's no chance that we can do it as well."

Torune grumbled. "Even my bugs can't feel the chakras. It's like everyone is dead inside this shop."

The shortest one in the group did a hand seal and executed his Jutsu but soon frowned. "I can't enter either. The barrier that is erected in this shop is strong."

"Let's report to Danzo-dono about the barrier. The next time we come here, we can try destroying it," Fu concluded as he instructed everyone to leave.


"Oh, they're gone?" Back then, it was clear that they were trying to get inside but Okami did not know what made them leave just like that. "Well, I think they will be back again. Better make some preparations."

Okami went upstairs and lied on his bed while thinking of some random things until he felt sleepy.

It was 6 AM when he woke up again. He teleported to the front yard and started his morning exercise after summoning his pokemon.

When two hours had passed, the Pokemon Center's door opened and Tomiro came rushing out.

"There you are! We've been looking for you inside."

Okami wiped the sweat off his face. "Oh, sorry. I woke up early today and teleported here right away to save time."

Tomiro sighed in relief. "That's fine. Breakfast is ready, Boss."

Okami nodded. "Go ahead, Tomiro-Oniisan. I'll head to my room to change."

Tomiro was about to tell him about the deal when Okami vanished without a trace. "Hah! That kid's getting lazier to even walk." He returned inside the shop and informed Baki that the boy teleported back to his room after doing some physical exercise.

Everyone ate their breakfast after they gathered together at the table. Soon, Baki went to the Healing Station while Tomiro headed to the PokeMart.

Okami, on the other hand, opted to visit the inn and meet Okita. He teleported beside Baki's old house and followed the road leading to the playground.

This was his first time to revisit this place after the berserk pokemon assault five months ago. He was glad that everyone recovered from it and the roads and houses were already restored to its former glory.

Okami walked leisurely, passing by several blocks before reaching the inn, wherein some signage was posted beside the door - The Morning Inn.

"What a weird name," Okami muttered to himself as he entered the place. He looked around and saw a young female receptionist stationed at the counter. The blue-haired civilian smiled at him as soon as their eyes met.

"Welcome to the Morning Inn. I am Keika, how may I help you?"

"Hello, Keika-san. Do you have a guest named Okita Nabi? If you do, please tell that a boy named Okami is looking for him."

Keika nodded and called over one of the staffs, instructing him to inform Okita that she had a guest. He complied with her request and went upstairs. She then shifted her attention to Okami and said, "Please wait at the lounge area."

Okami thanked her and walked towards the lounge area. He waited for about thirty minutes before finally seeing Okita.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Okami-kun," Okita apologized and sat down as well. "Is this about the deal I proposed with Baki-san yesterday?"

"Yes. I came here directly to inform you personally that I accept your proposal. But I also want to modify some of it."

Okita was amazed by the boy's straightforward attitude, which gave her a better impression of him. "Then what do you want to add or change, Okami-kun?"

"When a customer asks your store as to the potions' origins, please do tell them that it came from Konoha's Pokemon Center. And if you do well in promoting my shop outside the village, I will convince the Hokage to turn you into a Pokemon Trainer in return."


Okami nodded. "We're just currently starting and we want the world to know of our shop's existence. I don't care if it will put us in danger when a powerful one tries to steal anything from us because I am also confident with my clan's strength. Besides, I desire to let everyone become a Pokemon Trainer and see the beauty of owning one."

"How can I say no to that after hearing your cause?" Okita answered while the smile on her face was getting wider. She reached out her hand for a handshake, "For our happy cooperation."

Okami grinned and received her hand. "For our happy cooperation."

After sealing the deal, Okami bid goodbye and chose to walk back to the shop instead of teleporting. He enjoyed his leisure time as he watched the kids playing on the street and several merchants peddling their goods. He could even see some ninjas strolling beside the crowd.

Okami finally reached the Pokemon Center. Several people were eyeing on him as he petted his pokemon before he entered the shop, noticing that it was packed with customers. He was happy that his shop was finally doing good.

"Hey, Okami-kun. I've been looking for you."

Okami followed the source of the voice and saw Kakashi heading to his direction. "Hello, Kakashi-sensei."

"Good morning, Okami-kun," Kakashi greeted back. "Are you okay?"

"I'm feeling great! Anyway, do you need anything from me?"

Kakashi nodded. "The Council finally agreed to assign you a team, Okami-kun. Do you have some spare time to meet with your teammates?"

Okami did not expect that they would assign a team for him. He suspected that they rushed this idea because of the coming Chunin Selection exam. "Oh? Why the sudden decision, Kakashi-sensei? Do I need to do something which requires me to be in a team?"

Kakashi sighed, knowing that the kid was simply too sharp, able to detect that something was up. He just decided to be truthful about it and said, "Yes. We still have to check if you have the necessary qualities to become a good ninja."

Okami appreciated that Kakashi was being honest with him. "Sure, Kakashi-sensei. Can you tell me who my teammates are?"

"It's a surprise," Kakashi replied in a sing-song voice. "But I can tell you that you know who they are once you see them."

Okami had no idea who Kakashi was talking about. He had no way to predict this because he was not even included in the Anime and Manga.

Kakashi led him towards the winding road, which Okami found very familiar. When he recognized the shops and the houses they passed by, he asked, "Are we heading to the Academy?"

"Maybe. Just follow me closely and let me read my favorite book, okay?"

Okami's eyes twitched. "Hah! That book again?! A three-part series written by Jiraiya-sama?"

Kakashi stopped walking and stared at the boy. "How did you know that Jiraiya-sama was the author of this book? Did you like reading this as well?"

"Not telling." Okami giggled and refused to budge no matter how many times Kakashi urged him to speak.

Kakashi suspected that the kid was a closeted pervert. "Okami-kun, I know that the story is beautiful but I think you are too young to read this. Trust me."

Okami laughed. "It does not matter. I'm just copying my Sensei so what's not good about it?"

Kakashi looked back and stared at him suspiciously. "Then it's better that you won't read it until you get older."

"Eh? It's just full of the author's unfulfilled fantasies written in the form a book. What's the danger?"

"Never mind." Kakashi was in deep ruminations until they reached the building. "Well, here we are."

"My teammates are inside the Pokemon Intelligence Division?"

Kakashi nodded. "Enter."

The 2nd chapter. XD

sweet_and_sour143creators' thoughts