
The phoenix legend.


Dexter_SLED · 奇幻
22 Chs

4.King type phoenix

In the morning after the night of horror and pain Mariel checked his school countdown.

[1 day, 17 hours]

'There is even less time now for me to do things' he sighed inwardly. He headed towards his mirror and looked at himself again. There was noticeable changes on his face and it was that his face became more handsome. His hair was still black in colour mixed with red colour here and there and his eyes which were brown before were red now.

"But it didn't turn completely red like the others" he said. The scenario which happened last night was a nightmare and they were unable to determine his affinity because his pupils were black and stressed and now they were red.

The elders has called an expert that can help to determine his affinity.

"Hopefully today will be better than yesterday" he said as he took a shower and got dressed.

After going downstairs he saw the three elders in the sitting room on staying on the couch with a calm look on their faces. They didn't leave yesterday as they wanted to finish his awakening first.

'Don't these people ever sleep, or maybe we don't need sleep too. But they should at least shower' he thought as he walked pass them.

After breakfast Mariel searched through the internet to see recent events happening in solace academy. He saw a video tagged 'Energy outburst destroyed the forest' and tapped it.

[There has been a recent outburst of energy at a far distance but not not too far away from solace academy, the sudden outburst was gone one minute later according to the scientists report. This mysterious mysterious energy seems to be so destructive that it cleared out over two kilometers of land turning everything to ashes. The scientists are yet to give an explanation for the scenario happening in the area as they said that they need to further their tests.

And now, for the solace academy's most gifted students we have .....

And now for the solace academy's new students that will be arriving soon, be careful on your journey.....].

(Strange energy from last night huh. Could it be that my awakening energy will reach that far. No the elder said that all of them contained the energy in the house, also the place is even far away). He removed his mind as he was thinking about impossible things.

*Ding dong*

The doorbell rang and Mary went to open it.

"Welcome Mister Williams" Mary greeted an old man in his early fifties that was emitting an aura of superiority. And his hair was gold just like the elder that demonstrated his partial transformation yesterday.

"So, I heard that there is an unknown affinity, that you want to find out the affinity that your son has?" he asked as he walked in.

"Yes" Mary replied.

"Bring him to me" Mister Williams said in a demonding and authoritive tone.

After a short talk Mary called Mariel downstairs to continue his test.

Mariel came downstairs with a complex look on his face.

"So mariel, I want you to close your eyes and don't move" after taking out a medium sized rectangular machine the elder activated it and in the next moment a transparent screen floated above it. "It seems like your the machine cannot determine your affinity with your aura" Mister Williams said. "Okay now close your eyes" immediately Mariel was told he closed his eyes and in the next moment he felt a sharp pain on his finger and a warm liquid running down from it.

And indeed it was his blood. When the blood dropped on the machine, words started forming on the virtual screen.

[Affinities: fire, lightning,light,darkness

Bloodline: Chaos phoenix bloodline

Blood strength: King type. ]

The elders stared at the screen with wide eyes. 'weird' Mariel thought. They were all surprised, the most surprised out of them was Mister Williams. "Huh...I have not seen that bloodline ever since your great grandfather." Mister Williams said in bewilderment.

"So you don't know what it is?" Mary asked. "No! But I can dig up some information" Mister Williams said as he prepared to leave.

"Also, this chaos bloodline originally belong to the moonlight phoenix, but I will make my research and get back to you in a few days" Master Williams said.

"What of his affinities?. Light and darkess can't possibly correlate with each other.

Mister Williams then packed his things and made his way out of the house.

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