
Timeskip and UA

[3 years later] [Ao's POV]

After all those training and fights, I can finally go to school. UA was always our goal. Toya did accompany us for our 'conquest' but he was mainly only with us for a year or so and that too only between months. Right now he is with dad becoming a hero apprentice.

Anyways, we are now going to UA for our test with dad. Grandma returned to the USA to get some work done and since we are going to UA anyways she will only be back after a few months.

Yesterday, dad got two recommendations for us but I want to take the regular test. Shoto was also keen on taking it but a little manipulation on my part made my cute, now rather emo, brother pumped up about the recommendation test.

Shoto said, "I don't think we will have anyone that can win against us, rather I doubt that anyone can come even near your score." Aww, he is so cute like this. I know I'm a bro-con, I know that and it creeps others so I keep it a secret.

"Don't underestimate your opponents in the first lesion grandma taught us, remember?" I said to Shoto with a serious face.

"Hmph, it's only with villains and stronger heroes. I don't think a group of school kids can win against us. Toya also said it yesterday." He replied.

Haa, my little brother really is one of a kind. I know that he sees me as a rival since he made it clear after an incident 2 years ago but still.

But to be honest he isn't wrong either. In these 3 years me and Shoto have teamed up to defeat people who are way stronger than us. Plus that is when we didn't use our quirks. Or at least fully use them in Shoto's case.

I on the other hand have been making myself stronger by repeating a simple yet torturous routine i.e. break every bone and tear every muscle and repair them instantly. This way the new and healed bones and muscles become stronger and stronger. I have been doing this since I was 8 years old.

Grandma and dad helped a lot by sparring with me. To be honest, these days I don't even feel much pain when I break my bones. Or get stabbed. It is disturbing and weird but it's how I trained to get strong so no complaints there.

I am very powerful. I can perfectly control my flames with OH and burn what I want, I can heal a broken bone immediately, and I can also regrow limbs in a matter of seconds in passive mode. It takes time in active mode but I can do it at a visible rate, like Deadpool.

CH is also improving but unlike the original where you can use it in attacks, I can't do it with mine. Bummer but still, I can knock even dad out but the side effect is that my head hurts like hell and I can heal it to recover from that. It happens naturally.

My biggest accomplishment is still my logia in active mode. I can get in and out of logia as long as I am not fighting where I need much more concentration. But the opposite is still hard to do.

I can make my hands solid in passive mode for 3-4 minutes tops which is not much but is doable in a fight.

All in all, when fighting without any handicap, only dad and grandma can stop me. Well that also because they have more knowledge in fighting with quirks than I do. His interns or some common villains we met are no match for me.

I am this powerful isn't just because of my quirk, no, my battle instinct from the past has played a huge role. And has made me adapt with my quirk like magic.

Anyways, here we are, UA's gate. Dad took Shoto with him leaving me too my own.

It's 8:40 AM. I am currently in front of the main gate of UA high. In front of me a boy with green hair and a girl with brown hair are talking with each other. Why is this guy hyperventilating? A virgin?

I didn't want to disturb these two so I went around them. I found the room with a sign that said "Exam Orientation" and went inside. Man, this room is huge.

After waiting for some time, Present Mic, a pro hero, came in and started to rail everyone up but to his disappointment, no one backed him up.

I was thinking if I should yell like he wanted but also didn't want to get stuck with a weird impression. Oh he did it again. Haha this man sure is a bomb of extrovertness.

After that he began explaining the rules and all. He got interrupted by a rude and loud elite boy but he continued his explanation till the end.


So from Present Mic's explanation and that loud guy who calls others loud it seems collecting points by defeating robots as much as possible is the key. Humm. Why put 0 points? Maybe several and easy spam robots or a few bigger ones? Well it wouldn't matter if it's nothing impressive.

Looking around I saw a boy with green hair that looked out of place and nervous as hell. But man that green hair boy sure looks like a weak guy.

My Battle Center is venue E. Can't really see any old faces around.

Some are looking at me since I do have a good face, am taller than most people and mainly because I have a blindfold on. In total, a badass looking handsome boy.

NPC A: "Oi, that guy has a blindfold on and is walking pretty fine. Awesome."

NPC B: "Hump, maybe he is blind or something. He does look like just a boy with a pretty face."

NPC C: "Kyaa, he looks like an idol."

I looked toward NPC C and gave her a smile. Then "Kyaa" was all I heard from her.

I then waited around a few minutes then I heard, "Hai Start!" from Present Mic.

I ran as soon as I heard that. With my OH, finding robots was as easy as breathing.

I could hear Present Mic shouting something to other people but why do I care? I found quite a few 1 pointers and some 2 pointers towards my 1200 (Straight up ahead). I destroyed them quickly with pure strength and went to find more.

Yes, I'm that strong. Though it does make me bleed, but I heal faster. I should probably not do that again.

After going a few meters in, more and more robots could be seen. I coated my fist in flames and attacked. Not too much power but still enough to destroy it inside out.


I have to say, this is getting boring real quick. I mean I have been doing this for sometime now and gathered many points for myself. Maybe I should do something hero-like and let others gather points.

Even if it's a test, there should be a limited number of these robots since there are only about 7 or 8 similar Battle Centers.

5 minutes in helping some weak looking ones that got under rubbles or broken robots.

I should have earned around 110 points for defeating these robots. And looking at these people they have around 40 to 50 points max. The highest is that guy with the same hairstyle as mine but black and a headband that comes only till his forehead.


Man it's been 8 minutes since we started and my total is at 150. I only used basic attacks and flew around, like Ironman or that Fire Force's protagonist with a creepy smile, looking for any robots to destroy or people that needed my help.

I originally wanted to impress the heroes watching but this is getting more disappointing and boring.

Suddenly, the ground starts to shake and behind me, a big ass robot is looking down at us.

Finally, about time something challenging comes in. I hope this guy can give me some thrill.

I looked around to find if anyone other than me is interested in fighting this robot. By all means I don't need help, but it would be good to know someone who can work up the courage. Alas, no one even looked this way.

A hero should stop villains that are ramping around rather than running. Even if this guy doesn't give out any points, it can still cause havoc which can lead to injury.

Maybe I'm expecting too much from these kids. Seems like I'll deal with this guy on my own.

[Some time ago in the hero teacher room]

Teacher A: "Looks like everyone is doing fine. Especially that boy. If I'm right he is Endeavor's son right?"

Nezu: "Yup. He sure is something. In under 4 minutes he gained more than 100 points. Only a 100 short from breaking All Might's record. Endeavor did say that his older son was strong by a large margin from others but this boy only has used his quirk to mildly enhance his strength."

Teacher B: "True. It seems he is holding back and not by a large margin. He is taking this exam like a joke haha." He laughed as he concluded.

Nezu: "Originally I sent a recommendation letter to Endeavor for his twin sons but it got refused for the older one and only the younger twin took it. If what Endeavor described about his flames are true, then it can be something very destructive and very helpful at the same time."

Cementos: "What type of flame is it?"

Nezu: "'Phoenix Flames' is what Ao-kun named it. A Flame that can even burn fire itself and freeze atoms. At the same time can heal serious injuries too, though only his own."

Everyone in the room was shocked. To think that his flames could do so much more, they couldn't help but look at him with interest.

Nezu: "I even got a phone call from Akiho-san too. Ao-kun is her personal disciple after Enji-kun."

Cementos: "Todoroki Akiho. A person known as a monster that can fight equally with All Might. Also USA's number 1 hero before she retired a decade ago."

All Might nodded, "Umm. Akiho-san was the only person who could give me a hard time. If not for my higher stamina and endurance I would have lost against her."

Everyone was surprised. All Might's equal? That was a concept few could imagine. The room was silent until a teacher said, "Well, now let's start the main event."

He pressed a switch and the ground started shaking in all Battle Centers.


[3rd person's POV]

People were running away from the monstrosity that appeared out of nowhere. No one in any Battle Center wanted to waste their time and power on this guy. Well, except for 2 people. One guy that wanted to save a girl while another that wanted to have some fun.

Ao ran towards the 0 pointer and flew towards its head. When he reached its head, he put his fire out. His right hand from his shoulder till his fist was covered in blue flames. The air around his hand started to get heated up and he hit the robot square in its face.

But to his surprise, the robot only had a massive dent on it. To be honest he underestimated the robot by a large margin and used only 10% or so more power in this one. It was not surprising since the interior of the robot was hollow but he didn't think that the robot could have some heat resistance too or more like the metal was heat's enemy.

He covered his body in flames but this time went with ice. He flew towards it and touched it's head. He saw it's arm coming towards him so he froze it in a matter of seconds by covering the entire robot in flames.

Everyone on the ground looked with their eyes wide. They couldn't believe what they saw.

A guy that looked like he had blue flames for feet flew towards the huge robot and punched it. He managed to bend the dam robot too and when that didn't work, he froze it in a matter of seconds.

As soon as the robot hit the ground, Present Mic stopped the exam.

With this the entrance exams came to an end.

If you have read this fanfic previously, then yes I kept many things same since they were originally planned and I am too lazy to write something new.

Evilest_Godcreators' thoughts